Tuesday, September 10, 1985/The Battalion/Page 5 m Uni- [hi dii- pf 27. Mcmo- leering : ot the jsidetu IY itring a i. to 10 course : insur- !0. Call > > .*d more ex- as in 1983,; nvestigated ral authori- gures. jlosives and Is are using motives - ests, extor- id murder, gs in Texas ■ f ederal re-! nation r injured 16C in damage bombs are; th flarnma-' powder on rid. it ion of the ib. and de- gence the, r very com-! i. ive turned; uarries and ry, both of! explosives, i large geo- and we also businesses said Rich- gent of the Texans incomes rise slower than overage Crime prevention A&M police offer advice on safety, property protection Associated Press By ANTHONY S. CASPER Reporter Despite the Aggie Code of Honor — "Aggies do not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate tlro.se who do" — over S240,()()() of private property has been stolen at Texas A&M in an 11-month period. Most thefts which have oc curred in the period ending July 31 have resulted from owners’ negligence and failure to protect their property, University Chief of Police Elmer E. Schneider says. “Many of the thefts that have been reported have resulted f rom non-forced entry burglaries,” Schneider says. “This means that the thief used an unlocked or open door to gain entry. T he only person to blame is the victim, since that person didn’t take the necessary precautions to protect the property. “There are three things that must be present for a crime to oc cur. These include the ability of the person committing the crime, the desire to commit the crime and the opportunity to commit the crime. Unfortunately, the only element the intended victim can reduce or remove is the op portunity." Bicycles are one of the biggest opportunity items for a thief. During the 11-month period. University police received 322 re ports of bicycles stolen valued at $45,349. “Many of these, even though they have been reported as sto len, will never get hack to their hardened and buy the biggest one you can afford. When a po tential thief sees that, he’s less likely to spend the extra effort to steal the hike. He’ll just keep looking for one that has a cheap lock or is unchained." Schneider says jewelery is an other “hot” item, as are stereos and televisions. To help identify stereos, televisions and other large items, the drivers’ license n amber should be engraved on the back of the item and the serial and model number of the item should be recorded. Schneider says jewelery should he photographed and a detailed description of it should be written down. He also says to keep the sales receipt for the item. This will make any insurance claim easier and will provide a record, which may help the police. Electric engravers are available for overnight check-out from both the University and College Station police. There is no charge to use the engravers and the po lice will provide a demonstration. “There are also numerous things students can do to help protect themselves personally," Luedke says. ‘‘The most impor tant of these is to be observant of the area you live in. Make sure you know your neighbors and they know you." The University Police and the College Station Police have pam phlets and booklets available that tell how to make a residence se cure. Both departments also will able to both the dorm and off- • Never leave curtains open if WASHINGTON — Texans in- cxeased their incomes in 1984 at a slower rate than their fellow Ameri cans in other states, probably due to a downturn in the oil industry and a population increase, according to figures released Monday by the U.S. Department of Commerce. T he state dropped two notches in the national ranxings for per capita personal income, going from 19th place in 1983 to 21st in 1984, accord ing to the department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. The BEA said the average Texan made $12,572 last year, $217 below the national average. The state’s per capita income in creased 8.5 percent from 1983 to 1984, but at a slower rate than the national increase of 9.4 percent. Nationally, 1984 state per capita income ranged from $17,487 in Alaska to $8,777 in Mississippi, the report said. In agency’s southwest region, which includes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma, said the BEA, “the increase in total personal income was well below thfc national average. Increases in earnings were small m both durables and nondura bles manufacturing, construction and mining.” The region’s population increased 1.3 percent, “well above the 0.9 per- Associated Press EL PASO — An El Paso lawyer said he will go to Los Angeles this week to talk with the man suspected of a string of California killings blamed on the “Night Stalker.” Lawyer Manuel Barraza said he plans to meet with Richard Ramirez at the request of the accused’s fam ily. He said he hopes to associate with El Paso criminal defense attor ney Joseph “Sib” Abraham in the case. Abraham confirmed late Sunday he is considering joining the defense of Ramirez, 25, an El Paso native who moved to California about seven years ago. Ramirez was charged last week with one count of murder and seven cent increase in the nation,” said the BEA. Texas’ population increased 1.3 percent. While the state’s population of about 16 million was 6.8 percent of the nation’s populace, Texas per sonal income was $201 billion, 6.7 percent of the national figure. The state was third in total income behind California, with $371 billion and New York, with $254 billion. California ranked 5th in per ca pita income, with $14,487. New York was 7th, with $14,318. Texas has recorded a 16.3 percent increase in per capita personal in come since 1981, the agency said. Total personal income has increased 26 percent during the period, with an almost 