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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1985)
T Page 6/The Battalion/Wednesday August 21,1985 iiiiii Plantation Oaks Apartment 693-1011 Panel is used as an 'image tool' Effic!encies-$250. 00 2 Bedroom-Ssso. 00 & up All bills paid except electricity — No utility deposit with city Nicaraguan granted asylum WASHINGTON — An official of Nicaragua’s government-operated human rights commission has se cretly defected to the United States, accusing Sandinista authorities of re fusing to allow his office to investi gate most abuses in that country, according to U.S. government docu ments. Mateo Guerrero, former exec utive director of Nicaragua’s Na tional Commission for the Promo tion and Protection of Human Rights, told U.S. interrogators after his defection that Sandinista officials increasingly view the panel as a tool to improve Nicaragua’s image abroad. The commission was established The human rights commission has come gradually un der the control of the Nicaraguan .Foreign Ministry, which has tried to convert the office into a government ‘ : arm* ## \ V''V • 3 1 - =• m.' •• five years ago as an autonomous government agency. Guerrero went to Miami four months ago, telling Nicaraguan au thorities he wanted to go there for English lessons, U.S. sources said Tuesday. Once in Miami, he re quested and was granted political asylum. A four-page U.S. government summary of the story he told U.S. officials, a copy of which was ob tained by The Associated Press, in cluded the following allegations: •The commission, established in 1980 for the purpose of investigat ing human rights abuses, has come gradually under the control of the Nicaraguan Foreign Ministry, which has tried to convert the office into a government propaganda arm. •The ministry’s secretary gen eral, Alejandro Bendana, has mon itored the commission’s activities since late 1983. Early this year, he told commission leaders not to inves tigate allegations of abuses concern ing the forced relocation of several communities in northern Nicaragua. •When two U.S. lawyers visited Ni caragua last year to investigate abuses by anti-communist rebels, the commission paid their three-month hotel bill, totaling $2,777, and pro vided them with office space and transportation. •Of the nine commissioners ap pointed in 1983, six place the politi cal goals of the Sandinista govern ment above the human tights interests of the commission. * Tennis & Basketball Courts * Exercise Room w/Saunas Huge Apartments-Lots of Closet Space * Shuttle Bus * Crystal Clear Pool Mo.-Fr.8-5 1501 Harvey Rd. Across from the new Post Oak Mall Professionally Managed Sat. 10-5 Sun.2-5 by Lewis Roberts Co Fantastic Prices & Locations New tax proposal may spur migration Associated Press WASHINGTON — Texas could see a migration from its cities to its suburbs, cuts in local government services of as much as $310 million and a drop in local bond ratings if the federal deduction for state and local taxes is eliminated, according to a group that is against the Reagan administration proposal. The Coalition Against Double Taxation, a group of government, . business and labor officials, commis sioned an economic study of Rea- gan’s uew tax proposals. Under the Reagan administration proposal to simplify the federal tax code, some deductions would be eliminated, but the overall tax rate would be reduced. Elimination of the state and local tax deduction might appear a bene fit to a low-tax state like Texas be cause it could draw businesses and wealthy individuals away from high- tax states. But the study contends the disadvantages outweigh the ben efits. The report said 42.4 percent of Texans itemize deductions and esti mated that 99 percent of itemizing taxpayers take the state and local tax luctions. dec The average Texan who itemized and took the state and local tax de duction saved $404 in 1982, accord ing to the report. If a mean figure of 15 percent is used, Texas could lose up to $310 million in state and local services backed by currently deductible taxes, the study said. SWENSEfK HOT FUDGE SUPER SUNDAY (may substitute any one lopping) Only $1.95 U / A f” with coupon reg. $2.45 limit 5 Expires 9/5/85 not valid in combination with any othei discount specials coupons Culpepper Plaza Post Oak AGGIES GET THE WHOjLE PICTURE ffCM&f When you subscribe to McCaw Cablevision you get 24 hour-a-day entertainment, first run movies, sports specials, up-to-the-minute news and more, for as little as 454 a day. Sign up now at one of these two satellite locations! Woodstone Shopping Center Memorial Student Center 913 Harvey Road, College Station Texas A&M University Monday-Friday 9 AM-6 PM Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM Aug. 12-Sept6 Aug. 19-Sept. 6 Subscribe now for your free gift! Sign up for the Movie Channel and get an AM-FM radio with earphones.^ Sign up for Cinemax and get a painter's cap. Offer valid only at the two locations listed above. Quantities are limited. ■ Hello-o-o-o Texas A&M! We're Ralph and Joe Tomato, the Flying Tomato Brothers and creators of Flying Tomato Pizza in a Pan Now that the summer session's over, we invite you to take a well-deserved break at the newest restaurant to hit Texas A&M—Flying Tomato Pizza in a Pan. Try us now-and remember us when school starts again! Pan Pizza by the Slice Flying Tomato Pizza in a Pan brings to College Station a new concept in serving pizza—Flying Tomato Pan Pizza by the Slice! Our famous pan style pizza is served in individual slices —all day long. Choose from five different slices: cheese, mush room, pepperoni, sausage, and our famous Gutbuster^a mountain of a slice covered with sausage, mushrooms, pepperoni, green pepper, and onions. And watch for the introduction of our special "Slice of the Month" coming soon! Every Slice... over a half-pound! Start with just one! Pizza in a Pan Ralph & Joe's original Pan Pizza forerunner of the now-famous Pizza by the Slice. Our Pan Pizza is available in three sizes, with a choice of eight goodies. Served after 5pm. Flying Tomato’s Stuffed Pizza An extravagently rich gourmet pizza whose five cheeses and nine goodies are layered between two thin sheets of crust similar to a quiche—but definitely still pizza! Whet your appetite with a slice at lunch then totally indulge with a whole pie at night. Opening Tuesday, Aug. 20 9 SH I WZZ&'E 303W.UNIVERSITY- 846-1616 $ ti cans shou mg c mg 1 Pres; Rc telep betw of be tutor ited" limit conv the [ Si: spoil limit mg l - majc Five Le b< 4z rim won no TM 7V» Flying Tomato Brothan. Tha Gutbustar, Tha Tomato Balloon, "Home of the Flying Tometo Brothers", A Tim Flying Tomato arm registered tredemarks 01984 HyinjTtfF