Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1985)
FOR RENT c&$& tel sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 HELP WANTED Short walk from A&M. LARGE one bedroom duplex. 203B Church Street. $250./month. 693-0982, 693- 4783. 3t9/17 Spacious room in nkeBryan home for student. Lease negotiable, kitchen privieges. $ 195.00/inoiilh. 764- 7937. lt9/6 2bnn duplex, $200./mo., no bills .paid, trees, washer connections, 822-2969 or 779-9249 after 5:30. lt9/6 Efficiency apartment. All utilities paid. $200. monthly, $50. deposit. 2500 Tabor Road, after 5, 823-1179. Only single. 2t9/9 SAFEWAY INC. If interested in part time employ ment with Safeways, call Texas Employment Commission (779- 3743) ask for Joyce B. in place ment. Pay rates: Sackers $3.45 per hour. Other positions $3.60 per hour and up depending on ex- periece. Equal Opportunity Employer M-F-H-V 19312 Pizza Hut Special Delivery Needs Part Time Drivers •$5. - $8. per hour •must be 18 yrs. of age •apply in person at 1103 An derson, 3131 Briarcrest (be hind Nashs’), 501 Univ. Dr. Northgate. HELP WANTED Ri'co|>li<misl must l>c pleasant and able to handle the ptihlit Normal oIIko skills requited. Experience nec essary. 775-18:58. I92t7 Wanted Part or full time Flexible hours and days Must be at least 18 Must have own car Must have own insurance Must be able to work weekends Earn $4. to $6. an hour from salary, tips, and commission Apply in person between 1:00pm and 5:00pm at one of the following Domino’s Pizza Stores: 260-9020 4407 Texas Ave. 693-2335 1504 Holleman 822-7373 Townshire Shopping Center delivery persons NOW HIRING! Good Benefits, Good Pay! Free Uniforms and Food Flexible Hours: Apply Now! Work For Number One! Apply At: 801 University Dr. See a Manager for an Application BURGER KING NOW HIRING BURGER KING FULL OR PART TIME oFREE UNIFORMS •GOOD BENEFITS APPLY IN PERSON 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM BURGER KING 1719-TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Casino’s Pizza now hiring delivery personnel. Guaren- teed$5. an hour. Call 696-9669. Dependable people with de pendable vehicles for early morning routes. Earn $200. to $800. 846-2911. THE FARM PATCH Help wanted. Apply in person M - T, 1 - 3 P.M. 3519 S. Col lege. 779-7209. _ WORD PROCESSOR Management prof, needs 1 stu dent or housewife part time. Prefer Decmate experience. $7.00 hour. Flexible hours. Call Janet at 845-4888. 3t9/io CHANELLOS PIZZA NOW II RING DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr., 209£ commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Apply at 2406D 'Lexus Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 1 HELP WANTED THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently accepting applications for immediate route carrier positions. The positions require working early morning hours delivering papers. Some sea sonal soliciting is also required. Call Andy at 693-7815 for an appointment. Church Organist We are looking for a committed Chris tian to become our organist/choir direc tor and to share in our worship of Je sus Christ. Please inquire: Rev. Dick Grant, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, ^javasota^409L825^j72a^^^^jt9/6 NOW HIRING Full or part time help. Hours to fit schedule. Students or house- wifes. $3.65 hour. Whataburger 1101 Texasin Bryan or 105 Do- minik in College Station. Student needed to clean nursery school. 3:30 - 5:30 Monday thru Friday. 846-5571. 3t9/10 Delivery person needed. Salary plus commission. Eve nings Sc Weekends. 846-6428, ask for Dave. 3t9/6 Housework MWF, 2:30 - 5:30, cleaning & meal prepe- ration. $4./hr., phone 693-6043 after 6. 3t9/10 Babysitter from 5:00 to 7:00 Monday thru Thursday. 775-3153 after 5p.m. 3t9/10 Responsible student to pick-up from school and care for two children. 15 hours a week. Call after 5:30. 696- 3523. 2t9/9 Aerobic instructor training and certification. Call Fit ness Services of Texas for fall workshop schedule. 764- 8259. 