The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 13, 1985, Image 4
Battalion Classifieds FOR RENT CASA 6el sol PRELEASING SUMMER & FALL 2 Blocks from Campus Church across the street* 2 blocks from stores* 2 blocks from nite life on University Pool Jacuzzi Large Party Room Basketball Goals On Premise Security On Premise Maintenance Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Sun. 1:00-5:00 401 Stasney College Station 696-3455 D. R. CAIN RENTALS "now p re leasing * $100.00 deposits Shuttle bus Service LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSE APARTMENTS BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Avenue Colleqe Station I74t30 3 BEDROOM FURNISHED HOUSE 1 1/2 baths, large yard, washer and dryer. On shuttle 846-2014 DOMINIK DUPLEXES. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, washer and dryer. Fenced yard. Outside pets free. 846-2014. ■-r. 187t6 A bargain at $300.00 and 1/2 month free rent! 2 bdrni, unfurnished apt. in four-plex. Washer/dryer connec tions, trees, near shuttle, 1.7 miles from campus. 693- 7761 or 845-7383. 188t6 3 bedroom 2 bath in four-plex near TAMU. Call 846- 6211 or 693-5286. 188t6 Duplex, approx. 1000 sq. ft. 2 bdrni, 1 1/2 holly wood hath, fireplace, fenced yard, w/d connection. Pecan Ridge. $350. 693-4750, 696-1660. 1886 2 room bunkhouse for 1. All utilities paid. #230./mo. 693-0022. 188t4 Duplex. 696-2308. Amenities +1000 Sq. ft. I^arge LR, 2BR’s. 1.5 bath, closets, WR. $380./mo. Next to bank, stores, restaurants. 308 Anihert/C.S. 185tl0 Noi thgate fonrplex. Walk to campus, 2 bdrm. Starting at $275.00. 693-5159. 690-0066. 186t8 1 uinislH'd. miliuiiI'IhiI iuu ImiIiiii.iii ;i|>1v Nmihs.iic lni.kl WII. 77'.' .171111 1 771 Is Master bedroom for rent. Furnished. Ceiling fan, full bath, washer/dryer. Two car garage. $225. per month single occupancy, $140. per month each double occu pancy. Call now 696-5467. 185t7 FOR SALE Yamaha Riva CV80. Excellent condition, red with cover, $750. Call 268-3152 after 5:00 P.M. 188t4 1981 Honda Silvei wing Interstate, extremely reliable, 15.()()() miles, $1800. 846-7687. 186to SouthwiMxl nil S.W. P.ukuav. 3-2-2 like new. Rrick. SliS.onn. si. 175.mmc in. 7 1 3-'6X |-20 10. 1 77i 16 1981 14 x 56 two bedroom mobile home. Call 806-935- 3275. 184t8 SPECIAL NOTICE $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 TENSION HEADACHE QUESTION ARE STUDY (August 5 through August 30) We are searching for volunteers to participate in a clinical questionaire re search trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of aspirin plus caffeine or aspirin alone. You must meet the fol lowing requirements: (1) Have a Ten sion Headache at time of enrollment. (2) Have not taken any medication or caffeinated beverages within 3 hours of enterance into study. (3) Male or Fe male 18 years of age or older. (4) Could use $40 for 3 hours of filling out a few questionaires. If you would like to know more, call me at 776-0411, or come by 2706 Osier Blvd-Bryan; 8 am- 6 pm. $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 LOST AND FOUND Lost: Black pair of ray-ban wayfarers on 8/6/85. Re ward. 764-72015. 187t5 TYPING-WORD PROCESSING • Fast and Dependable • Personalized Service • We understand form and style o Beginning our sixth year AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICE 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. ' 9ittn SERVICES I \pin«4 mil m v t*.ii > i‘\|»i ricnt i*. Will also n «iiiv i il :<•. (lidaii.on. Ri-ason.ihU-. 1 I77tl(» HELP WANTED Allen Academy is seeking 2 male dorm counselors for 1985-86 school year. Compensation includes room- /board and small stipend. Graduate students pre ferred. Call 729-0066 for appointment. 188t5 Auditions for back up singer Rock top 40. Must be quick learner and pick out harmony’s. Call after 5. 846- 6439. 185t5 HELP WANTED /UbtjJ- 0 Mu's NOW HIRING Good pay! Free Food! Housewives-College Students Flexible hours to fit your schedule! Apply in person 1800 Southwest Parkway (next to Pelican’s Wharf) 115K OPENING SOON PLAZA 3 THEATRES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS Apply in Person only between 1-5 P.M. Schulman 6 Theatres 2002 E. 29th Bryan Swensen’s is now accepting applications for part-time evening and weekend shifts. Must be 18 years or older. 