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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1985)
J Baptist Student Union Fall Howdy Party Thursday, September 5 7 p.m. Rudder Auditorium featuring Lou Leventhal “Illusion and Reality” 201 College main 846-7722 Wednesday September 4,1985/The Battalion/Page 15 cQue Pasa? iMunchitos! n progre plays do*iJ ie guer n seatin' lion CenlaJ n the shawar iighanistar| xtps had a were beinj r to atta )l(x:k sup its of the it Depar les Redn n reports)) igarhar gains, ifa inner offal and tempi the casu igh. : Inghligl of theSofl and und gotiated p t the Sod ring endeil What are iminchitos? The best in Mexican food to satisfy your Happy Hour Munchies Try Our New Happy Hour Cocktail Buffet Mon-Fri4-7 andThurs, Fri. and Sat. 10-12 $ 1.25 Margarttas and Highballs Dally Mexican Beer < Drink Specials 1 Drink Minimum, Please. All Major Credit Cards, MPACT, and local checks accepted 4300 Texas Ave. 846-5752 1 Church able d belt jy DC ctAc- )pera- meed i with pmatic Dtion ! sys •ols. 3 .00 a, esign diting. with ) 00 Price ice I JAY’S GYM Total Fitness for Men and Women Semester Special Workout and Fan All Semester Save $50 •Full line of multi-cam machines •6,000 plus lbs. of free weights •Free instruction available •Circuit training (30 min. workout) •Open 7 days a week •Men & Women locker rooms •Spacious workout area • So Lanar Tanning Beds 3609 S. College Across from Chicken Oil 846-6272 5* Annual J\4S(3 JVladrigal st( Dii Ohe 'Dinners are a recreation oj a fuleti^e celebration in the Days oj Jllerrie 0/<V 'England-A festival of song und merriment. Jood and drink, colour and pageantry.** jPerjcrmancc and production opportunities are available Madrigal Singers puppeteers in the jollorting areas: Minstrels ' Magicians Jugglers Jesters For more injermotion call the I Wit/ Music Ojjice at S45’59/4 or the Student Frograms Ojjice at $45-1515 -Visit our table at MSC Dpen House on S ept 8 Jrom 4-8p m Instrumental ‘Auditions Sept. 5. 9, 16 Vocal Auditions Sept 2,4.5. II mmmm Language (continued from page 1) training at the University of Hous ton in Victoria from 1975 to 1977. She says the shortage problem may relate to failure of teachers after cer tification. “It takes a very special person to teach,” Dyer says. “If a teacher be comes too emotionally involved in helping students, they can lose ob jectivity. You just can’t be idealistic or overcompensate because you want them to succeed.” Because of a recent curriculum reform bill, teachers are responsible for seeing that students master the essential elements needed in each of the reauired subjects. Achievement tests in grades K-6 indicate if pupils are able to go into an all English classroom. In high school, districts must provide at least one 45 minute period of ESL for LEP students. LEP students that leave bilingual education programs are reviewed for the following two years to ensure they have not prematurely exited. Dr. Sharon Colson, director of el ementary education for the College Station Independent School District, says the district does let pupils into all English classrooms after only a short time in the ESL program. Colson says the children in Col lege Station learn cjuickly, and attrib utes this to the majority of LEP chil dren whose parents are students or E rolessors at A&M and emphasize ;arning. CSISD has about 40 students rep resenting 25 languages. The district has an international population as opposed to a one- or two-language population. This multilingualism is the reason there is no bilingual edu cation instruction. English as a second language is taught in College Station to children in K-12 because the incidence of LEP is low enough for them to qual ify. Few students who enter can’t speak any English. Another program under bilingual education provides educational serv ices for migrants. The Texas Legis lature once authorized schools to ex- clude illegal migrants (and immigrants), but the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the statute and or dered schools to admit the children. “When we (CSISD) applied for