Battalion Classifieds Page 4n"he Battalion/Wednesday, August 14,1985 FOR RENT ♦ casa 6el sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 Austin woman gives money to help Nicaraguan rebels Associated Press groups, said she first met with re- helicopter, she said she decided to tired Gen. John Singlaub, who she contribute the money. Her donation said was an adviser and fund-raiser paid almost half of the $135,000 cost for the anti-Sandinista rebels, about of the craft and its reconditioning. D. R. CAIN RENTALS *now preleasing * $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue College Station 1 74t30 A bargain at $300.00 and 1/2 month free rent! 2 bdrm. unfur nished apartment in four-plex. Washer/Dryer connections, trees, near shuttle, 1.7 miles from cam pus. 693-7761 or 845-7383. 189t5 DOMINIK DUPLEXES. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, washer and dryer. Fenced yard. Outside pets free. 846-2014. 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE 1 1/2 baths, large yard, washer and dryer. On shuttle 846-2014 18716 Semi private room & board in lovely house on shuttle bus route. Ideal for young female student. Adult su pervision 8c friendly atmosphere. 764-9121,764-9236. 189t5 3 bedroom 2 bath in four-plex near TAMU. Call 846- 6211 or 693-5286. 188t6 Master bedroom for rent. Furnished. Ceiling fan, full bath, washer/dryer. Two car garage. $225. per month single occupancy, $140. per month each double occu pancy. Call now 696-5467. 185t7 I tn nidicd. iinliiMiislu tl l\\«» hctlmom «i|>iv \<»i lhg;iie hi itU W II. 779-37IMI. 1 77t IS Northgate fotirplex. Walk to campus, 2 bdrm. Starting at S275.00. 693-5159, 69(5-0066. 186t8 Duplex. 696-2308. Amenities -f-1000 Sq. ft. Large LR, 2BR’s. 1.5 bath, closets, WR. $380./mo. Next to bank, stores, restaurants. 308 Amhert/C.S. 185tl0 2 room bunkhouse for 1. All utilities paid. #230./mo. 693-0022. 188t4 Duplex, approx. 1000 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, 1 1/2 Hollywood bath, fireplace, fenced yard, w/d connection. Pecan Ridge, $350. 693-4750,696-1660. 1886 FOR SALE 12 Speed Performer Bicycle. Less than one year old. Excellent condition. $135. 693-9288. Is it true you can buy Jeeps for $44.00 through the U.S. Government? Get the facts today! Call 1-312-742-1142. ext. 8390 189t4 SoulhtuKid oil S.W. I’arkwav. 3-2-2 like new. Briek. SliX.lllHI. S4.17.">. move in. 71.3-081-2010. 177t 16 1981 Honda Silverwing Interstate, extremely reliable, 15.000 miles, $1800. 846-7687. Yamaha Riva CV80. Excellent condition, red with cover, $750. Call 268-3152 after 5:00 P.M. 188t4 LOST AND FOUND Lost: Black pair of ray-ban wayfarers on 8/6/85. Re ward. 764-720(5. 187t5 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 9itfn HELP WANTED OPENING SOON PLAZA 3 THEATRES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS Apply in Person only between 1-5 P.M. Schulman 6 Theatres 2002 E. 29th Bryan TENSION HEADACHES? If eligible, get $20 for taking one easy dose of safe OTC medication and keeping di ary. Reputable investigators. G & S Studies, Inc. 846-5933 HELP WANTED o Mys NOW HIRING Good pay! Free Food! Housewives-College Students Flexible hours to fit your schedule! Apply in person 1800 Southwest Parkway (next to Pelican’s Wharf) 115t3 NIGHT AUDITOR Full-time. Apply in person Inn at Chimney Hill 901 University Swensen’s is now accepting applications for part-time evening and weekend shifts. Must be 18 years or older. 1507 S. Texas Ave., C.S. AUSTIN — Rebels fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua have received help from Ellen Gar wood, a member of a prominent Austin family and daughter of a for mer U.S. undersecretary of state. Garwood said Monday she has given $65,000 to help buy a heli copter for rebel soldiers in Nicara gua. “They needed the helicopter to take these brave men to the hospi tal,” she said. “They want to get well so they can get back to the fighting. Private people have to do something until the Congress wakes up.” Garwood, who describes herself as a devout anti-communist and mem ber of several anti-communist “I think we've got to keep freedom alive in Central America or we're going to lose our own freedom. ~~~ Ellen Garwood? an Austin resident who gave money Last week, she and Singlaub, who igl; heads the U.S. Council Tor World Freedom, met in Dallas and the gen eral told her the helicopter was re ady to go into action. INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE We re drastically overstocked, because ol & come tax refunds, and must begin mmeMet dation ot all inventories. Nothing will beMte All sacrificed at a traction over dealers cost Heavy duty bed frame (Lifetime guarantee) 5 pc. dining set 3 pc. cocktail table set All wood bookcase 4 drawer heavy duty chest Man sized recliner Sofa and chair sets Also barstools. odd headboards, dining ctws ti rames, bunk beds, glass tables and much ms' 3 pc. lawn turn.