The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 03, 1985, Image 3
■ Tuesday September 3, 1985/The Battalion/Page 3 f | . fiyniicii, 'M WP5? 1 ISC OPAS has calendar set lor 1985-86 season at A8cM there id. same t like,” rated, ip be- d why By TRENT LEOPOLD Senior Staff Writer This year the Texas A&M Opera Performing Arts Society has bned several events for Aggies to y. he agenda includes a February rformance by Vienna Choir ys and a per- ■rmance by the louston Ballet in Ipi-il. lOPAS’ 13th ■ason begins ■pt. 12 in Rud- Kr Auditorium nth the Saint Buis Symphony ■rchestra. Fhe ■ncert is scheduled to begin at 8 p. ■The Saint Louis Symphony has Ben gaining international recogni- tiou in recent years, and conductor [Leonard Slatkin is widely regarded Bone of today’s foremost American conductors. |The 101-member orchestra has H a musical tradition in St. Louis Br over a century. ■On Oct. 8, the Chamber Music So- Bty of Lincoln Center will again Bme to A&M. The Chamber Music Bciety of Lincoln Center has 18 mu- Bians who combine old master- fces with contemporary composi- Bn. |The Hubbard Street Dance Com- ly has been engaged to perform iRudder on Nov. 14 for an evening o| modern dance. The American ■ncers perform modern choreo- laphed dance routines. ■“Mark Twain Tonight,” a one- Kn show about the American hu morist Mark Twain, is scheduled for Jan. 29. The dramatic work, written by Hal Holbrook, has received many fa vorable reviews. again will be at OPAS season. A&M to close the One the world’; cal music groups, i most famous vo- the Vienna Choir Boys, is scheduled for the night of Feb. 11. Composers such as Mozart, Hay den and Schubert have come from the ranks of the Vienna Choir Boys. Young Uck Kim, a classical violin ist who has recently gained national attention, is scheduled for Feb. 21. Kim has performed at the Festival- Institute at Round Top. He also has performed violin solos with the Lonaon Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony, the New York Philharmonic, the Berlin Philhar monic and the Vienna Philhar monic. French pianists Kaita and Marielle LaBeque are scheduled to appear March 27. They have toured Europe re cently and probably will play Gersh win’s ‘'An American in Paris,” an ar rangement that rarely is performed. On April 9 the Houston Ballet “Peer Gym,” a ballet about a young womanizer and his eventual ruin is scheduled. Also, it is possible that “Giselle” a ballet by Adolphe Adam and Marius Petipa will be per formed April 10 although OPAS officials aren’t able to confirm it now. “Peer Gynt” was created by Ben Stevenson, Houston Ballet’s artistic conduc tor, and is based on music by Ed vard Grieg. “Peer Gynt” has been called the “type of ballet that modern audi ences want to see” in a London Times review. OPAS season tickets, allowing the holder to attend all of this year’s events, can be purchased at the Me morial Student Center Box Office in Rudder Tower. Student tickets are $56.25, and $71 for zone two (or chestra or balcony) seating. The stu dent $45 zone three (balcony seats) has been sold out. Season tickets for the general public are $56.50, $71 and $89. In dividual tickets also can be pur chased for each event as they are available. Also this year OPAS will be using a poster designed by local artist Mar- git Ilika to promote its 13th season. The art, containing two piano keyboards and a dancing ballerina, was unveiled at a cermony at the end of last season. It will be used on pro grams for this year’s performances. 3x4 Central Christian Church ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS ASM Battalion Classified 845-2611 AGGIES*** GET THE WHOJLE PICTURE ’fyCMof When you subscribe to McCaw Cablevision you get 24 hour-a-day entertainment, first run movies, sports specials, up-to-the-minute news and more, for as little as 45*1 a day. Sign up now at one of these two satellite locations! Woodstone Shopping Center Memorial Student Center 913 Harvey Road, College Station 7 days a week 9 AM - 6 PM Texas A&M University Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM Aug. 19-Sept. 6 Important! If you live in an apartment you must bring a copy of your lease inorder for usto properly install your service. Thank you! Subscribe now for your free gift! • Sign up for the Movie Channel and get an AM-FM radio with earphones.^ • Sign up for Cinemax and get a painter's cap. 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