The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 19, 1985, Image 1

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    Teachers are in demand
as class enrollments increase
— Page 4
AL NL pennant races begin
to heat up after All-Star break
— Page 5
Lack of water, sun destroy
crops in Montana, Dakotas
Texas A&M
Vol. 79 No. 174 CISPS 045360 6 pages
College Station, Texas
Friday 19, 1985
ouse, Senate budget standoff continues
Associated Press
iWBi [WASHINGTON — White House
ot staff Donald I Regan
Jly denounced the “ridiculous"
Jdget deadlock on Capitol Hill
n k. k. ■ iurs<la y as congressional leaders
'"II ^ an ued over whose turn it is to make
■offer that will salvage the deficit-
j reduction effort.
seison ■“Everything’s up in the air, noth
ing son the table, said Senate Ma-
end Jesse Ej'
jority Leader Robert Dole of Kansas,
who called Republican senators to
gether to consider their next move.
After the meeting, Dole said it is
“up to the House whether we’re on
the verge of anything."
House Speaker T homas P. O’Neill
Jr., D-Mass., said he hoped the Sen
ate would return to the talks.
“We think it’s kind of childish to
be walking out,” O’Neill told report
ers. “All it takes is the art of compro
Dole said the Senate was seeking
alternative proposals, but that it
would take a while before there is
any consensus.
Meanwhile, Regan lambasted
Congress for the budget situation.
“The federal government, the
world’s largest economy, the
strength of the free world, is about
to go into a new fiscal year without a
budget,” Regan said in a breakfast
appearance before the U.S. Cham
ber of Commerce. “How ridiculous
can you be?”
With his voice and his anger ris
ing, Regan said, “Did we not submit
a budget? We did. Where is it now?”
Now, pounding the podium, Re
gan shouted, “It has not been passed
by the Congress. No budget has
been passed by the Congress. Why
Dole and other senators also
brushed aside Regan’s remarks.
“I didn’t write that speech,” Dole
said. “I’d have singled out the
Sen. Pete V. Domenici, R-N.M.,
chairman of the Senate Budget
Committee, recessed budget talks
between the House and Senate on
Wednesday after rejecting a bottom-
line offer from the House in an acri
monious session.
Domenici said the final gavel had
not yet fallen on the talks aimed at
drafting a compromise version of
fiscal 1986 budgets passed bv each
“No, I don’t think it’s over,” Do
menici said. But “it’s in pretty bad
Republican senators agreed that
for the time being they will try to
keep up pressure on the House to
make additional spending cuts.
Congressional leaders have said
that if no budget is passed this year,
they will simply abide by the sepa
rate budgets each chamber has
are dueio
up at San
Reagan to
riday, foi ■
snd toname 0MB
director soon
only bor-
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — President
Ru-.m is expected to choose a suc-
he line you fcessor to budget director David A.
if you are Stockman by the end of the week,
ays Coach with Federal Trade Commission
,u have toHairman James C. Miller III report-
team, and edly the leading candidate,
ne.’” ■Some congressional sources said
Biursday they had been told that
rn and the R ( igan had already decided to nom-
s rights,he |nate Miller for the job, but the
L team for White House said no decision had
back into been made.
It has said ■“No one has been off ered the
jam s NFL job,” spokesman Larry Speakes said,
ason. BSpeakessaid While House chief of
Ktfi Donald Regan was still inter-
7 I )0 | 1111 viewing candidates and would prob-
' w ™ e ably make a recommendation to the
ig second j| es id ent by t j ie en( j 0 f the week.
Conference■-pj ie congressional sources, speak-
position in ,j n g 0I1 condition they not be iclenti-
oot-4, 264 p le( | jjjjd t b e administration was
xpected spreading the word that Miller
i with the would be named.
Ij Stockman, budget director since
"" 1981, is resigning Aug. 1 to join the
New York investment banking firm
~~ x ^ of Salomon Brothers.
Miller joined the FT C after serv-
| iL/l l'[g as resident scholar and co-direc
tor of the Center for the Study of
, Government Regulation at the
talion. t > American Enterprise Institute, a
was fr,p Washington think-tank of a conser-
, run. A'Sdjvaiive bent. His nomination as direc-
rs, not fhf t0l 0 f t b e Office of Management
reported and Budget would be subject to Sen-
eive a tttf ^ confirmation.
« Miller, an economist, would take
river from the often-controversial
Stockman, a former Republican con-
■essman from Michigan , at a time
when the administration’s efforts to
cut deeply into federal programs
land reduce budget deficits face
strong opposition in Congress.