(All wood) Si SAVE 20-60% TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLEl 712 VILLA MARIA SCHULMAN ComiiMfc VOLUNTf I She said the general told her the helicopter would be named “Lady -THUMBS UP FROM gOTH QF US.~ Ellen after her. REAL to eight months ago. when Singlaub later told her he had a “wonderful chance” to buy the Garwood’s husband, W. St. John Garwood, is a retired Texas Su preme Court justice and her son, Will Garwood, is a judge who sits on the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap peals in New Orleans. JBCNIUS w mravBB My 2:19-4:35-7:10-9:40 W YOU k>v* being $cored. « * be the night ol your Me. Third suit filed in Delta crash ^“1 Associated Press DALLAS — Two survivors of the Delta Air Lines Flight 191 crash have filed suit against the airline in a Florida state court, bringumthe total number of lawsuits filea on oehalf of crash victims to three. were named as defendants in the suit. The lawsuit was filed Monday in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., by the New York law firm of F. Lee Bailey and Aaron J. Broder on behalf of Robert ebbu The lawsuit alleges that the airline and manufacturer were guilty of negligence and strict liability in the crash, Broder said. Punitive dam ages are being sought in the suit, but no dollar amount has been specified. Steele said he was “going to do some thing about” fellow attorneys’ meth ods of obtaining clients in airplane crash cases. E.Ti -1. the Extra- Terrestrial ET MS-HJ-MMa ■AMCMETK*^ FAMliyCANEMr S. saiasai 2:lS4:45-7^M Silverafo Get ready fot 1*1 ride of your ft MAD MAX BCTOMO THUMOtROOME MEL GIBSON* St€ and Debbie Katz of Fort Lauderdale. Delta and Lockheed Aviation Corp., the manufacturer of the L- 11 tl 1011 that crashed Aug. 2, at Dallas- Fort Worth International Airport, Broder said Mrs. Katz, 40, has been paralyzed from the neck down, while her husband walked away from the crash. She was listed in crit ical condition Tuesday at Parkland Memorial Hospital. chasing cases,” Steele said. “It’s really pad on both sides. It’s bad on the plaintiffs side becasue good law yers don’t chase cases.” ' UJUrU-IJAfciS THE MAN WITH ONEREDSHOE TOM HANKS im 0on*o (Xou&VWk SUMMER KID SHOW Thursday 4 Fnty j TNaWMkt hOn ALADINANG HIS MAGICU#! Show EUglnilO.-flCr Juit 25t Meanwhile, Miami attorney Gene The Miami attorney said he han dles victims’ lawsuits and only will charge clients administrative fees, such as telephone call costs. But he said he will not share in any awards his clients win in court. Auditions for back up singer. Rock top 40. Must be quick learner and pick out harmony’s. Call after 5 846- 6439. 185t5 Part time piano delivery person needed. You must have a pick-up truck. Average $6.00 hour plus mileage. For appointment call 764-0006. Keyboard Center Post Oak Mall. 187t Allen Academy is seeking 2 male dorm counselors for 1985-86 school year. Compensation includes room- /board and small stipend. Graduate students pre ferred. Call 729-0066 for appointment 188t5 THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently accepting applications for immediate route carrier positions. The positions require working early morning hours delivering papers. Some sea sonal soliciting is also required. Call Andy at 693-7815 for an appointment. CHILD CARE 1981 14 x 56 two bedroom mobile home. Call 806-935- 3275. 184t8 CHILDREN S LEARNING CENTER Montessori preschool and licensed day care. Individualized learning activities. Serving Snook, Caldwell and Somer ville communities. 272-3716 liable. Specializing newborn thru 2 yrs. Limited openings. 186t5 Sngai-N-Spice. 3404 Gavitt. Bryan. 846-9787. 166t30 !