Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1985)
Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT the km >unded pandedy conductp in 1 ) 1970 in earnt .gering (1 its promi 7- was y askedu article it... dnted « e and Pi en of i ietts set icludeco han 2 tionnairt casa iel sol PRELEASJNG SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 D. R. CAIN RENTALS ‘now preleasing' $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service L0NGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue College Station 17400 iTiciency apartmem. All utiliiiei paid. $200 immihly. 50, deposit. 2500 Tabor Road, after 5. 823-1179 jlnly single. 2(9 9 iplex. 696-2308. Amenities 4-1000 Sq. 0. Lasege LK. of its ai#^ b“Ui. closets, WR $380/mn Neat to bank. „ . ^Brrs, restaurants. 30ft Amhert/C.S. IMStlO ers quicip OStS whlBimx duplex. $200 /mo., no bills paid, trees. X Cll t Z^Bxintdions,822-2969or 779-924 9 Slier 5:30 •rasher lt9/6 SAFEWAY INC. If interested in part time employ ment with Safeways, call Texas Employment Commission (779- 3743) ask for Joyce B. in place ment. Pay rates: Sackers $3.45 per hour. Other positions $3.60 per hour and up depending on ex- periece. Equal Opportunity Employer M-F-H-V 19312 Haciou* room in iikeBr>4n home lor itudem lx*aM* p 2-p L.flrgiHublc, kitchen pnvie^e) $195.(XVinomh 7t>-l . ,ar W37 11976 all houi addmA^ 11 ' 81 8brn '-. ! balh. M * 70 All eleitra laM rent . . rkasc. Assumable.693-2425.7t>4-9t>57 lt9/3 a ration e :an Mo hosts m lasis. Sis pmenta 1 thesisa 1 yeanai and. Wh •e about laketht rid. Bull nail ope Is 'by :ars — Son pagne the km levin In ashing HELP WANTED Dependable people with de pendable vehicles for early morning routes. Earn $200. to $800. 846-2911. hone ted car willi hood. T! dan with lood a inside i cars hi n the l< 1 secret psuit wl d in bla toes, wh( est and ed vowsi er’s the' rs and w Wanted Part or full time Flexible hours and days Must be at least 18 Must have own car Must have own insurance Must be able to work weekends Earn $4. to $6. an hour from salary, tips, and commission Apply in person between 1:00pm and 5:00pm at one of the following Domino’s Pizza Stores: 260-9020 4407 Texas Ave. 693-2335 1504 Holleman 822-7373 Townshire Shopping Center delivery persons NOW HIRING! Good Benefits, Good Pay! Free Uniforms and Food Flexible Hours: Apply Now! Work For Number One! Apply At: 801 University Dr. See a Manager for an Application ides jives ring BURGER KING NOW HIRING FREE UNIFORMS •GOOD BURGER KING FULL OR PART TIME BENEFITS APPLY IN PERSON 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM BURGER KING 1719-TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Pizza Hut Special Delivery Needs Part Time Drivers •$5. - $8. per hour •must be 18yrs. of age •apply in person at 1103 An derson,-3131 Briarcrest (be hind Nashs’), 501 Univ. Dr. Northgate. THE FARM PATCH Help wantec. Apply in person M-T, 1 -3 P.M. 3519 S. Col lege. 779-7209. 219/16 ROXZ HIRES Waitresses Dancers and Door Personnel Call 764-0520 after 11 A.M. ask for Mike 119/2 HELP WANTED Church Organist We are looking for a committed Chris tian to become our organist/choir direc tor and to share in our worship of Je sus Christ. Please inquire: Rev. Dick Grant, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Navasota; (409) 825-7726.itg/e NOW HIRING Full or part time help. Hours to fit schedule. Students or house- wifes. $3.65 hour. Whataburger 1101 Texasin Bryan or 105 Do- minik in College Station. Law firm needs: Runner and file clerk; 8-5, Monday thru Fri day; $3.75/hr. Contact Peggy Miller 779-1444. THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently accepting applications for immediate route carrier positions. The positions require working early morning hours delivering papers. Some sea sonal soliciting is also required. Call Andy at 693-7815 for an appointment. Part or full lime counter help. 2700 Texas Ave. 779- 6429 between 8-6. 193t6 Babysitter wanted. My home, close to campus, lor nine year old. Some afterschool, evening & weekend hours. Dependable person with references. Call 693-9616119/6 Part time housekeeper wanted 3 hours on Thursdays. 693-0022. U9/6 Graphics artist with taligraphy and/or sign painting skills. Earn $150. - $700. pci week - contract basis. Work own hours. Salient Advertising Corporation. 775-7885. lt9/6 Part time handyman needed. Carpentry and plumbing experience. Own transportation. 20+ hours and Sat urdays. Beal Realty. 823-5469. lt9/6 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call for appointment. Keyboard Center. Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tfn Part time help. Grapevine Restaurant. Grapevine per sonality. 696-3411. ISSifn Experienced Denial Technician. Call 822-7905. 192t7 Post advertising materials on campus. Write: College Distributors. 