K Other candidates who have been
mentioned for the budget post in
clude John A. Svahn, assistant to the
Resident for policy development;
Constance Horner, whom Reagan
previously nominated to head the
■ffice of Personnel Management;
Drew Lewis, former transportation
leretary; Commerce Secretary Mal-
Eltn Baldrige; and Joseph A.
Wright Jr.
White House: Reagan
fine, planning to meet
with new Soviet minister
vV'.., ,
V; V .
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Detour Ahead
Runners used to running on the A&M aerobics track are having to get
accustomed to a new detoured route. Construction of the new former
students building is responsible for closing sections of the track.
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Dressed in
blue pajamas and a robe, President
Reagan flashed an OK sign by hand
from a hospital window Thursday in
his first television appearance since
cancer surgery, but indicated he did
not know when he would be going
home to the White House.
With his wife, Nancy, at his side,
the president appeared at a third-
floor window of Bethesda Naval
Hospital at 4:27 p.m. EDT to pose
for photographers, who had been
alerted in advance. Aside from pic
tures released by the White House, it
was the first time the president had
been seen since he entered the hos
pital last Friday.
Reagan was quoted earlier in the
day by his staff as saying, “I’m feel
ing great,” and the White House,
underscoring the picture of a patient
rapidly on the mend, disclosed the
president will meet with the new So
viet foreign minister in two months
to prepare for November’s summit.
When questions were shouted to
the president at the hospital window,
he replied with gestures. Asked if
the president had a sore throat, Mrs.
Reagan said it was easier for her to
speak than for him.
Reagan gave an OK sign, using his
thumb and forefinger, when some
one asked how he was feeling. Asked
when he was going home, the presi
dent made a quizzical face and sliced
the air with his hands, palms down,
indicating he did not know.
Doctors have said the president
would be released in seven to 10
days after surgery — meaning that
Saturday would be his earliest re
lease date. Mrs. Reagan said he
would go home “as soon as they say
it’s OK.”
Asked what Reagan looked for
ward to most, Mrs. Reagan replied,
“Just being home.” She said they
both were in good spirits.
“We’ll make a big to-do of it”
when Reagan comes home, presi
dential spokesman Larry Speakes
told reporters at the White House
Perhaps the best news for Reagan
was that he could return to a diet of
solid food for the first time in eight
days: sOup, bread, crackers and pud
ding for lunch, followed by what
presidential spokesman Larry
Speakes said would be a “feast of
baked chicken ami rice” for dinner.
His menu suggested that Reagan’s
digestive process, which had been in
terrupted by last Saturday’s cancer
surgery, was returning to normal.
I he 74-year-old president had
been put on a restricted diet two
days before he entered Bethesda
Naval Hospital last Friday for a thor
ough intestinal examination. After
surgery, he was fed intravenously,
and then was limited to a liquid diet
of tea, apple juice, Jell-O and Popsi-
Doctors removed the staple
stitches in Reagan’s abdominal inci
sion on Thursday and replaced
them with adhesive strips.
“The president is totally back to
normal,” Speakes said light-heart
As proof of that claim, Speakes
said Reagan recited, word-for-word,
two well-known poems by Yukon
writer Robert W. Service for the
benefit of nurses, “The Shooting of
Dan McGrew” and “The Cremation
of Sam McGee.”
Vice President George Bush, who
visited with Reagan on Wednesday,
made telephone calls to allied lead
ers to pass along the message that,
“The best medical evidence is that
the president will make a full recov
ery and resume duties here at the
White House next week.”
Free party initiates monthly activities
Dance planned for mentally retarded
Staff Writer
The Bryan-College Station Asso
ciation of Retarded Citizens is kick
ing off its monthly programs July 23
with a free dance party for adoles
cents and young adults who are
mentally retarded.
D’Rinda Grimsinger, president of
the association, says the purpose of
the programs is to help mentally re
tarded young adults develop social
skills in a structured environment.
“We want to provide a recre
ational program which will serve as
an opportunity for socialization with
peers and an appropriate location
for teaching social skills to the men
tally retarded,” Grimsinger, presi
dent of the association, says.
“The idea is to start them in a rec
reational, structured setting and
then encourage them to join a
mainstream setting,” she says. “We
want to help make a smooth tran
sition to what is happening in the
real world.”
She says that after mentally re
tarded persons have adjusted to the
structured, supervised environment
of the programs, then they are en
couraged to join in a less-controlled
setting such as other dances, bowling
leagues and softball teams.
“Everybody needs to get out and
socialize,” Grimsinger says;
The participants in the programs
are also taught to balance work and
recreation time, she says.
Other monthly programs spon
sored by the association will include
Softball games, an aquatics night,
more dances and volleyball games.
The activities are being held to
benefit the approximate 3,000 men
tally retarded citizens in the area,
Grimsinger says.