1507 S. Texas Ave., C.S. THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently accepting applications for immediate route carrier positions. The positions require working early morning hours delivering papers. Some sea sonal soliciting is also required. Call Andy at 693-7815 for an appointment. NIGHT AUDITOR Full-time. Apply in person Inn at Chimney Hill 901 University Part time piano delivery 'person needed. Von must have a pick-up truck. Average $6.00 hour plus mileage. For appointment call 764-0006. Keyboard Center Post Oak Mall. 187t CHANEL.LOS PIZZA NOW HRING DRIVERS. Guaranteed $3.75/hr., 20% commission paid nightly. Wage review at 3 months. Apply at 2406D Texas Ave. S. or 301 Patricia. 186tI3 Piano and keyboard demonstrating sells person needed part time. Call for appointment. Keyboard Center, Post Oak Mall 764-0006. tfn CHILD CARE CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER Montessori preschool and licensed day care. Individualized learning activities. Serving Snook, Caldwell and Somer ville communities. 272-3716 Specializing newborn thru 2 yrs. Limited openings. Sugar-N-Spice. 3404 Cavitt. Bryan. 846-0787. 166t30 WANTED CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelry Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Ave. (across from El Chico, Bryan) 779-7662 FREE MAINTENANCE PEE On direct deposit accounts. 71 1 University Drive College Station, Texas Member FDIC UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK j Page 4/The Battalion/Tuesday August 13, 1985 AIDS Syndrome kills 4 TDC inmates; 4 others have related symptoms Associated Press HUNTSVILLE — Four Texas convicts have died of acquired im mune deficiency syndrome in the )ast 14 months, and four other cases lave been diagnosed among the prison population, officials said Monday. Dr. Michele McDermott, chief of the Texas Department of Correc tions’ medical staff, said half of the victims were homosexuals and the others drug users. Four other inmates have AIDS-i e- lated complex, a precursor of the syndrome, McDermott said. The dis order does not necessarily mean the patients will develop AIDS, which breaks down the body’s immune sys tem, she said. McDermott said it is impossible to determine if the victims contracted AIDS in prison. But she said eight cases among a population of 38,000 inmates does not represent a high incidence of the deadly disease. Since the disease was diagnosed in 1979, there have been more than 12,250 recorded cases of AIDS, in cluding about 0,189 deaths, accord ing to the Centers for Disease Con trol in Atlanta. Prison doctors diagnosed the first case of AIDS in August 1983, Mc Dermott said. The four surviving inmates with AIDS are males between 20 and 30, she said. They are being housed in separate rooms in infirmaries at the Ramsey III and Darrington Units in Brazoi ia County, south of Houston. “They really are very much sepa rated from the general population,” she said. When they need treatment they are taken to the TDC Hospital in Galveston, she said. McDermott said one of her pa tients — a 29-year-old man from Kentucky — illustrates the plight of a prisoner afflicted with AIDS. “He’s facing death,” she said. “He’s a young man. He’s sepa rated from his family and unable to have the sort of family support that some patients have. “He can’t read or write, so he’s iso lated in another sense, and that’s a very significant problem for him. He would love to have someone sharing a room with him so he could talk things over. Having peer support is very important.” Number of female virgins in college rising, study says Associated Press NEW YORK — The sexual revo lution has “bottomed out,” accord ing to a sociologist who says his 21- year study indicates more college women are virgins today than in the 1970s. During the ’70s, college women tried to imitate the carefree mascu line attitude toward premarital sex, says Robert Sherwin, professor of sociology at Miami Univei sity in Ox ford, Ohio. He and colleague Sherry Corbett studied sexual behavior on that campus over 21 years, inter viewing more than 3,000 students. In 1963, 75 percent of the women they interviewed were virgins. By 1978, that percentage had plunged to 38, nearly equal to that of their male counterparts. But in 1984, the trend began to reverse again, with 43 percent of the women reporting themselves to be virgins, compared to 28 percent of the men. Among the reasons Sherwin found for more conservative