The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 26, 1985, Image 1

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    Gov. White maintains stance
Ag's Jimmy Teal hopes he
Shultz: U.S. determined to aid
on no-pass, no-play rule
can shuffle on to Buffalo
Central American nations
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The Battalion
Vol. 79 No. 178 GSPS 045360 6 pages
College Station, Texas
Friday July 26, 1985
Three cadets
involved in
hazing death
Staff Writer
I Three cadets who pleaded guilty
lo hazing in the Aug. 30, 1984 death
|)f Bruce Dean Goodrich have en
rolled in Texas A&M for the fall se
mester, a Corps of Cadets represen
tative said Thursday.
[Lt. Gen. Ormond R. Simpson,
[Texas A&M assistant vice president
for student services, said Anthony
b'Alessandro and Jason Miles, of
iHouston, and Louis Fancher III of
fban Antonio all are enrolled for the
fall and at least two have been read-
hitted into the Corps.
1 Simpson said Fancher is one of ca
dets who was readmitted into the
(Corps, but he is unsure of the other
I The three junior cadets were dis-
Inissed from A&M and the Corps
following the conclusion of Univer
sity hearings last fall.
Goodrich collapsed and later died
pfter a series of “motivational excer
ises” conducted by fellow Company
jF-1 cadets.
Simpson said the two that were re
admitted into the Corps appeared
before a cadet review panel before
they were accepted.
“If the other guy applied, I think
he’d get in too,” he said.
| Simpson said the three students
would not be on any type of aca-
idemic or Corps probation when they
I “These guys will start with a clean
? ?late,” hesaia.
I The three have each paid $50
‘fmes, performed 100 hours of com-
I munity service work and contributed
he said I p50 to a memorial scholarship fund
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Police kill four,
16 hurt in riot
in South Africa
under Goodrich’s name.
The Texas A&M University Police Department
conducted its Shoot No Shoot training course this
week at the A&M Annex. Officers were taught the
techniques of accurate foe identification, friend
versus foe selection and bystander safety. Patrol
man Joseph Fry, one of 36 certified police officers,
is shown at one of several firing stations. Live fire
was used in stress-induced situations.
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Contested county sheriff's race
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Aggies plan election strategies
, Plain
Staff Writer
| In anticipation of a new, court-or
dered election for Brazos County
Sheriff, both the Aggie GOP and
Texas A&M’s Young Democrats are
planning campaign strategies to get
their candidate elected.
Mike Hachtman, president of the
Aggie GOP, says his organization
plans to begin a student registration
f drive about two weeks into the fall
“It (the registration drive) proba
bly won’t be as successful as last
year’s when we registered from
10,000 to 12,000 students because
students naturally are going to be
more interested in voting in a presi
dential election than in a county
sheriffs race,” Hachtman says. “But
I think we will do a good job of regis
tering students because the prima
ries lor the governor’s race will be-
[in about then, and I think a lot of
Associated Press
— Police said Thursday they killed
four blacks and wounded 16 in a riot
east of Johannesburg. Unofficial re
ports said they opened fire when
mourners in a crowd of 4,000 threw
stones after a funeral for riot vic
A 16-year-old girl was reported
among those killed in the black
township of Daveyton, and her
grandmother was quoted as saying it
was the first such funeral the girl
had attended.
Officially reported detentions in
the first five days of this white-ruled
nation’s state of emergency rose to
792. A spokesman for the Detainees
Parents Support Committee said in
formation gathered from various
communities indicated “many more”
were being held.
Unofficial sources said scores of
teen-agers were rounded up Thurs
day morning in Alexandra, on the
edge of Johannesburg. Police said
they could not immediately com
ment on the report, but witnesses
said they saw an unusually heavy
presence of police, soldiers and ar
mored cars in the black township.
Reports from national police
headquarters continued to show a
decline in the violence that began 11
months ago over black opposition to
apartheid, the legalized race segre
gation imposed by South Africa’s 5
million whites to control the voteless
black majority of 24 million.
Police listed only five cases of ar
son and about the same number of
stone-throwing incidents around the
country late Wednesday and Thurs
day morning. Emergency regula
tions and the refusal of police to pro
vide details of rioting made it
difficult to obtain a clear picture.
Nearly 500 blacks have perished
in the months of riots, student and
worker strikes, consumer boycotts
and protest meetings in black com
munities. At least 14 have died since
the emergency took effect Sunday.
