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IL «0*4S elImCvV i ELrV 4 me. 7 » r^) ™«o The Texas A&M EMERGENCY CARE -. : /O i - is now accepting Applications for Admission. ''No previous experience^necessary. We will train you v First MeetHn^^— 1 MC^N. SEPT .9,1-0 8 5^f:0 0 pm A.P. Beutel HeaIthNoenter Cafeleria (In Basement) Requirements: /.t- T. A desire to help people injneed. 2. A desire to be part of a Team. 3. A desire to learn more abouj Emergency Medical Service^. 4. Time ■ For more information call 845-4321; or come by room 004 of the A.P. Beutel HealtfTCehterl ' TWO LOCATIONS BRYAN COLLEGE STATION E. 29th St. Southw.st Parkway (Acroaa from Bryan High) (N.xt to P.lican’s Wharf) offer valid through Sept. 8,1985 at participating Bryan & College Station Arby’s Not vaiid with any other offer. Page SbAThe Battalion/Friday, September 6,1985 Town residents appreciate simplicity Re Associated Press ELIZABETHVILLE, Pa. —When Jonas Swab founded the Swab Wagon Co. Inc. in 1868, he used “wagons that wear” as his motto. The founder of Elizabethville could have adopted a similar motto. Eliza bethville, like the Swab wagons, has lasted generations. Elizabethville offers its 1,540 resi dents an escape from the pressure of modern life. The people here make the most of the simple goodness of their town. Elizabethville doesn’t have door- to-door mail delivery, so residents make their daily trips to the post of fice a social event. Elizabethville doesn’t have a movie theater, so resi dents flock to the library for books. The town’s history goes back to 1817, when John Bender founded it on 50 acres he inherited from his parents. Bender cleared the land and divided it into building lots, which he sold at a public auction. Although the town originally was known as Benderstettle in honor of the founder, Bender renamed it Elizabethville in honor of his wife. The town grew, getting its first post office in 1832, first school in 1835 and first telephone in 1885. The Elizabethville Water Co. was in corporated in 1889, and the town’s first electric street lights were lighted in 1909. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the whistle on the Mattis flour mill on Railroad Street blew at 11 a.m. each weekday, letting housewives know to put potatoes on the stove for the noon meal. The whistle be came known as “the potato whistle.” It’a not unusual to see the Anush driving horses and buggies through this town since Amish people live in surrounding commu nities. Over the years, Elizabethville’s growth has been steady. The town — nearly 1 Vs miles long and a half mile wide — has a seven-member council, Mayor Alvin Michael, one full-time and one-part police officer, and a fire company that also provides am bulance service. “Elizabethville started as a com munity that had a lot of small indus tries to service farmers and outlying areas,” said Beth Facinelli, Elizabeth ville Borough Council vice president and resident for eight years. “To a large extent, it has stayed that way.’* It’s not unusual to see the Amish driving horses and buggies through this town, since Amish people live in surrounding communities. In fact, Facinelli said, “when you hear the clip-clop of horses out your window, it’s easy to imagine you’re living 100 years ago.” Probably Elizabethville’s best known industry is the Swab Wagon Co. Inc., founded by Civil War vet eran Jonas Swab in 1868. Swab sold his first sleigh for $ 10. Over the past 117 years. Swab em ployees have custom-built thousands of wheelbarrows, wagons, commer cial truck bodies, automobiles and rescue vehicles. Swab W'agon Co. went through tough times seven years ago, when a fire gutted the company’s main fab rication shop and offices Dec. 12, 1978. Eight months after the fire, the plant was restored. Swab Wagon uses one of its ware houses as a museum where it dis plays old wagons, a Model A Ford meat delivery wagon and one of the nation’s first modular (box-shaped) ambulance bodies. Some other industries here in clude the Elizabethville Garment Co., which makes children's cloth ing; Faylor-M iddlecreek Inc., a stone-crushing plant; Elizabethville Monument Co., which makes tombstones; Playtimers Industries, which makes slippers; C.E. Sum mers, frozen food distributor; and H.E. Weaver, retail meat market. Metal Industries Inc., just outside the borough in Washington Town ship, manufactures storm windows