The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 06, 1985, Image 4
Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT casa del sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Basketball Goals Jacuzzi On Premise Security Large Party Room On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week 401 Stasney College Station Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 696-3455 D. R. CAIN RENTALS *now preleasing* $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue Cramped in your dorm or apt.? Then check with Casa Blanca Apartments They are offering an early fall spe cial. 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment for 2 people for only $200. per month. They’re only 6 blocks fromcampus. Call 846-1413 or go by 4110 College Main in Bryan. Short walk from ASM LARGE one bedroom duplex. 203B Church Street. $250./month. 693-0982, 693- 1783 3t9/l 7 HELP WANTED Church Organist We are looking for a committed Chris tian to become our organist/choir direc tor and to share in our worship of Je sus Christ. Please inquire: Rev. Dick Grant, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, ^avasotaJ409^25^72^^^^^jt»6 Graphics artist with caligraphy and/or sign painting skills. Earn $150. - $700. per week - contract basis. Work own hours. Salient Advertising (Corporation. 775-7885. H9/6 STUDENTS wanted to judge wargames for the COL LEGE STATION SURVIVAL GAME. Must have ex- erience playing game. 4-16 hours/wknd. Starts 4.00/hr. 764-1066. 4t9/06 Student needed to clean nursery school. 3:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday. 846-5571. 3t9/10 Housework MWF, 2:30 - 5:30, cleaning 8c meal prepe- ration. $4./hr., phone 693-6043 after 6. 3t9/10 Responsible student to pick-up from school and care for two children. 15 hours a week. Call after 5:30. 696- 3523. 2t9/9 Part time housekeeper wanted 3 hours on Thursdays. 693-0022. 119/6 ■'h»Hk ietu y apartment. All utilities paid. $200. monthly, ^$60. deposii. 2500 labor Road, after 5, 823-1179. „(fnlv single. 2t9/9 ’'Spacious room in nkeBrvan home for student. Lease negoiiahlr. kitchen privieges. $ 195.00/month. 764- 7937. 119/6 *‘^hriu duplex, $200./mo., no hills paid, trees, washer • J*»nnr< lions. 822-2969 or 779-9249 after 5:30. lt9/6 Babysitter from 5:00 to 7:00 Monday thru T hursday. 775-3153 after 5p.m. 3t9/10 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time, (.all for appointment. Keyboard Center. Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tfn Part time handyman needed. Carpentry and plumbing experience. Own transportation. 20+ hours and Sat urdays. Beal Realty. 823-5469. lt9/6 ATTENTION STUDENTS If yu are dissatisfied with your current living conditions, S.U.S. Apartments can help. For a limited time only, we will give you a $100. moving allow ance off of your first month rent. S.U.S. offers large 2 bed room, 1 bath apartments. Each unit has new carpet, new paint and new energy saving appliances. Rent is $298. with 'a 9 month lease. We are lo cated 4 blocks from campus at the intersection of Spruce and Boyett. Call 846-7506 for more ^ details. 519/12 HELP WANTED Aerobic instructor training and certification. Call fit ness Services of T exas for fall workshop schedule. 764- 8259. 193t8 THE FARM PATCH Help wanted. Apply in person M - T, 1 - 3 P.M. 3519 S. Col lege. 779-7209. ^ 9tQ/1R WORD PROCESSOR Management prof, needs 1 stu dent or housewife part time. Prefer Decmate experience. $7.00 hour. Flexible hours. Call Janet at 845-4888 319/10 NOW HIRING Full or part time help. Hours to fit schedule. Students or house- wifes. $3.65 hour. Whataburger 1101 Texasin Bryan or 105 Do- minikin College Station. CHANELLOS PIZZA NOW HR1NG DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr., 20% commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Apply at 2406D T exas Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 186tl3 Student wanted for cleaning and minor repair of paint- pellet guns and other equipment for COLLEGE STA TION SURVIVAL GAME. One evening per week. $3.35/hr. 764-1066. 4t9/10 Front desk clerk position available. Friday-Saturday, 3 p.m -11p.m. Apply in person. Inn at Chimney Hill. 3t9/30 Delivery person needed. Salary plus commission. Eve nings 8c Weekends. 846-6428, ask for Dave. 3t9/6 Part time help. Grapevine Restaurant. Grapevine per sonality. 696-34 1 1. 193tfn Babysitter wanted. My home, close to campus, for nine year old. Some afterschool, evening 8c weekend hours. Dependable person with references. Call 693-961 <5119/6 ■h£\RN EXT RA INCOME by registering people for *1v«ig distance telephone service in the convenience of v y*nir home, for more information call 822-5060.3t9/10 Pizza now hiring delivery personnel. Guaren- teed$5. an hour. Call 696-9669. 