193t8 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call for appointment. Keyboard Center, Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tfn Post advertising materials on campus. Write: College ^Distributors, 33 Pebblewood Trail, Naperville, 11. <50540. lt9/2 Part time handyman needed. Carpentry and plumbing experience. Own transportation. 20+ hours and Sat urdays. Beal Realty. 823-5469. lt9/6 Babysitter wanted. My home, close to campus, for nine year old. Some afterschool, evening Sc weekend hours. Dependable person with references. Call 693-961(319/6 Part time help. Grapevine Restaurant. Grapevine per sonality. 696-34 1 1. 193tfn Part time housekeeper wanted 3 hours on T hursdays. 693-0022. H9/6 Part or full time counter help. 2700 T exas Ave. 779- 6429 between 8-6. 193t6 Female backup singer. T op 40. Weekends only. 846- 6439 after 5:00. lt9/6 Experienced Dental T echnician. Call 822-7905. 192t7 WANTED Baseball cards to buy. 764-7983. SERVICES Planning a party? Plan to use the Disc Jockey Party Service. Special fall rate $37.50 an hour for profes sional music and D.J. Call DAVID- Kiel 846-1838. Ref: by Jay Norris. 1t9/13 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. gitfn AIRPLANE BANNER TOWING Home football games - Kyle Field. Call Alan Taylor (713)721-6290. Derry Air, Inc., Houston, Texas. t93130 Educational Editing. "'Professional editing and proof reading. Ph.D. degree, 12+ years professional Experi ence. 764-7937. U9/30 5th year seniors: I need used size 12 Senior Boots. Call Frank. 260-3477. 3t9/5 Lesbian rap group meets Thrusdays 7:30 P.M. New members welcome. Call 764-8310. 2t9/4 SPECIAL NOTICE WE THE PEOPLE A scholarly no nonsense newsletter delving into contro versial, thought-provoking top ics in science, philosophy, psychology, and current events. For a “ complimentary" copy send self-addressed stamped envelope (legal size) and $1.00 to: Wm. H. Clark II. 1501 Harvey Rd. #475, Col lege Station, Tx. 77840. 3t9/6 business opportunity P^ge 12/The Battalion/Wednesday September 4,1985 $10.-$360. wcckly/up. Mailing cimitars! No quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess, 1\(). Box 470CEG, Woodstock, II. 60098. U9/27 $$$$$ OWN A PARADISE DOM f SHOP. No fran chise fees. Assistance availahlcfm equipment financ ing. supplies, and training. Write: Paradise Donuts, Inc. 21 1 Thompson Blvd., Sedalia. MO 65301. Phone: 81 <>-826-8981. 19213 ROOMMATE WANTED Graduate student wants to share apartment. Private bedroom Sc bath. Shuttle. Call 693-9828. U9/6 Serious student only. Own bedroom and bath. 15 min utes from campus. $180./mo. and 1/2 utilities. 845- 4722 days. 775-3750 nights. 2t9/l 1 Evacuation testing rarely real situatior CHILD CARE Associated Press Licensed, professional child care, my home. Educatio nal activities, balanced meals, spacious home with fenced yard. 764-7937. 1,9/1; 10 students needed to conduct telephone interviews during fall semester Monday thru Thursday at least 3 hours a day from 5:30 - 10:30 p.m. Transportation needed. Gome by Dept, of Rural Sociology, Special Services Building. $4.50 per hour. 193t5 Wanted: Flag football and 16 softball officials for the intramural program. The first orientation meeting is Monday, Sept. 2, 6 P.M., room 164 Read Bldg. 193t4 FOR SALE Buy • Sell • Trade Top cash money for good used furniture. Furniture Liquidation Mart, Pooh’s Park. M - S. 10 - 6. 693-3742. Engineering graduate has 14x56 mobile home, Oak Forest #12. All appliances, shady fenced lot, sacrifice $8900. 693-5206 or collect 806-793-9491. 3t9/l 7 8x35 mobile home near campus. Hwy 60. 3500.00. 779-8938,272-3116. 3t9/6 Schult ’81 3brm., 2 bath. 14 x 70. All electric. Lot rent or lease. Assumable. 693-2425, 764-9657. 119/3 78 Granada. Excellent condition. $1800. 693-1581. , 3t9/10 1982, 14x80 Naushu, 3 bedroom, 2 hath, A/C, heating, storm windows, built-in microwave, all kitchen appli ances. $1000 equity take up notes. Call 272-3261 af ter 5:30. 192t4 Single bed, wood frame$100. nego.; 1956 Plymouth 58K original miles, classic, runs great, must see. H-693- 7732, W-845-0106. U9/6 Must sell. 3BR, 1 1/2 bath Fleetwood Festival. 693-9878 or collect (512) 992-4603. 193t6 186tl 3 Waterbed for sale. Excellent condition. Etched mirror headboard. $360. 693-0939. 