33 Pcbblcwood Trail. Naperville, II. (>0540. |t9/2 Aerobic instructor training and certification, ('.all Fit ness Services of Texas for fall workshop schedule. 764- 8259. 193t8 Female backup singer. Top 40. Weekends only. 846- 6439 after 5:00. lt9/6 Responsible student to pick-up from school and care for two children. 15 hours a week. Call after 5:30. 696- 3523. 2t9/9 WANTED Baseball cards to buy. 764-7983. SERVICES AIRPLANE BANNER TOWING Home football games - Kyle Field. Call Alan Taylor (713)721-6290. Derry Air, Inc., Houston, Texas. ^3,30 Planning a party? Plan to use the Disc Jockey Party Service. Special fall rate $37.50 an hour for profes sional music and D.J. Call DAVID- Kiel 846-1838. Ref: by Jay Norris. ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 9itfn Lesbian rap group meets Thrusdays 7:30 P.M. New members welcome. Call 764-8310. 2t9/4 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals—Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas. 713/271-0121. 193tl Educational Editing. Professional editing and proof reading. Ph.D. degree, 12+ years professional experi ence. 764-7937. U9/30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10.-$360. weekly/up. Mailing circulars! No quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Suc cess. P.O. Box 470CEG, Woodstock, It. 60098. U9/27 $$$$$ OWN A PARADISE DONUT SHOP. No frau- chise fees. Assistance availablefqt equipment financ ing, supplies, and training. Write: Paradise Donuts, Inc. 211 Thompson Blvd., Sedalia, MO 65301. Phone: 816-826-8981. 192t3 ROOMMATE WANTED Graduate student wants to share apartment. Private bedroom & bath. Shuttle. Call 693-9828. U9/6 Serious student only. Own bedroom and bath. 15 min utes from campus. $180./mo. and 1/2 utilities. 845- 4722 days. 775-3750 nights. 2t9/l 1 FOR SALE Buy • Sell • Trade Top cash money for good used furniture. Furniture Liquidation Mart, Pooh’s Park. M - S. 10 - 6. 693-3742. CHANELLOS PIZZA NOW I1R1NG DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr., 20'? commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Applv at 2406D Texas Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 186U3 Wanted: Flag football and 16 softball officials for the intramural program. The first orientation meeting is Monday, Sept. 2, 6 P.M., room 164 Read Bldg. 193t4 Classified 845-2611 10 students needed to conduct telephone interviews during fall semester Monday thru Thursday at least 3 hours a day from 5:30 - 10:30 p.m. Transportation needed. Come by Dept, of Rural Sociology, Special Services Building. $4.50 per hour. 193t5 ON THE SIDE OF Knepiionist must lie pleasant and able to handle the public. Normal office skills requited. Experience nec essary. 773-1838. 192t7 TEXAS ASM Problem Pregnancy? we listen, we care, we help Free pregnancy tests concerned counselors Brazos Valley Crisis Pregnancy Service < We’re loeal! < 1301 Memorial Dr. | 24 hr. Hotline 823-CARE ATTENTION AGGIE SOCCER PLAYERS! Texas A & M Soccer Club will hold its fall organization meeting Wednesday, Sept 4 at 7:00 p.m. in East Kyle. For more information, contact Laif Afseth at 696-0139 1980 Dodge Aspen Wagon. One owner, priced below retail. $2,300. 846-6616 after 5 P.M. 2t9/7 Waterbed for sale. Excellent condition. Etched mirror headboard. $360. 693-0939. 2t9/9 Must sell. 3BR, 1 1/2 bath Fleetwood Festival. 693-9878 or collect (512) 992-4603. 193t6 Single bed, wood framcS 100. nego.; 1956 Plymouth 58K. original miles, classic, runs great, must see. 11-693- 7732, W-845-0106. lt9/6 1982. 14x80 Nuushu, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, A/C, healing, storm windows, built-in microwave, all kitchen appli ances. $1000 ei|uil\ & lake up notes. Call 272-3261 af ter 5:30. 192t4 CHILD CARE Licensed, professional child care, my home. Educatio nal activities, balanced meals, spacious home with fenced yard. 764-7937. lt9/6 TEXAS A & M STUDENTS Placement Center can help you if you’re ready to help yourself. ALL DEGREE LEVELS ALL MAJORS Permanent Employment Interviews - Dec, May & Aug Grads Also interviews for major-related summer employment Career Advising - Career Resource Library - Employment Postings PLACEMENT CENTER ORIENTATIONS DATE Sept. 2 & 3 Sept. 4-6 Sept. 9-13 Sept. 16-20 Sept. 23-27 TIMES 10:00,1:30 & 3:00 10:00, 1:30 & 3:00 10:00, 1:30 & 3:00 10:00, 1:30 & 3:00 10:00 & 3:00 ONLY ROOM NUMBER 206 MSC 301 RUDDER 301 RUDDER 410 RUDDER 410 RUDDER Take the first step to a successful future. Things To Do check: [7] Put your special skills and knowledge to work in a dy namic student organization. [7] Apply for membership in the *MSC WILEY LECTURE SERIES [7] Pick up applications in the Student Programs Office, Room 216 MSC, starting Sept. 4. [7] Turn in applications by 5 pm Friday, Sept. 12, in the Student Programs Office. [71 For further information, contact WLS at 845-1515. [71 Come by the MSC Open House Sept. 8, 4-8 p.m. and find out more!