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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1985)
: .-i-Vl "-X- ''■‘','y'^‘ : ‘^’y:\r; fitiy right on i was ex own off >und the I died.” nth the Institu- Hey Uu- for the was try- confirm inounce- Hole in- kaneous : discov- gton, on s of the location security the Ti- DSt 1UXU- lilt. n-ofT of on can he establish r or powet irrent se- i down to or power ■y- 3 i of Eng- previou to shot ? level ad- ce. Tuesday September 3, 1985/The Battalion/Page 11 n Au ng the Miss from mem- taking e he’d nsom- aiid c ; The Battalion SPREADING THE NEWS ON THE SIDE OF TEXAS ASM fYtuverdcliJ NATIONAL HANK J Quiz your memory of recent news Associated Press How much do you remember about recent news stories? 1. President Reagan called pro tectionist measures “ineffective and extremely expensive” and re jected a plea from the ailing do mestic industry for a curb on im ports of: (a) sugar; (b) shoes; (c) car tires. 2. In the major West Germany espionage scandal involving the defection of a top counterspy, Chancellor Helmut Kohl fired nis intelligence chief: (a) Heribert Hellenbroich; (b) Hans-Georg Wieck; (c) Hans-joachim Tiedge. 3. A study by Citizens for Tax Justice, a research and lobbying group, said 40 big profitable cor porations avoided paying any in come tax in 1984 — led by one which received $242 million in tax refunds on profits of $ 1.9 bil lion: (a) A.T.& T.; (b) Ashland Oil; (c)J.P. Morgan & Co. 4. The Pentagon canceled a major new weapon program, say ing the weapon’s performance was “not worth the additional cost” — since 1978 the Pentagon had spent $1.8 billion on the weapon, the Sergeant York: (a) heavy-armor tank; (b) ground-to- air missile; (c) anti-aircraft gun. 5. Reagan administration offi cials said that the U.S. had told the Soviet Union the U.S.: (a) was ready to open talks on resuming direct air travel between the two countries; (b) was ready to re sume such air travel; (c) would suspend direct air travel until in vestigations into Soviet use of “spy dust” were complete. 6. Samantha Smith, 13, who died in an air crash in New Hampshire, had become a public figure when at age 11 she wrote a letter about her fear of nuclear war to a Soviet leader who then invited her to the Soviet Union — that leader was: (a) Mikhail S. Gorbachev; (b) Leonid I. Brezh nev; (c) Yuri V. Andropov. ANSWERS: l.b 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.a 6.c Safety group asks for Ford car recall Associated Press WASHINGTON — An auto mobile safety group said Monday it is asking the government to investi- f ate and recall 1.4 million 1984-85 ord Motor Co. cars that allegedly are prone to sudden acceleration and engine surges. The Center for Auto Safety said, “The sudden acceleration condition occurs spontaneously and without warning, causing cars to shoot for ward at a high rate of speed from a standstill. The engine surge causes cars to suddenly speed up and race down the road when the owners are driving at normal highway speeds.” The center asked National High way Traffic Safety Administrator Di ane Steed to op>en a full defect inves tigation into the alleged problem and to order the recall of all defec tive cars as soon as possible. The request covers full- and mid size Ford cars with fuel-injected 3.8 and 5.0 liter engines. The center cited 50 reports of sudden accelera tion and surging, including 18 acci dents and seven injuries, which is said to constitute “frightening evi dence that conditions described in Ford bulletins are widespread and dangerous.” Ford spokesman Jerald terHorst said the automaker believes “there is no safety-related defect in approxi mately 1.4 million cars about which the Center for Auto Safety claims to know of only 50 complaints.” The center’s recall teeniest in cludes the 1984-85: Ford Thun- derbird, LTD, and Mustang, as well as the Mercury Marquis, Cougar, and Capri. You Need A Friend... In The Photo Business ‘Lost in the Camera Jungle? ‘Falling Prey to weird salesmen anxious to sell you this week’s overstock? ‘Fancy footwork got your hand on your wallet? Come To Campus Photo Center * You’ll Hear Our Best Deal... The First Time * Then we’ll back it up with our full line of service - complete facilities and * The largest inventory of photo goods in the Brazos Valley. We’re YOUR Friend In The Photo Business!| 401 UNIVERSITY DRIVE • N0RTHGATE Charity Less than 10 percent of funds actually received by refugees fAMII* I 14 U CENTER INC. 846-5418 VISA Hours: M-F 8:30-5:30 Associated Press WASHINGTON — Nicaraguan refugees got only a tiny fraction of the $219,525 taken in on their be half at an April fund-raising dinner featuring a speech by President Rea gan, according to an internal audit. Consultants received over half the money. The Nicaraguan Refugee Fund, which received direct White House help in arranging the April 15 event, saia costs totaled $218,376, includ ing $116,938 in consulting fees and $71,163 to feed the nearly 700 peo ple at the $250- to $500-a-plate din ner. From the dinner and other reve nues, the fund spent $3,000 to ship relief supplies to refugees in Central America. The audit follows an earlier dis closure that the refugee fund was started a year ago with the secret in volvement of the Nicaraguan Demo cratic Force, or FDN, the largest U.S.-backed rebel army fighting to overthrow Nicaragua’s leftist gov ernment. But fund officials say no GALLERY 1SSAN 10% Student Discount Discount is on all parts & labor on Nissan Products only. We will also offer 10% dis count on labor only on all non-Nissan products. Student I.D. must be presented at time workorder is written up. 1214 Tx. Ave. 775-1500 Why move like this, when you can move like this. SUMMER SPECIAL NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 5 Packages Tailored to Your Personal Tastes, Needs and Comfort. Freshman Package $35.95 Sophomore Package $45.95 Junior Package $56.95 Senior Package $72.95 Graduate Package $82.95 (Add $15-$25 for each additional bedroom) All Packages consist of a complete Living Room, Dining Room and Bedroom. (Individual Pieces Also Available) DEPENDS ON AVAILABILITY/STYLES SUBJECT TO CHANGE FREE GIFTS JUST FOR STOPPING BY —Ceihvied. FURNITURE RENTAL 913-D Harvey Road Woodstone Shopping Center College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 764-0721 OFFER EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 money has gone to the rebels. Michael Schoor, a fund attorney, said the chief reason the dinner did not raise significant amounts for the refugees was the failure of many people to live up to their donation commitments. Joseph Luman, the fund’s general counsel, said, “we’re disappointed in the numbers” in the draft audit, made available to The Associated Press. He refused to provide additio nal details about the consultant pay ments or other fund expenses. According to an AP story in June, two sources, who insisted on ano nymity, said the refugee fund was started a year ago through a secret agreement between the Miner and Fraser firm and the Nicaraguan De velopment Council, the FDN’s Washington-based corporate arm. Edie Fraser, president of Miner and Fraser, confirmed the existence of the agreement, but said the ar rangement was handled personally by Alvaro Rizo, a Nicaraguan exile who was working at Miner and Fra ser at the time. Welcome Entering Aggies! Let us help you carry your books home from school. All our bookpacks are guaranteed to last through graduation (with normal use). Visit us soon and look over our large selection of book/bike packs, shoulder bags and briefcases. We’re open ’til 9 pm Thursdays, io-6pm weekdays and Saturdays. Just off University at A^M’s North Gate Where Quality Hakes the Difference Whole Earth Provision Co. 105 Boyett College Station 846-8794