Friday, September 6,1985/The Battalion/Page 9b . Garment e n's dotli. 1 Inc, j zabethvile I' makes Industries -•E. Sum. >utor; and narket. nst outside ton Town. ' windows ough rest. ago, Eliza- its hotels. . built in as a hotel, ie Kei ? Old a nursing .nown na- John Paul isenhowet, Eresident id DavidJ, sident’s' Report says public schools notemphasizing reliability h. rstead was dfather.A notes that y migntcd if 1878." gn >ns Schira, sin Gin- s deter- ;en each 10 grow- gned up rsational re than irathon laid, but ich on it ir grain only an rdens. weeded nded to reading, percent Associated Press NEW YORK — Corporate leaders charged Thursday that an alarming number of youngsters leave school lacking the discipline, work habits, command of English and other skills needed for job success. Their 107-page report, “Investing in Our Children: Business and The Public Schools,” represents the first clear statement of what the business world wants from public schools. It said schools fail to stress what it called the “invisible curriculum” of teamwork, honesty, reliability and "learning how to learn” — traits the business world considers important to success in college and career. The panel's survey of business leaders representing some 244 large companies and 65 small firms found that a majority believed too many youngsters leave high school with the idea that adults tolerate tardi ness, absenteeism and misbehavior. "Young people who have not discipline a learned cip sic skills anti especially mastery of and mastered ba- “Young people who have not learned discipline . . . are doomed .... ”—Owen B. Butler, chairman of Procter & Gamble Co. English are doomed to failure and unemployability in later life,” said Owen B. Butler, chairman of Procter & Gamble Co. and head of the 60-member panel that produced the report. The panel’s survey of business leaders representing some 244 large companies and 65 small firms found that a majority believed too many youngsters leave high school with the idea that adults tolerate tardi ness, absenteeism and misbehavior. “If schools tolerate excessive ab senteeism, truancy, tardiness, or misbehavior, we cannot expect stu dents to meet standards of minimum performance or behavior either in school or as adults,” said the report. The three-year, $1 million study was sponsored by the New York- based Council for Economic Devel opment, a public policy research group whose 225 trustees are mostly top corporate executives. In Washington Thursday, Secre tary of Education William J. Bennett called the CED report “a welcome contribution to the national conver sation on the state of our schools and how to improve them.” He praised the report’s emphasis on good work habits and high academic standards, as well as its call for more parental involvement in education. The report urged educators to use tried-and-true business tactics to address school problems. Excellent schools should be freed from bur densome state regulation and super vision, while floundering schools should be declared “bankrupt" and placed in state or local receivership to be either reorganized or shut down. NOW to fight right-wing opposition Associated Press WASHINGTON — Feminists who do not confront their “right- wing, fascist opposition” may see their gains slip away, Eleanor Smeal said Thursday in a blunt and passionate comeback speech setting the tone for her lead ership at the National Organiza tion for Women. “We don’t take the right-wing fascist opposition seriously enough .... We’re about to see unravel all the ^ains of the last 30 and 40 years, ,v Smeal, installed Sept. 1 as president of the femi nist group, said in a speech at the National Press Club. “(But) there’s a lot of us around and we’ve got a lot of kick left and we intend to raise hell as long as we’re still living,” she added. “It’s time to show where you stand today — not to tell us about the great strengths of yes terday.” Smeal recaptured the NOW presidency in July from Judy Goldsmith, who had succeeded her in 1982. New guideline set for donating blood to help battle AIDS Associated Press ATLANTA — In revised guidelines aimed at eliminating AIDS virus from the blood supply, federal health officials recom mended Thursday that any man who has had sex with another man even once in the last eight years re frain from donating blood. The national Genters for Disease Gontrol has for years considered ho mosexual or bisexual men with mul tiple sexual partners to be at in creased risk for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. But the latest recommendation from the Food and Drug Adminis tration, published by the Atlanta- based GDC, applies even to men “who may have had only a single contact, and who do not consider themselves homosexual or bisexual.” The FDA stopped short of saying that any man wno has ever had gay sex is at increased risk for AIDS. Susan Cruzan, a spokeswoman for the FDA, said, “But we would cer tainly consider them able to be car riers.” AIDS, or acquired immune defi ciency syndrome, is an affliction in which the body’s immune system be comes unable to resist disease. It is believed to be caused by an unusual virus discovered in France and the United States. AIDS is most likely to strike ho mosexuals, abusers of injectable drugs and hemophiliacs. It can ap parently be spread by sexual contact, contaminated needles and blood transfusions, but not by casual con tact. It has struck more than 12,000 people in the United States since 1979, and more than half of them have died. Interviews with donors of AIDS virus-positive blood showed “homo sexual contact” to be “the most com mon risk factor identified,” the FDA reported. Welcome Entering Aggies! Let us help you carry your boohs home from school. All our bookpacks are guaranteed to last through graduation (with normal use). Visit us soon and look over our large selection of book/b'ike packs, shoulder bags and briefcases. We’re open 'til 9pm Thursdays, iO-6pm weekdays and Saturdays. Just off University at A^N's North Gate Where Quality Makes the Difference Whole Earth Provision 105 Boyett College Station 646-8794 Bridal Boutique Wedding Gown Sale $ 77 # # and up Included in this fabulous selection are some designer gowns already in stock. Tremendous Savings On Formats • Short Dresses •Tea