anu employs a lot of borough resi dents. More than 100 years ago, Eliza- bethville was known for its hotels The Washington Hotel, built in 1862, still is in business as a hotel restaurant and bar. The Keplet Home, on the site of the Old Red Tavern hotel, today home. Elizabethtown's best known na lives were civil engineer John Paul Jr.; Jacob Frederick Eisenhower, grandfather of the late President Dwight D. Eisenhower; and David] Eisenhower, the late piesident’s fa ther. The Eisenhower homestead was built in 1854 by Ike's grandfather.A marker near the home notes tk "From this farm the family migrated [ to Kansas in the summer of 1878.” no is a nursing NEWY charged T number o lacking th command needed fo Their 1 in Our Cl Public Scf clear state world wan It said s called the teamwork "learning business v to successi The pa leaders re| Nuclear plant ridden with poor construction Associated Press WASHINGTON — An official with a Nuclear Regulatory Commis sion task force says his staff has vali dated about 75 percent of 1,000 alle gations of shoddy construction work at the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant in Texas. But Vince Noonan, director of the task force, said it still may be a year before' a decision is made on whether the plant, near Glen Rose, should receive an operating license. Some of the allegations made about work performed at the plant are expected to be the subject of ex tensive hearings before the U.S. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. The board will have to issue a rec ommendation to NRC commission ers on whether the plant’s owners, Texas Utilities Electric Co., should receive an operating license. “We don’t have a good feel for how much longer it will take, and we don’t feel the (licensing) board has a feel for how much longer it will be, either,” Noonan said Tuesday. “I would suspect we would not get a de cision from the licensing board until this time next year.” Dick Ramsey, spokesman for Texas Utilities, said earlier reports to the company from Noonan’s staff indicated that fewer than 10 percent of the allegations required corrective action. Texas Utilities has been unable to estimate either a completion date or a final cost estimate for Comanche Peak since Noonan’s staff issued a string of critical reports last winter. Wisconsin farmers sign up for Chinese lessons Associated Press HARDER, Wis. — Some farm ers in the north-central area of Wisconsin are learning to speak Chinese. How better to deal with buyers from Hong Kong who annually purchase a crop that is reputed to improve sexual performance? The state is tne world’s richest source of cultivated American ginseng, a bitter, brown root prized in China and other Asian nations where it is chewed raw or brewed into tea for its supposed medicinal value. In Marathon County, seat of the state’s ginseng industry since the mid-1800s, approximately 1,000 growers expect to harvest more than 800.000 pounds of root this fall, said Jeff Schira, president of the Wisconsin Gin seng Growers Association. Because the price is deter mined by dickering between each buyer and seller, about 20 grow ers and brokers have signed up for a course in conversational Chinese. Ginseng brought more than $25 million into Marathon County last year. Schira said, but few growers are getting rich on it since most are dairy or grain fanners who set aside only an acre or two for ginseng gardens. The gardens must be weeded by banc) and carefully tended to prevent root rot from spreading, and must have about 70 percent shade. Give its 1 hour. We’U give you the way to higher grades and. more free time. companies that a ma youngster: the idea I ness, abset “Young learned di sic skills c Would you like to: Raise your grade point average without long hours over texts. i&f End all-night cramming sessions. Breeze through all your studying in as little as Vi the time. Have more free time to enjoy yourself. ^ Read 3 to 10 times faster, with better concentration, understanding, and recall. Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics works — over 2 million people, including students, executives, senators, and even U.S. presidents have proven it. A free 1 hour demonstration will show you how to save hundreds of hours of drudgery this school year, and to increase your reading effec tiveness immediately. 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