She says the association, which is
an all-volunteer, non-profit organi
zation, is hoping to hold activities
several times a month in the future.
She says part of the decision to ex
pand will be based on surveys taken
at the July 23 party.
The dance, which is open to the
public, will be held from 7 p.m. to 9
p.m. at the National Guard Armory
in Bryan.
The dance will feature local band
4 Hams on Rye. Free refreshments
(no alchohol) will be available and
donations are encouraged.
merican burger kings battle in Britain
,liege Main
Associated Press
I LONDON — The Battle of the
Burgers between American fast-
liod giants McDonald’s and Burger
King ended in a London High Court
n Thursday with each side claiming
it had singed the other.
After five days of testimony,
Judge John Whitford granted Mc-
onald’s an injunction barring Bur-
Sjer King from using an advertise
ment that knocked McDonald’s
estselling burger, the Big Mac.
But the judge rejected McDon-
d’s claim that Burger King, home
of The Whopper, had maliciously
implied McDonald’s hamburgers
were less than 100 percent beef.
I Whitford Said that from photos
presented as evidence it was clear
that the Big Mac was “quite a mouth-
I “It was described as McDonald’s
flagship product — but not with ref-
thence to the thise with which it can
be sunk,” the judge said.
McDonald’s sued its arch-rival for
leged trade libel over a three-
Judge John Whitford granted McDonald's an injunc-
: tim-fmrmg Burgetr. ^h00ppm using m "Mvenisement
that knocked burger,
month 1983 ad campaign in the
London subway system.
Burger King had posted ads pic
turing a huge hamburger and the
slogan, “It’s Not Just Big, Mac.” In
smaller print, the ad described The
Whopper and said: “LInlike some
burgers, it’s 100 percent pure beef.”
McDonald’s complained that Bur
ger King used its product name to
lure away customers and alleged that
the reference to 100 percent beef
was libel by innuendo.
In granting the injunction, Whit
ford said the advertisement could
mislead Some people into thinking
the Big Mac was a Burger King
McDonald’s, which has 168 res
taurants in Britain, commissioned a
Gallup Poll for the trial showing that
55 percent of 1,000 people surveyed
thought the ad was for a Big Mac.
Burger King, which operates 10 res
taurants in Britain, argued that the
poll was not valid.
But the judge said he himself had
thought the ad was promoting the
Big Mac, not The Whopper.
“Like all the witnesses, I missed
the pun and it had to be explained to
me,” he said. “It would seem that, so
far as the majority of readers were
concerned, these tube cards (Subway
posters) were nothing more than
free advertising for McDonald’s.”
But rejecting the allegation of
trade libel, Whitford said he was sat
isfied Burger King had “never for
one moment” intended to suggest
that McDonald’s hamburgers were
not 100 percent beef.
Most people, he said, only remem
bered the main feature of the ad and
probably would not read the small
Whitford ordered each side to pay
its own share of legal costs, estimated
to total $210,000.
Study says U.S. spends
too much on surgery
After the hearing,
claimed victory.
both sides
Jim McGee, a lawyer for Burger
King, said, “The judge had found
clearly that there was no malice in
volved on our part. As such, Burger
King sees it as a victory.”
McGee Said he did not know how
much Burger King would have to
pay in legal costs, but he said it
would be “substantially lower” than
McDonald’s share.
Associated Press
CHICAGO — In parts of Massa
chusetts, some surgical operations
are performed more than twice as
often as in other sections of the state,
a new study says, bolstering evidence
Americans spend unnecessary bil
lions on hospital care.
“You know from your own expe
rience, and your friends’, that (in)
going to the doctor with a bad back,
one will say, ‘Go to the hospital for
two weeks,’ and another will say, ‘Go
home and put your mattress on the
floor for two weeks,”’ said the re
searcher, Dr. Benjamin A. Barnes of
Harvard School of Public Health in
A study by Barnes and his col
leagues in Friday’s Journal of the
American Medical Association indi
cates 1980 rates of surgery in some
parts of Massachusetts were double
what they were in others for three
procedures: tonsillectomy, insertion
of a heart pacemaker and removal of
damaged spinal disks.
Two other procedures — hyster
ectomy without removal of ovaries
and surgery to remove knee carti
lage — were 90 percent more com
mon in these areas, the study said.
Slight but significant geographical
differences emerged for four other
procedures: cataract surgery, hyster
ectomy with removal of ovaries, set
ting a broken thigh bone and partial
removal of the colon and rectum,
the study said.
The only procedure for which
there was no significant difference
was removal of the prostate gland,
indicating “far less discretion as to
whether it’s carried out or not,” Bar
nes said.