The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 30, 1985, Image 1

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    A&M prof develops plan
Hudson described as fighting
Campbell wants Bingham
that could reduce pollution
for life against AIDS disease
to step on Oiler trade block
— Page 3
— Page 5
— Page 6
The Battalion
Vol. 79 No. 179 GSPS 045360 6 pages
College Station, Texas
Tuesday July 30, 1985
Soviets invited to monitor U.S. nuclear explosion
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Associated Press
Jadministration Monday rejected a
■ Soviet proposal for a halt in nuclear
■ weapons testing but issued an un-
I precedented invitation to Moscow to
Jsend experts to Nevada to monitor
Ian underground nuclear explosion.
The extraordinary offers came in
Jthe midst of a recess in the stale
'll I mated nuclear arms control talks in
gJoH Geneva and appeared designed to
3:1 score public relations points for each
gjlI side.
:■ Both proposals were revealed first
| by the White House.
The Soviets said they would halt
all nuclear testing unilaterally from
Aug. 6 — the 40th anniverary of the
U.S. bombing of Hiroshima — until
next Jan. 1, the White House said.
Soviet of ficials were quoted by the
White House as saying they would
consider extending the ban if the
United States joined their country in
the decision.
Rejecting the moratorium, a se
nior administration official said that
“given the scope and scale of Soviet
modernization programs and U.S.
restraint, U.S. testing is necessary to
ensure the continued credibility and
ef fectiveness of the U.S. nuclear de
“What history has taught us about
this is that these devices invariably
are self-serving and designed to lock
in areas of Soviet advantage,” the of
ficial said.
The administration said there was
no link between the Soviet offer and
the U.S. invitation for Moscow to
send a team to Nevada to monitor a
single nuclear blast at the govern
ment’s test site. Presidential spokes
man Larry Speakes said the Soviets
could bring any instruments they
wanted with them.
T 1
j ■
Associated Press
HELSINKI, Finland — The So
viet'Union’s first new foreign min
ister in three decades said Monday
that the governments of the world
must make a joint effort to ease ten
sions and improve the international
political climate.
Eduard A. Shevardnadze, 57, is
here for the l()th anniversary obser
vance of the Helsinki accords on Eu
ropean security and cooperation,
which were negotiated in two years
of meetings and signed in 1975.
He was Communist Party leader
in the Soviet republic of Georgia un
til he was named July 2 to replace
Andrei A. Gromyko, who had been
foreign minister since 1958. Gro
myko became the new Soviet presi
Shevardnadze reserved comment
on his schedided meeting with Sec
retary of State George P. Shultz.
He said in a statement distributed
at the airport: “We are convinced
that the current tense situation in
the world calls for joint efforts
aimed at radically improving the po
litical climate in Europe and in inter
national relations as a whole.”
The three-day commemorative
conference opens today and is al
most certain to be overshadowed by
private meetings of the 35 foreign
ministers, especially the session
Wednesday between Shultz and She
Soviet and American officials said
the two would discuss armaments,
human rights and the summit sched
uled for November between Presi
dent Reagan and Soviet leader Mik
hail S. Gorbachev.
Shevardnadze also will hold meet
ings in Helsinki with foreign min
isters of the other members of the
Warsaw Pact, the Soviet-led coun
terpart of the NATO defense alli
ance, Soviet sources reported.
Among Western foreign ministers
with whom Shevardnadze is ex
pected to hold private talks are Sir
Geof frey Howe of Britain, Francisco
Fernandez Ordonez of Spain and
West Germany’s Hans-Dietrich Gen-
Shultz plans several similar meet
Foreign ministers of the Euro
pean Common Market were orga
nizing a special meeting about the
situation in South Africa, where the
government imposed a state of
emergency July 21 to curb black un
Shevardnadze issued a statement
in which he said the Soviet Union
has a “deep commitment” to the
Helsinki agreements and considers
them a foundation for better inter
national relations.
“That is why we believe that this
foundation should be protected and
its erosion prevented,” he said in the
statement, which avoided remarks
directly critical of any other signa
tory country.
Genscher of West Germany ar
rived later and told journalists at
Vantaa Airport that “the course we
took 10 years ago with the signing of
the Helsinki Final Act was the right
The Final Act, which deals largely
with human rights, is part of the
larger agreement worked out in the
Helsinki negotiations.
The conference involved every
country in Europe except Albania,
plus the United States and Canada.
The accords agreed upon contain a
wide range of promises involving
human rights and security.
In the years since 1975, the
United States and other Western
signers have charged the Soviet bloc
with violating human rights prom
ises in its treatment of dissidents.
Moscow and its allies contend that
the Western complaints amount to
interference in their internal affairs.
Administration revises
economic predictions
Associated Press
administration on Monday of ficially
lowered its prediction for 1985 eco
nomic: growth but insisted that a
sharp rebound in economic activity
will occur during the second half of
the vear.
The new administration forecast
calls lor growth, as measured bv the
gross national production, of 3 per
cent this year — clown f rom an April
projection of 3.9 percent.
The downward revision has been
expected for some time because
GNP grew at an annual rate of only
1 percent from January through
June, far below expectations last De
To achieve the new forecast of 3
percent growth from the fourth
quarter of 1984 through the fourth
quarter of 1985, the economy will
still have to pick up considerably —
expanding at an annual rate of 5
percent in coming months, five
times the recent growth level.
Many private forecasters, while
calling for some rebound in the sec
ond half of the year, expect only
about half that increase.
The main weakness, as they see it,
will be continued strains in the U.S.
manufacturing sector, which has lost
sales both at home and abroad to
foreign competition because of the
high value of the dollar.
