J Baptist Student Union Fall Howdy Party Thursday, September 5 7 p.m. Rudder Auditorium featuring Lou Leventhal “Illusion and Reality” 201 College main 846-7722 Wednesday September 4,1985/The Battalion/Page 15 cQue Pasa? iMunchitos! n progre plays do*iJ ie guer n seatin' lion CenlaJ n the shawar iighanistar| xtps had a were beinj r to atta )l(x:k sup its of the it Depar les Redn n reports)) igarhar gains, ifa inner offal and tempi the casu igh. : Inghligl of theSofl and und gotiated p t the Sod ring endeil What are iminchitos? The best in Mexican food to satisfy your Happy Hour Munchies Try Our New Happy Hour Cocktail Buffet Mon-Fri4-7 andThurs, Fri. and Sat. 10-12 $ 1.25 Margarttas and Highballs Dally Mexican Beer < Drink Specials 1 Drink Minimum, Please. All Major Credit Cards, MPACT, and local checks accepted 4300 Texas Ave. 846-5752 1 Church able d belt jy DC ctAc- )pera- meed i with pmatic Dtion ! sys •ols. 3 .00 a, esign diting. with ) 00 Price ice I JAY’S GYM Total Fitness for Men and Women Semester Special Workout and Fan All Semester Save $50 •Full line of multi-cam machines •6,000 plus lbs. of free weights •Free instruction available •Circuit training (30 min. workout) •Open 7 days a week •Men & Women locker rooms •Spacious workout area • So Lanar Tanning Beds 3609 S. College Across from Chicken Oil 846-6272 5* Annual J\4S(3 JVladrigal st( Dii Ohe 'Dinners are a recreation oj a fuleti^e celebration in the Days oj Jllerrie 0/TR7 S*t.-Sun.-Mon. Tac.^THwr. 1st Afternooon Show Every Day M m i mmmm 693-2457 YEAR OK THE DRAC.ON (K S.t.-Sun.M<». 2:50-5:10.7:30-^50 Tik.-TTiw. ; 7:30-7 ST. ELMO'S HKt 5l«p~ Sat.-Siao.-Mon. - « Tu«.-Thur SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 20Q2 E. 291h 2:20-4:55-7:30-7:45 7:20-'♦AS ITOJ (KOI — S.l.‘-S. n -Moo 2:35-4:50-7:35-7:50 Tt.-Thur. 7:35-7:50 RETURN OK THE LIVING UEAU iHl Sal. -Sun. -Mm. 2:30-l:40-7:30-*:35 Tuc-Thur real GENIUS (PCV S*t.-SuB.-Mo» J ' 2:25-4:45*7:15-9:55 Tu.TW. 7:15-9:55 FRIGHT NIGHT (R> Sal.-Sum.-Mob. • 2:10-4:35-7:10-9:40 Tu«.-"!>ur. 7:10-9:40 SUMMUft-AEM vU S.I.-S«b.-Mob. 2:15-4:30-7:25.9:30 Tua.. - MANOR EAST III 823-8300 Manor bast Mall 7:iS-+:30 FOLLOW THAT BIRD 1C) Sat.-Sun.-Mon. ?:45-4 : 55-7: Tue.-TtoMf. SILVKKAUO (KG iJ Sat.-Sun.-Mo«. lu» -Th wKiRuScliLScr- Sat.-Sun.-Mon. r PUTT THEATRES $2.50 1st Show Only Sat. 7 Sun. "All Soots on Tuesday'’ SENIOR CITIZENS ANYTIME 1 Post Oak Walt 3 'mthemalv Mi i : {11^: * s FUNNIEST FAMILY o o iL" He ahwoyv wonted to be special., bo I he never ex pec ted thi> l<># 0 7:40 9:40 CINEMA* ::ii*coclegenl THE DEADLIEST ART OF THE ORIENT IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF AN AMERICAN. 7:50 9:50. osd Kyle South (behind J.J. Muggs) • College Station 764-9044 • 7 days a week 11 am - 11 pm PEE-WEE HERMAN r:30-9:30 » _ |PG) gtGAPVtVTt/Bf ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * * * * % L + 4c 4c 4c * 4c * «ot ^^Tetv* 0 * 8 .. V^e-cO? A Vi>i 0? ***** Movie ***** Miss TAMU Entertainment 150-plus Organizations Sept. 8th 4-8pm } * * * * * * * * * * ***} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4-