Lengths $ 10 and up Park Place Plaza 693-9358 College Station E.F. Hutton Company will effect reorganization to combat lax management problem Associated Press WASHINGTON — Former At torney General Griffin B. Bell blamed lax management for allow ing E.F. Hutton Sc Co. to slip into le gal trouble over its banking practices and the firm said later Thursday that it would implement Bell’s rec ommendations for an extensive re organization. Three top officials are leaving corporate headquarters and a com pany statement said the board of di rectors will be restructured to ensure that a majority of the members are from outside the firm. In a report and 90-minute news conference on his three-month in vestigation, Bell drew a picture of a corporate giant with so little control from the top that it had no way to detect wrongdoing by several of its middle managers. It also was a picture of a firm so eager to maximize the interest earn ings on its huge daily cash flow that abuses were practically invited. “The absence of controls is partic ularly noticeable given Hutton’s in tense desire during 1980-82 to maxi mize interest income ... and the knowledge of senior Hutton man agement that substantial interest in come could be generated through bank overdrafting,” the report said. However, Bell said his investiga tors were unable to link wrongdoing to top New York officers “from a standpoint of criminality.” “It was a management failure, not an ethical failure,” Bell said. But he said there was wrongdoing by a group of middle managers who were given immunity from prosecu tion by the Justice Department in an unsuccessful effort to trace im proper check overdrafting practices to corporate headquarters. The report recommends that six branch managers be assessed penal ties ranging from $25,000 to $50,000 with the money being paid to a charity, and the firm said this will be done. The six are among those given immunity. Hutton chairman,Hutton chair man Robert Fomon hired Bell to conduct an internal investigation af ter the firm pled guilty on May 2 to 2,000 counts of wire and mail fraud in connection with bank overdraft ing that the Justice Department said cheated hundreds of banks out of millions of dollars in interest on Hutton accounts. The report says just over a quar ter of the 397 banks that may nave suffered interest losses have signaled their intention to file claims for resti tution, and Bell said he believes the $8 million fund Hutton has reserved for restitution will be more than enough. Bell, attorney general under Pres ident Carter, said lie could not fault the Justice Department for granting immunity to some employees in an attempt to trace wrongdoing to the top. Noting that a House subcommit tee is investigating the department’s handling of the case. Bell said, “The fight is almost now between the Con gress and the Justice Department.” And he suggested that the depart ment “may have done too good a job. They may have made something larger than life” by securing a guilty plea to 2,000 counts. “I wouldn’t have pled guilty to 2,000 counts based on what I know,” he said. The report says two top corporate officials singled out for failing to exercise their management responsi bilities — Thomas P. Lynch, the ex ecutive vice president, and Thomas W. Rae, chief legal counsel — are leaving their posts. It recommended that so-called money mobilizer Thomas Morley, a central figure in the firm’s cash man agement practices, be reassigned to other duties. Fomon announced later that Morley “is leaving the com pany.” UPI requests union contract void Associated Press WASHINGTON — United Press International, stymied in its latest at tempt to obtain wage and benefit concessions from the Wire Service Guild, will return to federal bank ruptcy court with a new request for termination of the union contract, a company spokesman said Thursday. David Wickenden said UPI will file a petition with U.S. Bankruptcy Judge George Francis Bason Jr. in the next few days to void the three- year contract that expires April 26, 1986. William Morrissey, president of the Guild, said Thursday, “If and when they do file (to break the con tract), then our commitment to defer the strike vote is ended and we will continue the strike process. We have an agreement in force. We in tend to see that it is lived up to.” The Guild’s previous strike vote was halted when the union and UPI entered discussions with the aid of a federal mediator. In a message to UPI employees is sued late Wednesday night, UPI chairman Luis Nogales declared “the company will be in peril” unless it wins the wage and benefit conces sions it has sought unsuccessfully since June. Wickenden made a copy of the UPI statement available to The As sociated Press. UPI has said contract concessions are necessary to make the company more profitable and attractive to prospective buyers or investors. The Guild says the employees have sacri ficed enough, and that the company could cut costs elsewhere. The Guild, in a lengthy statement made available on Thursday, said “the union will discuss its collective bargaining agreement only with a vi able purchaser,” not with current UPI managers. After UPI first petitioned to void the contract, leaders of the Guild, which represents about 750 UPI edi torial employees, responded by agreeing to ask members for autho rization to call a strike if Bason ap proved the request. Both sides backed off when Bason referred the dispute to federal me diation, but six days of talks under the auspices of the Federal Media tion and Conciliation Service col lapsed Aug. 22 without any sign of a settlement. Bason has been overseeing UPTs efforts to put its financial affairs in order since April 28, when the com pany filed for protection against creclitors under Chapter 11 of fed eral bankruptcy law. UPI opposes full restoration of employee wages, as agreed upon last September when the union accepted a temporary, 25 percent pay cut. The company also seeks reductions in medical benefits, pension liability and dismissal indemnity, together with a 40-hour work week for all em ployees, some of whom now work a 37.5-hour week. \AGGI^\5/flfclNE MA/ PRESENTS Friday/Saturday September 6/7 Rudder Theatre 7:30/9:45 p.m. $2.00 Friday/Saturday September 6/7 Rudder Theatre Midnight $150 Tr