3t9/6 ‘Dependable people with de pendable vehicles for early -morning routes. Earn $200. to :$80Q. 846-2911. 1Q0(10 ' 192112 ; Pizza Hut Special Delivery : Needs Part Time Drivers •$5. - $8. per hour •must be 18 yrs. of age •apply in person at 1103 An derson, 3131 Briarcrest (be hind Nashs’), 501 Univ. Dr. Northgate. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 FALL WEED ALLERGIC STUDENTS If you are male, 18 years of age or older, and have al lergy symptoms in the fall, you are needed to participate in a 16 day allergy medication study. $200 incentive for those chosen to participate. For more information call 776-0411 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Apply At: / V A 801 University Dr. See a Manager for an Application NOW HIRING! Good Benefits, Good Pay! Free Uniforms and Food Flexible Hours: Apply Now! Work For Number One! HELP WANTED Page 4/The Battalion/Friday, September 6, 1985 KORONKA DENTAL LAB INC. Seeking experienced technician to work in crown & bridge lab. Call 822-7905 for interview. SHOE by Jeff MacNelly Part or full time counter help. 2700 Texas Ave. 779- 6-129 between 8 - (3. 193t6 Part time, herbalife health consultant. Excellent pay, no experience. Patti. 764-1960or 846-1510. 5t9/12 SERVICES Planning a party? Plan to use the Disc Jockey Party Service. Special fall rate $37.50 an hour for profes sional music and D.J. Call DAVID- Kiel 846-1838. Ref: by Jay Norris. 119/13 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 9i«n AIRPLANE BANNER TOWING Home football games - Kyle Field. Call Alan Taylor (713)721-6290. Derry Air, Inc., Houston, Texas. ^3,30 Educational Editing. Professional editing and proof reading. Ph D. degree, 12+ years professional experi ence. 764-7937. 119/30 SPECIAL NOTICE WE THE PEOPLE A scholarly no nonsense newsletter delving into contro versial, thought-provoking top ics in science, philosophy, psychology, and current events. For a “ complimentary” copy send self-addressed stamped envelope (legal size) and $1.00 to: Wm. H. Clark II. 1501 Harvey Rd. #475, Col lege Station, Tx. 77840. 3t9/6 FOR SALE Buy • Sell • Trade Top cash money for good used furniture. Furniture Liquidation Mart, Pooh’s Park. M - S. 10 - 6. 693-3742. 1979 Kawasaki 400 LTD Luggage rack and windshield $600. or best offer. 764-1992. 5l9/12 Triumph TR7, 1977. A/C, AM/FM Stereo, low mile age, 5-speed, $3395. Call Scott 260-4959. 5t9/19 79 6S1000L Suzuki, $1400. Chuck, 822-4433. If no an swer, 779-8222. 5t9/13 78 Chevy !A ton pickup. Straight, sound truck, has sleeper. $2850. Chuck, 822-4433 (late). 5t9/10 8x35 mobile home near campus. Hwy 60. 3500.00. 779-8938,272-3116. 3t9/6 Single bed, wood frame$100. nego.; 1956 Plymouth 58K original miles, classic, runs great, must see. 11-693- 7732, VV-845-0106. U9/6 Twin bed, wood railing, firm mattess, good condition. $55.696-5987. 4t9/9 WANTED Baseball cards to buy. 764-7983. TEXAS STVIF ROCK ft ROLL Fires up for Football When Is Your Selling No Secretl At All? WHEN OVER 30,000 PEOPLE READ IT IN ;1 THE BATTALION If you ve got something to , ,^11 we’ll get your mes sage across! And our big readership guarantees you lots of prospects! 845-2611 Bankruptcy filed Students advised on handling deposits as apartments face legal proceedings Engineering graduate has 14x56 mobile home, Oak Forest #12. All appliances, shady fenced lot, sacrifice $8900. 693-5206 or collect 806-793-9491. 3t9/l 7 TI Portable Professional Computer, 256KBRAM, Mo nochrome display, two drives, and lots of software like Louts, dBase 11, and Wordstar. $1600. 693-0108 or 696-0588 after 7 p.m. 4t9/13 1980 Dodge Aspen Wagon. One owner, priced below retail. $2,300. 846-6616 after 5 P.M. 2t9/7 8x40, 1970 mobile home, air conditioning/heating, 12x8 room attached, set-up, $3,000.00, call 779-1065 after 5 p.m. 4t9/06 A Steal! 4brm., 2 l/'i ha,, on 1 acre. Good family neigh borhood. Owner must sell. $85,000. Call 846-3064t9/20 Yamaha 250 exciter. 1981 for sale. Excellent condition. $475. Call Ed, 845-8408 (8-5). 693-1233 (after 5).4t9/13 78 Granada. Excellent condition. $ 1800. 693-1581. 3t9/10 Must sell. 3BR, 1 1/2 bath Fleetwood Festival. 693-9878 or collect (512) 992-4603. 193t6 Waterbed for sale. Excellent condition. Etched mirror headboard. $360. 693-0939. 2t9/9 | CHILD CARE Licensed, professional child care, my home. Educatio nal activities, balanced meals, spacious home with fenced yard. 764-7937. D9/6 ROOMMATE WANTED Graduate student wants to share apartment. Private bedroom 8c hath. Shuttle. Call 693-9828. lt9/6 Serious student only. Own bedroom and bath. 15 min utes from campus. $180./mo. and 1/2 utilities. 