10 percent increase from 1983to 1984. Ten states had especially high in creases in per capita personal in comes from 1983 to 1984 — at least 7 percent higher than the national average. They were, in order, Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Ar kansas, Georgia and Connecticut. Twenty-one states recorded in creases of at least 7 percent below the national average. The 10 lowest were, from the bottom up, Alabama, Montana, Wyoming, Washington, Hawaii, Louisiana, North Dakota, New Mexico, West Virginia and Idaho. other felonies stemming from two early-morning attacks in Los An geles County during May. The “Night Stalker,” blamed for a series of attacks on people in their homes at night, is thought to be re sponsible for 14 slayings in Califor nia since February. Barraza said his first priority would be to seek to have Ramirez’ trial moved out of Los Angeles. “That shouldn’t be much of a problem,” he said. “The public senti ment there is just too great against this guy.” He said it it would not be possible to move the case out of California, he would seek to move it to a com munity where the coverage has not been as intense as in Los Angeles. original owners, Schneider says. “This is because the owner never took the time to register the hike with us or even write the serial number down. If we do recover a bike, how do we know who it be longs to?" Lt. David Luedke of the Col lege Station Police Department agrees. “Bicycles are fast becoming the ultimate item to steal,” Luedke says. “Don’t lock them, or use a cheap lock, and the next thing you know’ it’s gone. “The best locks have case hard ened steel shanks at least one- quarter to one-half inch thick. The rule of thumb for chains is to make sure that they also are case conduct a security survey of a res idence upon request. Escort services are available at night on campus for females who need the extra security. T he University Police will assist you, if a unit is available, when you call 845-2345. T he Corps of Cadets will provide an escort if you come by the guard room or call 260-1155. Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity runs the Blue Light Shuttle through all the parking lots on campus from 6 p.m. to midnight, Monday through Saturday. The College Station Police Department will as sist people who call 764-3600. These escort services tire f ree. Emergency hotlines are avail- campus student. On-campus stu dents should dial 9911 for any emergency call. Operators are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even when the University is closed. Off-campus students may call 911 for emergency assistance. Luedke says there are several common sense measures students can take to protect themselves and their property: • Don’t leave personal belong ings unattended m public places. • Lock doors and windows be fore leaving. • Leave a light on that will shine through the curtains if yon don’t expect to be back until after dark. no one is at home. • Register bicycles with the University Police and lock bicy cles to racks with sturdy locks and chains. • Travel in groups whenever possible. • Have your keys ready when approaching the car. • Check the back seat before getting into the car. • Mark all valuable items with engravers or indelible ink mark ers. • Lock the door when leaving even if you will only be gone for a few minutes. • Be observant and suspicious of your environment. Lawyer says he will attempt to move 'Night Stalkeh trial OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENTS lilies for oil t ies are iht r explosive said. taut special a in Hous- thefts were district be- h. f e in Hoiifs- rn half of Mexico. endless summer Keep your tan alive — don’t let it fade just because school’s starting! Walk over to TAN U between classes — it’s conveniently located in Northgate. Your first session is free! One 30-minute session on a TAN U Solaire Sun Systems tanning bed is like spending 3-5 hours in the sun. A few between-class sessions a week can keep your tan alive. Grand Opening Special September 3-14 Buy 10 sessions and get 2 free. Buy 5 sessions and get 1 free. Ribbon cutting September 9. Register to win a “tan” — 10 free sessions. TANU In the past, certain information has been made public by Texas A&M University as a service to students, families, and other interested individuals. Under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974", the following directory information may be made public unless the student desires to withold any or all of this information. Student's name, address (local and permanent), telephone listing, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, race, major, classification, dates of attendance, class schedule, degrees awarded, awards or honors, class standing, previous institution or educational agency attended by the student, parent's name and address, sports participation, weight and height of athletic team members, parking permit information, and photograph. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of this information should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to all students at the Registrar's Office, no later than 5 p.m. Friday, September 20, 1985. R. A. Lacey Registrar Fitness Is Fun At “Royal Oaks’ STUDENT SPECIAL FOUR MONTHS FOR ONLY $49.00 That’s right only $49.00 with no initiation fees or card fees. You get to use our weight room, ten nis and racquetball courts (court fees ex tra), swimming pools, and locker rooms with whirlpools, saunas and steam rooms. Usage is limited to non-prime time but you still have over 90 hours per week. Remember fitness is fun at Royal Oaks where you get so ROYAL. PSACZaUET much more for your money. 4343 Carter Creek Parkway FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL 846-8724