W. Beryl Sprinkel, chairman of
the president's Council of Economic
Advisers, defended the administra
tion forecast, contending that such
things as recent strong advances in
the stock market should bolster opti
mism about the future.
Soviets announce
temporary test ban
Associated Press
MOSCOW — The Soviet
Union announced Monday it
temporarily will ban all nuclear
tests beginning Aug. 6, the 40th
anniversary of the atomic bomb
ing of Hiroshima, and reacted
warily to an unprecedented invi
tation from the United States to
send observers to a nuclear test in
The official news agency, Tass,
said the U.S. invitation was a
White House ploy to divert atten
tion from the Soviet calls for a test
ban treaty but did not say if the
Soviets would reject the offer.
The Soviet ban on nuclear test
ing, announced by Soviet leader
Mikhail S. Gorbachev and read by
Tass over national television, is to
See Test ban, page 5
Monitoring a test near ground more accurately measure future
zero would allow the Soviets to cali- U.S. nuclear explosions from afar,
brate their instruments, and thus according to the administration offi
cial, who declined to be identified.
Speakes said the Soviets had not
replied to the American offer.
Describing the U.S. invitation as
unprecedented, Speakes said, “This
is an effort to demonstrate that we
would go the extra mile in order to
get some results in arms control dis
“We would characterize it as a
concrete step that indicates our good
faith and seriousness in approaching
arms control negotiations.”
In Moscow, the official news
agency Tass issued a statement quot
ing Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
as calling the arms race an “immense
threat to the future of the entire
world civilization” and saying the So
viet ban would be a step toward forg
ing a fuller agreement on nuclear
Soviet minister
calls for effort
to ease tensions
Cleveland Clarke, a senior forestry major at Texas
A&M, participates in a demonstration outside the
Texas Coin Exchange at 404 University Drive. Stu
dents Against Apartheid, a University group,
Photo by Carleton L. Dane
sponsored the demonstration Saturday. Students
and members of the community were protesting
because the store sells South African Krugerrands.
The Texas Coin Exchange declined comment.
Funding reduced by $500,000
The White House first announced
its invitation to the Soviet Union,
and then waited about two hours be
fore revealing Moscow’s proposal
for a test moratorium.
The United States was privately
informed by the Soviets on Sunday
that they would issue a moratorium
call, the official said.
The United States did not inform
the Soviets of the American invita
tion until Monday, the same day the
White House announced it.
The White House adamantly den
ied that the U.S. invitation was timed
to counter the Soviet proposal, and
said the U.S. move would have been
announced regardless of what was
done by Moscow.
Tutu calls
for meeting
with Botha
South African leader
too busy for conference
Associated Press
— Bishop Desmond Tutu on Mon
day requested an urgent meeting
with P,resident P.W. Botha to try to
defuse nearly a year of black rioting
in which nearly 500 blacks have per
ished, but Botha refused.
Botha’s office blamed a “tight
schedule” and spoke of a possible
meeting in three weeks.
“I have tried and I have failed,”
said the Anglican bishop of Johan
nesburg, after Botha rebuffed the
rare approach by a recognized black
leader for talks on the crisis.
“I am very sad that the state presi
dent, who should be above politics,
seems to be interested in political
point-scoring,” Tutu, winner of the
1984 Nobel Peace Prize, told report
ers at his Soweto home. “Our coun
try is in a desperate situation and I
was seeking to make myself available
to assist in seeking a possible way out
of the morass.”
Botha meanwhile threatened to
send home hundreds of thousands
of foreign black workers if the
United Nations Security Gouncrl
continued to consider imposing eco
nomic sanctions against South Af
rica, the government-run radio said.
The Security Council on Friday
passed a resolution calling for world
wide voluntary economic sanctions
to pressure South Africa to dis
mantle apartheid, the white-mi
nority government’s racial discrimi
nation policies.
Botha, speaking to it youth group
at Potchefstroom near Johannes
burg, said he asked officials to sur
vey all of the estimated 1.5 million
foreign workers in the country for
possible expulsion, according to the
The radio said Botha told the
youth group that “he would not al
low South Africa to be trampled on
and he pointed out that the country
had never used its full military po
tential” to combat “the terrorist
MSC budget planned around cut
Stuff Writer
The Memorial Student Center
Council plans for 1985-86 will have
to be routed around a $500,000 bud
get cut.
MSG Director Jim Reynolds,
speaking at the MSC Council meet
ing Saturday, said the budget cut
from S3.4 million in 1984-85 to a
proposed S2.9 million for 1985-86
will affect some of the programs of
fered bv the MSC. The new budget
has been sent to the Texas A&M
Board of Regents for approval.
Reynolds said the budget cut will
not affect all of the MSC committee
programs. He said such committees
as MSC Opera and Performing Arts
Society and MSC Political Forum will
have about the same number of pro
grams as last \ ear.
Although 70 percent of the MSC
funding comes from general reve
nues and donations, budget prob
lems caused three committees to be
cut from the MSC Council’s budget
last spring, Reynolds said.
And Revnolds said budget prob
lems also mandate that moves by
such committees as MSC Town Hall
be made with caution for 1985-86,
he said. Reynolds said Town Hall
lost about $70.()()() during the 1984-
85 season.
But the $500,000 cut in funding is
not the only financial problem with
which the MSC had to contend.
Revnolds said the Legislature’s
problems with Texas’ pay-as-you-go
budget has caused some unforeseen
expenses for the MSC.
“Given the state’s budget circum
stances, every part of Texas A&M
University is going to be under in
creasing scrutiny,” Reynolds said.
Because of this budget crunch,
the Legislature has decided to let
such local agencies as the MSC, as
sume responsibility for the retire
ment programs of their employees.
See MSC Council, page 4