Most victims were killed by police,
but an increasing number are black
local officials and police slain by
other blacks who see them as willing
tools of the white rulers.
Reporters for Western news orga
nizations who went to Daveyton, 25
miles east of Johannesburg, on
Thursday said police threatened
them with detention if they did not
leave. Under emergency regula
tions, police can bar certain catego
ries of people from entering a town
ship, impose curfews and exercise
wide powers of arrest without war
Police said they opened fire with
shotguns and rifles in Daveyton af
ter the funeral on Wednesday.
Unofficial reports said youths
started throwing stones at police
posted at the graveyard.
Funerals for riot victims are
charged with emotion, draw large
crowds and frequently are Hash-
points of violence.
Black complaints include what
they say are inferior schools, rent in
creases for government housing,
laws that bar free access for workers
to jobs in white cities, and the lack of
a national vote for blacks.
White business executives said
Thursday that France’s ban on new
investment in South Africa would
not have a significant effect on the
economy, but would hurt France’s
interests and reduce the job market
for blacks.
France announced the investment
ban and recalled its ambassador
Wednesday to protest the state of
emergency and “increasing repres
sion” of blacks.
students are going to be interested in
Hachtman also says his organiza
tion will try to alleviate student’s
fears about voting.
“When we go out to register stu
dents, we are going to tell them that
it’s their right to vote and not to be
intimidated,” he says. “One of the
problems we’re going to have now is
students being afraid to vote because
they are afraid of being subpoe
In March a State District Court
subpoenaed about 150 A&M stu
dents to testify whether they were le
gally registered when they voted.
“All the media attention about
students being subpoenaed has
made other students think twice
about voting,” he says.
Hachtman says he encountered a
number of “intimidated” students
during his unsuccessful bid for a po
sition on the College Station City
“I a lot of students who
said they didn’t vote because they
didn’t want to end up in court,” he
Hachtman says the Aggie GOP
will make a special effort to help stu
dents register properly.
The president of the Young Dem
ocrats, John Hatch, says his organi
zation also will register new voters
and try to inform students on the re
cords of the two candidates.
“We are going to try and concen
trate on the records and back
grounds of the candidates,” Hatch
says. “That should be the deciding
factor on who to vote for and not
whether they have a D or R beside
their name on the ballot.”
Hatch says he is optimistic that
A&M students will vote for a candi
date on the basis of his record and
not on his party.
The outcome of last November’s
sheriff election, won by Republican
Ronnie Miller by 162 votes, was con
tested in court by the Democrat can
didate, Howard Hill.
The election was voided by State
District Judge Arthur Lesher in
April after he ruled that enough
people in Brazos County had voted
illegally to affect the outcome of the
election, Lesher then called for a
new election which was scheduled
for Aug. 10.
But an appeals court decided to
hear an appeal from Miller’s attor
ney, Chris Kling, and issued an in
junction on July 12 preventing the
county from carrying out the Aug.
10 election.
If the court upholds Lesher’s rul
ing, the election could be held Nov.
5, the soonest the election could be
held according to law. If the court
overturns Leslier’s ruling, the out
come of last November’s race will
stand and Miller will remain sheriff.
T he postponement of the elec
tion until fall already is a victory for
the students, Hachtman says.
GOP claims Democrats
guilty of voting fraud
Associated Press
DALLAS — Texas Republican
Party officials said on Thursday they
have sworn affadavits from two resi
dents of a Sulphur Springs nursing
home alleging irregularities in the
runoff campaign for the 1st Con
gressional District seat.
Wayne Massey, assistant general
counsel to the Republican Party of
Texas, said three three women alleg
edly told the two patients to vote ab
sentee for Democrat Jim Chapman,
who faces an Aug. 3 runoff against
Republican Edd Hargett.
“It probably comes out of the
Chapman campaign,” said Republi
can Party chairman George Strake.
“I don’t think it’sjust three women.”
Massey declined to identify the
women during a news conference at
Union Station. Relatives of the nurs
ing home patients who said they
planned to file complaints alleging
vote fraud were also at the news con
George Shipley, the lead consul
tant for the -Chapman campaign,
called Strake’s press conference and
allegations part of an ongoing Re
publican effort to smear the former
Hopkins County district attorney’s
Two Cokes tainted
with insect poison
Associated Press
LUFKIN — Preliminary tests
show two Coca-Cola products — a
can from a hospital vending ma
chine and a bottle from a conve
nience store shelf — were spiked
with a household insecticide,
health officials said Thursday.