2t9/9 Front desk clerk position available. F'riday-Saturday, 3 ply p.m.-l 1p.m. Apply in person. Inn at Chimney Hill. 3t9/30 1980 Dodge Aspen Wagon. One owner, priced below retail. $2,300. 846-6616 after 5 P.M. 2t9/7 EARN EXTRA INCOME by registering people for long distance telephone service in the convenience of your home. For more information call 822-5060.3t9/10 Graphics artist with caligraphy and/or sign painting skills. Earn $150. - $700. per week - contract basis. Work own hours. Salient Advertising Corporation. 775-7885. U9/6 ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS ASM fyAuveultc/ natiomal hank j WASHINGTON — Amid crit icism that government-required evacuation tests for jetliners often bear little resemblance to the prob lems faced in a crash, the Federal Aviation Administration is consid ering an overhaul of its rules. Before a jetliner may carry pas sengers, the government must be convinced a full plane can be evac uated in 90 seconds. But flight atten dants, members of Congress and safety experts say the tests are often contrived to meet the regulations and give little assurance of what can be expected in an accident. Rep. James L. OI>erstar, D-Minn., whose House investigations subcom mittee oversees FAA activity, sap changes in the agency’s approach to aircraft evacuation are overdue. “We’ve got . . . no uniformity,just sort of a haphazard approach to (evacuation) rule making and safety, and lives of people are at stake," Oberstar complained. Rep. Newt Gingrich of Georgia, calls the approach taken by the FAA and industry on evacuation "totally out of touch with the real world." Concern over the ability of airline passengers to escape an aircraft cabin took on added weight recently with the Aug. 22 fire aboard a Brit ish charter Boeing 737 as it was tak ing off from Manchester, England. Fifty-four people were killed from toxic smoke and flames. Re to Kissii ting th Willie Nelson consults farmers on concert proceeds Associated Press CHAMPAIGN, Illinois — Singer Willie Nelson has invited about 150 farmers and farm leaders from around the country to Illinois for talks on how to spend proceeds from the FarmAid concert, officials said Tuesday. Nelson, Gov. James Thompson and state Agriculture Director Larry Werries were to attend Wednesday night’s meeting at the University of Illinois Assembly Hall in Champ aign, said state Agriculture Depart ment spokeswoman Miajazo. “This is simply an organizational meeting,” said Thompson spokes man Woody Mosgers, adding that no decisions on spending were ex pected during Wednesday’s meet- in g’ Nelson, in an interview before a Monday night performance in sub urban Chicago, said the best wayio use the money would be to offer farmers low-interest loans. More than three dozen entertain ers are to perform at the 12-hour concert scheduled for Sept. 22attht University of Illinois football sta dium. The list includes Bob Dylan, Nd Young, the Beach Boys, Kenny Rof ers, Alabama, Tom Petty, Wayki Jennings, Eddie Van Halen andLc* retta Lynn. Nelson said he got the idea forth concert when Dylan made a pitch fa American farmers while perfornuiit at Live Aid, which raised moneyi help feed Af rican famine victims. The country singer-songwnit also challenged the Reagan adminn tration to match whatever is raise from the concert on a dollar-pe dollar basis. Won Hop Loong Chuan Karate Classes open to the public 5-7 p.m. Mon. and Wed. Rm. 255 G. Rollie White 10:00-noon Saturday Rm 267 E. Kyle Come by to view classes and talk to instructors HmiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiK Treat Yourself I to a Battalion! I I It's Good News I ^)iiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin M s c AfiGIE QNEMA PRESENTS “I’LL NEVER BE HUNGRY AGAIN!” SATISFY YOUR TASTE FOR THE CLASSICS .. / GONE WITH THE WIND Wednesday, September 4,1985 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theater $1.50 searche The' cent of contain the Uni I Gettii f necessa j said aftf dationf I “It hi |ing,”M would li Morr who hel the Uni rovirus the leth jorg GI An An sav wh txai cor froi mo tot: era con $9,6 met trai. of r add An Brj A c SPC