The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 09, 1985, Image 11

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    Monday, September 9, 1985/The Battalion/Page 11
Mne the following:
by Jeff MacNelly
African harvest better distribution poor
Associated Press
NAIROBI, Kenya — Most Afri
can countries severely hit by famine
last year can expect decent harvests
this season, but poor distribution of
food aid is still costing lives, a United
Nations agency reported Sunday.
In Sudan, in particular, people
are bound to starve in coming
months even though the govern
ment and foreign donors are trying
to speed up food delivery, the Food
and Agriculture Organization said
in its latest monthly report on Af ri
ca's food situation.
“Internal logistic bottlenecks, ex
acerbated by recent heavy rains, are
preventing the distribution of the
aid already received and causing se
vere port congestion,” the FAC) said
of the plight of Sudan and some
other countries.
“Thus, stocks held in port or at
anchorage total 350,000 tons in Su
dan and 200,000 tons in Ethiopia,
while serious backlogs of food aid
continue to be reported for Mali and
Niger,” said the report, released in
Nairobi and based on information
received up to Sept. 2.
The FAO said food supply has re
turned tea normal in eight of the
countries —Burundi, Kenya, Leso
tho, Morocco, Rwanda, Tanzania,
Zambia and Zimbabwe — and that
overall “the harvest prospects are
much better than last year in most”
ol the 21 •
But it added: "Despite the gener
ally favorable outlook for 1985
crops, the . . . food emergency con
tinues to worsen in several countries
where port congestion and internal
distribution constraints are prevent
ing the delivery of food to needy
The FAC) said recent heavy rains
have impeded distribution in some
countries and cited Sudan as “a
cause for particular concern." The
agency said the huge northeast Afri
can country needs 1.4 million tons of
food aid during the current year,
but only 1.1 million tons had been
received as of the end of August.
“Of this, some 350,000 tons were
stored at Port Sudan or at
anchorage,” the report said.
The United States has provided
three military helicopters to help
clear the backlog, and the European
Community seven C-130 transport
In Ethiopia, the FAO said, “the
food supply situation remains crit
ical,” with an estimated 7.9 million of
the population of 42 million affected
by famine.
“This situation will not improve
until the main season harvest be
comes available for consumption to
wards the end of the year,” the
agency said. “Although food distri
bution to vulnerable groups has im
proved during the past months, an
estimated 20 to 25 percent of the af
fected population in the northern
provinces are still not receiving reg
ular food rations."
PACS spent millions in 1984
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — Political
action committees and individuals
spent nearly S23 million on the 1984
election, much of which was dis
bursed by conservative groups for
what turned out to be a sure thing —
Ronald Reagan's re-election.
* The biggest individual spender
was Michael Goland, a rich Califor
nia businessman who staged a one-
man advertising campaign to help
unseat former Sen. Charles Percy,
R-Ill., and spent $419,573, accord
ing to a report on independent ex
penditures released Sunday by the
Federal Election Commission.
The National Conservative Politi
cal Action Committee, which won a
Supreme Court victory over the FEC
last March ensuring its right to
spend unlimited amounts indepen
dently, shelled out $9.8 million for
President Reagan.
NCPAC also spent $289,995
against Democratic challenger Wal
ter F. Mondale and $ 116,000 against
Mother Democrats and Sen. Lowell
P. Weicker Jr. of Connecticut, a lib
eral Republican.
All told, conservative PACs spent
$15.8 million promoting Reagan’s
re-election, while liberals spent only
$803,923 on their own trying to elect
Mondale. There was $343,835 worth
of negative expenditures against
Reagan and $445,240 against Mon
A campaign expenditure is con
sidered independent if the activity it
finances is not organized by or coor-
dinated with a candidate's campaign.
James C. Moore, a real estate in
vestor from Dripping Springs,
T exas, was the second biggest indi
vidual spender by virtue of the
$79,934 lie spent in a losing cause:
the U.S. Senate race of former Dem
ocratic Slate Sen. Lloyd Doggett
against Phil Gramm, the Democrat-
turned-Republican winner.
Another Texan, Houston busi
nessman Cecil Haden ranked third
in individual expenditures by spend
ing $40,386 to promote Reagan’s re-
It was widely reported last year,
based on reporters’ scrutiny of FEC
records as well as a statement by Go-
land’s attorney, that the California
developer had spent more than $1
million on negative commercials,
mailings and billboards against
Percy, then chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.
Goland, a staunch supporter of Is
rael and pro-Israeli politicians, ac
cused Percy of being “a chameleon.”
But Sharon Snyder, an FEC
spokeswoman, said the $419,573
“was all the man reported.” Goland
could not be reached for comment
Friday at his construction company
in Chatsworth, Calif.
The FEC said that $17.4 million
of the $22.8 million in independent
expenditures in 1983-84 went to the
presidential race. Four years earlier,
when NCPAC began flexing its di
rect mail fund-raising muscle to op
pose the Carter-Mondale ticket,
some $13.7 million of $16.1 million
in independent expenditures was
spent on the White House race.
Independent expenditures in
congressional races actually fell,
from $5.75 million spent in the 1982
elections to $5.3 million in 1984. But
that was still more than double the
$2.3 million spent independently in
the 1980 House and Senate race.
In past elections, the bulk of inde
pendent expenditures in congressio
nal races was spent on negative cam
paigns. But in 1983-84, almost two-
thirds of the money was spent to
promote favored sons and daugh
ters, from Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.,
to Gramm in Texas to such success
ful Republican challengers for
House seats as Robert Dornan in
California, Jim Kolbe in Arizona and
Helen Delich Bentley in Maryland.
Dornan and Kolbe each had $54,000
spent on their behalf; Bentley had
Helms had $583,310 spent inde
pendently for him and $812,590
against him. The North Carolina
Campaign Fund, a group hoping to
see then-Gov. Jim Hunt overcome
Helms, accounted for $765,936 of
the negative expenditures.
The National Rifle Association
Political Victory Fund, the American
Medical Association PAG and the
Realtors PAC — all longtime major
direct contributors to congressional
campaigns — each rang up hun
dreds of thousands in independent
expenditures, free of the $5,000-
per-election limit on direct PAC
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