Tests conducted by the Texas
Department of Health laboratory
in Austin confirmed that the
products had been contaminated
with diazinon, an insecticide used
to kill flies, ants and roaches, said
Angelina County-City Health Ad
ministrator Mike Czepiel.
Authorities also were doing a
series of tests to determine the
strengths of the contamination,
Czepiel said.
The substance appeared to be
“heavily concentrated” in the
Coke can and “somewhat diluted”
in the bottle, he said.
The contaminated Coke was
discovered Tuesday morning af
ter a man bought a 12-ounce can
of the new formula Coke from a
vending machine at Lufkin Me
morial Hospital. After drinking
the soft drink, the man rubbed
his eye, which immediately be
came inflamed, officials said.
A county health inspector
bought a second contaminated
plastic bottle of Coke at a conve
nience store, about a half mile
from the hospital, officials said.
“When she got to work, she
swallowed a mouthful and imme
diately knew that it didn’t taste
right,” Czepiel said. “It had such
a strong odor that you knew just
by smelling it that there was some
kind of insecticide in it.”
“At this time, we think this may
have been one person tampering
with both containers,” he said.
Officer not sorry for dropping A-bomb
Associated Press
HOUSTON — Kermit Beahan
rejects totally the suggestion that he
should apologize for dropping the
atomic bomb 40 years ago that killed
up to 74,000 Japanese at Nagasaki.
But he does hope that no one ever
again uses a nuclear weapon in war.
Beahan, now a 66-year-old retired
Air Force lieutenant colonel, was the
bombadier who released the “Fat
Man” plutonium bomb from the
cargo bay of a B-29 named “Bock’s
Car” on Aug. 9, 1945.
The blast destroyed Nagasaki. It
was the last major attack of World
War II and came three days after an
other atomic bomb, the first nuclear
weapon used in anger, wiped out Hi
Teruaki Oobo, a Japanese official
now in charge of relief to atomic
bomb victims, said on July 17 that
the city of Nagasaki wasn’t inviting
Beahan to an anniversary obser
vation. Oobo suggested, however,
“If he wants to apologize to the vic
tims, we hope he would come per-
Apologize, hell / was a professional soldier doing my
job, /vj lhm^no intention of apologizing, Remember,
they started the war, “ —~ Re$n£d Kermit Bea
han, the man who released the l6,dO0-pound atomic
bomb on Nagasaki, Aug. 9,. 1945.
sonally and visit the cemetery.”
“Apologize, hell,” Beahan said in
a recent interview. “I was a profes
sional soldier doing my job ... I have
no intention of apologizing. Remem
ber, they started the war.
“I’m sorry the war ever had to
happen. I hope I go down in history
as the last man to release an A-bomb
under wartime conditions. We’ve got
to find a better way.”
Beahan said the two atomic at
tacks actually saved lives by eliminat
ing the need for an invasion of the
Japanese home islands.
“That invasion would have cost
over a million Japanese lives and
about 80,000 Allied lives,” Beahan
said. “I have never even entertained
the idea of apologizing for dropping
that bomb.”
Beahan had a distinguished war
record in the Army Air Forces in Eu
rope and North Africa before he was
sent to the Pacific.
In 1944, he volunteered for B-29
bomber training and was assigned to
Utah for Project Silverplate, the se
cret program preparing for atomic
attacks on Japan.
“We called the weapon ‘the gim
mick,’ and nobody was really sure if
it was going to work or not,” he re
called. “We spent about nine months
dropping projectiles shaped like the
Fat Man bomb.
It was a strange shape. It looked
like two bath tubs welded together.”
In the summer of 1945, 12 B-29
crews were sent to Tinian Island in
the Pacific, including Beahan’s
plane, “The Great Artiste.” After
more practice, the first mission, over
Hiroshima, was organized.
A bomber called “Enola Cay” was
picked to bomb Hiroshima, with
“The Great Artiste” part of the
three-plane attack group.
Beahan’s job was to drop measur
ing instruments over Hiroshima by
“That first mission went per
fectly,” he said. “The weather was
ideal. We dropped the bomb only 15
seconds late.”
Beahan’s crew was selected to
drop Fat Man, which weighed
10,000 pounds, and was assigned a
different B-29, “Bock’s Car.”