migrant funding, they (tne TEA) couldn’t imagine any place 500 miles from any border with all these peo ple,” Colson says. Because College Station serves a foreign population from A&M, the district qualified for migrant educa tion funding. Colson says that many of the in ternational students participate in the gifted program. CSISD has two teachers for its ESL program, but has not suffered from teacher shortages as other dis tricts have recently. “They’re traveling teachers who go around to the different campuses and work with those (LEP) kids,” Colson says. “They work closely with the students so we’re able to meet in dividual needs.” A large part of Texas’ bilingual education program serves mostly Hispanic children, but College Sta tion’s serves relatively few. The Bryan Independent School District, however, serves mostly Spanish-speaking LEP students, al though a few years ago there were enough Vietnamese students for the district to qualify for the migrant program. Dr. Dana Marable, bilingual su pervisor for BfSD, says the district has a bilingual education program with 10 classes in grades K-5 and an ESL program for grades 6-12. “We use a dual language ap proach with full-time dual language instruction,” Marable says. “The tea chers use (the) transitional (method) because that’s what the state says to do, but it’s a solid dual language pro gram.” Bryan has a teacher for each of the 10 bilingual classes and has had very little trouble recruiting instruc tors, she says. “We offer lots of materials to work with and just seem to attract teachers who, in turn, do us a really good job,” Marable says. TENSION HEADACHES? If eligible, get $20 for taking one easy dose of safe OTC medication and keeping di ary. Reputable investigators. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico,Bryan) 779-7662 SCHULMAM~ s j THEATRES | s 2.50 A new Aggie tradition for serious ice cream lovers. I magine, ice cream that’s made fresh each day! Then imagine choosing any combination of fresh fruit or candy and having it all blended together. We call them “Blend-Ins™”. And they’re a new tradition in Aggieland! Amaretto and coconut. Chocolate mousse with Heath Bars. Or M&M’s. Or Reeses Pieces. Fresh cream with ripe, delicious strawberries. Or bananas...the combinations are endless! We’re making serious ice cream. And you’ll have to make a serious decision - what flavor do I try first? “Do yourself, and a friend, a flavor...” Vonj.Nt££fti>TR7 S*t.-Sun.-Mon. Tac.^THwr. 1st Afternooon Show Every Day M m i mmmm 693-2457 YEAR OK THE DRAC.ON (K S.t.-Sun.M<». 2:50-5:10.7:30-^50 Tik.-TTiw. ; 7:30-7 ST. ELMO'S HKt 5l«p~ Sat.-Siao.-Mon. - « Tu«.-Thur SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 20Q2 E. 291h 2:20-4:55-7:30-7:45 7:20-'♦AS ITOJ (KOI — S.l.‘-S. n -Moo 2:35-4:50-7:35-7:50 Tt.-Thur. 7:35-7:50 RETURN OK THE LIVING UEAU iHl Sal. -Sun. -Mm. 2:30-l:40-7:30-*:35 Tuc-Thur real GENIUS (PCV S*t.-SuB.-Mo» J ' 2:25-4:45*7:15-9:55 Tu.TW. 7:15-9:55 FRIGHT NIGHT (R> Sal.-Sum.-Mob. • 2:10-4:35-7:10-9:40 Tu«.-"!>ur. 7:10-9:40 SUMMUft-AEM vU S.I.-S«b.-Mob. 2:15-4:30-7:25.9:30 Tua.. - MANOR EAST III 823-8300 Manor bast Mall 7:iS-+:30 FOLLOW THAT BIRD 1C) Sat.-Sun.-Mon. ?:45-4 : 55-7: Tue.-TtoMf. SILVKKAUO (KG iJ Sat.-Sun.-Mo«. lu» -Th wKiRuScliLScr- Sat.-Sun.-Mon. r PUTT THEATRES $2.50 1st Show Only Sat. 7 Sun. "All Soots on Tuesday'’ SENIOR CITIZENS ANYTIME 1 Post Oak Walt 3 'mthemalv Mi i : {11^: * s FUNNIEST FAMILY o o iL" He ahwoyv wonted to be special., bo I he never ex pec ted thi> l<># 0 7:40 9:40 CINEMA* ::ii*coclegenl THE DEADLIEST ART OF THE ORIENT IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF AN AMERICAN. 7:50 9:50. osd Kyle South (behind J.J. Muggs) • College Station 764-9044 • 7 days a week 11 am - 11 pm PEE-WEE HERMAN r:30-9:30 » _ |PG) gtGAPVtVTt/Bf ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * * * * % L + 4c 4c 4c * 4c * «ot ^^Tetv* 0 * 8 .. V^e-cO? A Vi>i 0? ***** Movie ***** Miss TAMU Entertainment 150-plus Organizations Sept. 8th 4-8pm } * * * * * * * * * * ***} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4-