sexual behavior were fear of social diseases, and the fact that the diaphragm, which has become the preferred method of birth control, “doesn’t easily lend itself to unplanned bursts of passion.” So Sherwin in the September issue of Glamour magazine says, the sex ual revolution has “bottomed out.” Sherwin said that this doesn’t mean society is heading back to the standards of the 1950s, when women were expected to remain chaste until their wedding night. “Today, I think we’re getting a re laxing of both extremes, allowing for more self-expression,” he said. GALLERY 1SSAN 10% Student Discount Discount is on all parts & labor on Nissan Products only. We will also offer 10% dis count on labor only on all non-Nissan products. Student I.D. must be presented at time workorder is written up. Aurora Gardens duplex homes SAVE YOU WWWME ! 3bd 2ba studio & flatrl oorplans ^w/d connections carports LNE f wi MONTH FREE i th a 9mo. lease! offer ends 8-21-85 KINKO'S FACULTY CLUB Special discounts Free copies Watch for your card in the mail kinko's* 201 College Main 846-7008 X-Firm Mat. Sale $79.95 Bedding Liquidation Twin or full sized mattress sets still in factory wrapping. Going fast at $79.95 per set. TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Marta 5 PC. FAMILY RM GROUP —$229.95 Special limited offer on solid wood family room. Sofa, chair, coffee table & 2 end tables. Re versible cushions -our lowest price ever, so hurry! TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Marla volunYeebs $2 50 ,rnoon fry Jiv mu Nmm 2:15-»:45-7:20-9:45 "THUMBS UP FROM BOTH OF US." REAL 3SENIUS TTiKESsSSffsir TVfy /-an 2:10-4:35-7:10-9:40 If you k>v* being scored, if'll be the nighf of your life. FRIGHT InightL IE 2:15-4:30-7:15-9:50 EX the Extra- Terrestrial (ES 2:45-4:55.7:15-9:30 "A MCME THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY" 2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 Silverado Get ready for rhe ride of your life. 2:30-4:50-7:30-9:35 1:20-4:40-7:25-4:30 MAD MAX BEYOND THUNDEROOME MEL GIBSON ETUI LDGOrE iosn FtOOW j THE MAN WITH onered<;hoe TOM HANKS 053 INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE We re drastically overstocked, because of tale It come tax refunds, and must begin immediate dation of all inventories. Nothing will be held bad All sacrificed at a fraction over dealer scost. Heavy duty bed frame (Lifetime guarantee) 5 pc. dining set 3 pc. cocktail table set All wood bookcase 4 drawer heavy duty chest Man sized recliner Sola and chair sets H99i $49.95 $12995 $18995 Also barstools. odd headboards,' rames. bunk beds, glass tables and much more 1 3 pc. lawn lurn.(AII wood) $4995 SAVE 20-60% TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 VILLA MARIA BOI! beset b ship fat also ha plagues and fir cine range a “In grassht well be says sta ard Ru; Ever a surve Idaho’s ers (ou million lems fi and a It Wet prom is corn,p also he field-st SUMMER KID SHOW Thursday & Friday ThU W««kt F«atur• ALADIN AND HIS MAGIC LAMP Show Baglne 10:00 a-m. Juot 25C Post Oak Mall 3 the mall '?£!£!? 2:30-5:00-7:30-9:45 The heat is on at Saint Elmo's Fire. ErtJUO ESTEVEZ • ROB LOWE ^ Sx Elmos Fire 1:20-3:20-5:20-7:20-9:20 J0MN Hi! GHe! <pI5§) StieiucE Hla N«w«at Hlt "h— led u| 2:00-4:00 6:00 8:00-10:00 FUNNIEST FAMILY IN AMERICA INVAOES EUROPE. PIZZA FOR H Buy any two pizzas & get the least expensive CINEMA 3,: 315 COLLEGE N. 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:05 10:10 '^^^unerRent^P urtiSAOCaCN JOHH CAirDT • UCKARD CNtWIt A A PARAMOCNT PICTURE 4 1:50-3:45 5:35 7:25-9:30 (PG) PEE-WEE HERMAN Pct-wtts StG AbVeWtoRz Summer Kiddle Shows, Tuesday Doors Open 9:30 a.m "RAGGEDY ANN 1 - Feature 1 PIZZA FOR $1 Call us: North 846-3768 South 696-0234 BEI battled Mond; spraye lery fn ported Ann betwei fightei year’s cest cc where pose a decadi The knowr Saturc No Coupon Necessary! CHANELLO’S SUMMER SPECIAL Offer expires 8/31/85 at participating Chanello’s June, an ovf Poll than ! reside the C Chrisi lem d: southi YESTERDAYS “A fine entertainment establishment’ Billiards, Backgammon, Darts, Mixed Drinks, Lunch Special Next to Luby’s 846-2625 House Dress Code- AMEX • MC • Visa •« -p 3" 5 fls § O- 111 If 111 §• =r-" r- 09 5 Is I fils IIS s « 8 ™ . ? ■< “ _ n & g g - Ton r~ mmm Sg X 2- > -< -■O 3- 32 algo* ! f ? = 5' m a sta w - o 3 iffil Hss 2 Crt ri o ■ S ° 3 • ■ S 5 3 o | | !T 8 5 I