The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 06, 1985, Image 6
Page 6/The Battalion/Friday, September 6,1985 ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS ASM 1 NATIONAL HANK J DANCE INSTRUCTORS NEEDED Aggie Men’s Club ^ □ “AGGIES FIRST” An Alternative to Fraternities Christian Fellowship through social and service events. Selection Parties! Sunday, Sept. 8: Picnic, 2 p.m. Bee Creek Park Tuesday, Sept. 10: Party 8 p.m. , Oakwood Apt. Party Room Thursday, Sept. 12: Party 8 p.m. Treehouse Village Party Room For more information call John Laubaucher 260-4560 or Trey Bounds 776-8739 So cie-tjs Auditions for Ballet, Tap, Technique, Jazz, Point, and Aerobic dance teachers will be: Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in East Kyle For information call: Karen 693-3490 4 Cindy 260-3563 WE RE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD DANCERS The Advanced Swing Class At Graham Central Station Is Starting Thursday Sept 12. We won’t bore you by teaching you what your already know. Instead, we will start with advanced swing moves like male and female double spins, continuous walkarounds, and much more! Come join the only Swing class in town. . . .and add some flash to your dance. Call John Benson (693-1663) For Info Sponsored By ENVE #CONTINENTAL AIRLINES PRESENTS ousran STYLE! The Oak Ridge Boys HOST A 1-HOUR ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL FEATURING: if Janie Fricke ★ Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers Band ★ Lee Greenwood if Charley Pride ★ George Strait ★ Conway Twitty if PLUS, Houston Rodeo Finals’ Highlights Sunday Night 6:30 P.M. KAMU CHANNEL 15 Software designed for fishing contest By KAREN MCINTOSH Reporter A Texas A&M student has re cently developed a computer pro gram to aid in the management of fresh and salt water fishing tourna ments. Raymond Bartley, who graduated with both Computer Science and Recreation and Parks degrees in Au gust, wrote the Fishing Tournament Information and Retrieval System while attending A&M. “Ray deserves all the credit. He initiated it and . carried it through,” said Dr. Robert Ditton of the Department of Recreation and Parks, under whose guidance Bart ley worked. Funded by the Sea Grant College Program, the software package will be available within a month and will cost approximately $175, Ditton said. He said that the program is de signed to run on five different per sonal computers. The need for such a program grew out of doubts about the fairness of a manually-run system of scoring. “The participants questioned how it (the tournament) was being run,” Ditton said. “There were even prob lems determining who the winners were.” The program would help keep correct and updated records such as the participant’s name, address, divi sion of competition and points earned from each fish caught, Mark Nye, a computer science student, said. Nye was in charge of demon strating the program during several tournaments this summer. “There is a growing trend toward more tournaments,” Ditton said. “Most of the tournaments are only 3 years old. “Another reason for the program is to get them to operate and adver tise the tournaments more efficient- *y” II marketed properly, the tourna ments can benefit tourism in cities such as Port Aransas ami Galveston, he said. Since the number of fisheries art declining and the number of fishing tournaments at e increasing, Ditton said the software program would help conserve and manage the fish cries. “The system provides means tt record all the fisn that were ca in an area," he said. Ditton described the software* menu-driven, so filling in the blank is all that is necessary to fit the pm gram to each tournament. “It is generic software," Ditto said. "The program is designed 1« pe< aple who have only minimal expt rience with computers.” MUSIC EXPRESS R.C.A. RECORDS & A&M RECORDS PRESENT THEIR FAMOUS!! STOREWIDE DARYL JOHN HALL & OATES LIVE AT THE APOLLO mm WITH DAVID RUFFIN & EDDIE KENDRICK Ljiji BE YOURSELF TONIGHT pif M** m fir ' ^ - i „ -k m MFG. LIST PRICE —ALL ALBUMS— -ALL CASSETTES. THE DREAM C FHE BLUE TURTLES SQUEEZE COSIFAN TUTTI FRUlTlI BRYAN ADAMS THE POINTER SISTERS Contact 1 I & DAT!! — OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT — SALE ITEMS AIM) IMPORTS SOT INCLUDED — — FREE SHINER BOCK WHILE IT LASTS — M/Kir Fxmess OPEN 10-10 725-B UNIVERSITY DRIVE “Behincl^kaggs & McDonalds” 846-1741