-Spice SPECIAL NOTICE Car pool wanted College Station - Houston. Interested please call M-F 845-2700, weekends 713/ 932-1438. I89t5 taooss Channe « DOVER, England — A Texas geologist set a new record Lues- day for the fastest swim across the English Channel from France to England, and proposed marriage to his girlfriend on the way swim the 21 miles from Gap Gris Nez, between Calais and Bou logne, to St. Margaret’s Bay, near Dover. He shaved 14 minutes off the previous France-to-England re cord, set in 1984 by Lyndon Dtmsbee of Dover, England, said the Channel Swimming Associa tion, which supervises swims and Foi t our honrs into the swim, tonnson banks, wno was riding in tht escort boat. Johnson and Hugh banks said they are to matry next TEA error delays trial of state home schools Associated Press FORT WORTH — A clerical er ror at the Texas Education Agency has delayed until March 1986 a trial to decide the fate of Texas home schools, officials said Tuesday. The trial stems from a class action lawsuit recently filed by six area fam ilies — four from Arlington — against the Arlington Independent School District and could affect all the state’s school districts. State District Judge Charles Mur ray agreed Monday to postpone th trial, citing a failure of due process. the citing a failure of due process. His action came after attorneys with the Texas Association of School Boards and the state Attorney Gen eral’s office said 1,100 Texas school districts had not been notified about the suit. Shelby Sharpe, attorney for the home-schoolers, said, “The TEA is extremely embarrassed about what took place. The Attorney General’s office has told the judge they will make sure the notices of the suit are sent to all the school districts.” The suit asks the court to approve home schools as private schools and not under the mandatory atten dance provision of the Texas Educa tion Code. The code exempts pri vate schools from the law. Sharpe said notices were to in form school districts that the suit had been filed with AISD attorney Clarence Ball and that Jerry Ben edict of the Attorney General’s of fice would be defense attorney. Sharpe said he sent the TEA the court order on the class action suit and the notice that the suit was filed. He said the TEA sent the court or der, but not the notice, to the state’s school districts. “The other school districts can’t interfere with the suit, but they can challenge on the grounds of inade quate representation,” Sharne said Sharpe told the Arlington Daily News the trial will start March 10. 7 PUTT THEATRES DALU Co., the pi Internatio assets of $ ties exceei to docum court. Great V tional hav under Cl bankrupt $2.50 isismuMrtin (Except Hotidiysi SENIOR CITIZENS» TO BE 2:30-5:00.7:30-1:4$ The hejt is on at Saint Elmo'l Fit EZtlUO ESTEVEZ • ROB LOWE c M St. Elmos FW 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 JOHN HUGHS SciencE IpIVWVl AAR CM* Ifc—TC J 2:00-4:00 8:00-10:00 gMJM |pc!5) — 2:00 4:00 6:00 6:05 10:10 jummerRi UfE A aQCaCN jonn CAwtrr • wchaivd cmwia a PARAMOtnrr PicnntiA, Hunt li holding o: and VC H filed schec million. The toi tional and drilling c< Alt PEE-WEE HERMAN Ptt-WHi (pa, ^ * 6 A®VlVTo9/ 1:50-3:45 5:35 7:25-9:30 Classified 845-2611 L. 1 mri in \t ;irs i-xju-i ii-m e. W ill ulsn nanst rilx*. (lit i.itinn Ri as«>n;tl>U*. (itIiCLV.hS. 177i)(i Try our WHY BOTHER WITH ELECTRICITY BILLS? GHANELLO’S PIZZA NOW HRINC DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr.. 20/? commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Applv at 2406D Texas Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 186tl3 Why rent when you can buy for less 822-9140 North Texas Ave. and Hwy 21 under tu big Texs flag new, used and repo mobile homes At the VIKING... Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call for appointment. Keyboard Center. Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tin Battalion *******»**^****»-¥-*» Classified! 845-2611 from fart to jE/Oology MAGAZINES WE HAVE BOOKS FOR EVERYONE! 5 times the selection of the average bookstore at half the publisher’s price. 3828 TEXAS AVENUE Bryan, Texas 846-2738 we buy and sell anything printed or recorded open 7 days a week 10am-9pm Mon.-Sat • noon-9pm Sun. One check pays all your housing expenses, includ ing top maintenance service, all electric kitchens, pool, lighted tennis courts, and security guard. as low as $343 BILLS PAID Wm. J. Garrett ’47 1601 Holleman, College Station, Texas 409/693-6716 NEW AIDS guard i cause 1 syndroi In I AIDS i and fea A si prison rress f for de AIDS, dures a Most not wi( ever, r F si 01 J s: n tl b 12 li r F C IV