845- 4722 days. 775-3750 nights. 2t9/l 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10.-$360. weekly/up. Mailing circulars! No quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess. P.O. Box 470CEG, Woodstock, II. 60098. U9/27 By RENEE OHMSIEDER Reporter With the demands of school, few students have the time or knowledge to deal with their apartment com plex going bankrupt. During the past year, D. R. W. Reality Service, Inc. and the Sypcon Corp. have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This has created prob lems for former tenants who are try ing to get back their security depos its. According to Texas A&M legal counselor Matthew Nancarrow, Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a business to remain open while being reorganized under court supervi sion. When a reorganization plan is approved, the debts are paid off according to their priority. Nancarrow advises students to submit a proof of claim to the bank ruptcy court to ensure their deposit is returned. Nancarrow says, “The people are going to get the majority of their money back.” Janine Benigno, a former Arbor Square resident, says he learned of the complexes bankruptcy through a roommate who had inquired about the delay in the deposit refund. “During summer school I heard an advertisement on the radio that Arbor Square had reopened under new management,” Benigno says. “As a student, you have a right to know every option and receive good legal ad vice,” — Oft Campus ad viser Becky Sibley. “So I went by to check on my de posit. “I had to sign a list telling how much money I had down. The new management had no idea when we would be reimbursed, but the depos its must be repaid because of a court order. It could take up to a year. This has put me in a bind because it is money I’ve counted on.” Arbor Square, a D. R. W. com plex, refused to comment. Off Campus Adviser Becky Sibley is primarily a counselor, but she can turn confused students in the right direction. “As a student, you have a right to know every option and receive good legal advice,” she says. “1 strongly encourage students to fill out com plaints against complexes that do not return security deposits for any rea son. “I want the student to do as much as possible. If a phone call from me can make a difference. I’ll be happy to make it.” Sibley will try to contact the coir, plex and confirm what they havt been telling the students, thensk will advise the student on whathtoi she needs to do. Sibley emphasizes that tenaai should not withhold their rentii their apartment complex has filed for bankrupey.: “A tenant is required by dw lease to pay their rent until the lease has !>een violated by the mi nagment,” Sibley says. John Smith moved from GardtE apartments, a Sypcom Corp. com plex, on Aug. 28, 1984. On SeptJ when he had not recived his secure deposit, he inquired why. Smithw told that Sypcom was liquidaiiri property anti that his secunty de posit could not be released at ib time. “1 would call Sypcom,.. . theywn rude,” Smith says. "I was neverloV anything, I would have to call them The bankruptcy lawyers would pt me off. All 1 wanted to know was ‘W’hats going on?’. “The lawyers thought 1 would have my money in mid-December.' It was May before Smith’s $50flst curity deposit was returned. N // 6 LUTHERS Bar-B-Q The home of real Texas BBQ. Look for your ^REUSABLE discount card in the ■ I •VVAt I MI > • All f LUTHERS'! ^ L Riaiwisiai ' BAR B Q BAR-B-Q DISCOUNT CARD This Card Entitles Bearer To A 10% DISCOUNT AT THE LUTHER S BAR B Q LOCATED AT 2321 So. Texas Ave. College Station. Texas HXPIRJS 12-31 HS NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCO! NT OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. ^ Bring This Booklet ^ Only at: Luther's 2321 S. Texas Ave College Station Open: Sun. — Thurs. 11-10 Fri. & Sat. 11-11 USE IT ALL SEMESTER! Things To Do check: [Tj Put your special skills and knowledge to work in a dy namic student organization. [7] Apply for membership in the *MSC WILEY LECTURE SERIES \7\ Pick up applications in the Student Programs Office, Room 216 MSC, starting Sept. 4. \v\ Turn in applications by 5 pm Thursday, Sept. 12, in the Student Programs Office. For further information, contact WLS at 845-1515. Come by the MSC Open House Sept. 8, 4-8 p.m. and find out more! Plant your ad in The Battalion Classified and harvest the RESULTS! Phone 845-2611 for help in placing your ad