The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 18, 1985, Image 1

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Physiology research center
State mental hospitals meet
A&M coaches get an early
could help recruit athletes
with court-ordered rise in staff
look at future Aggie stars
— Page 3
— Page 4
— Page 5
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I tie Battalion
Vol. 79 No. 175 OSPS 045360 6 pages
College Station, Texas
Thursday July 18, 1985
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Budget talks
break down
in Congress
lary Maleiiii
■ DepartiMt:|
Leftovers, Anyone^
The remains o{ the Sands Hotel have been put on sale. The hotel,
located on Texas Avenue, is due to be replaced by the new Hamp-
ton Hotel, which is part of the Holiday Inn chain. Construction
will begin after demolition has been completed.
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Congressio
nal budget talks collapsed in acri
mony Wednesday, perhaps dooming
efforts to draft a major deficit-re
duction package this year.
As Sen. Pete V. Domenici, R-
N.M., chairman of the Senate Bud
get Committee adjourned the bar
gaining session, he told House con
ferees, “We’ll call you back as soon as
we have something to talk about.”
Senate bargainers rejected an of
fer from the Democratic-led House,
and House negotiators accused the
Republican-run Senate of contin
uously changing its targets.
It was unclear whether the Senate
would make a counterproposal to
the House plan that had been re
Senate bargainers had spent the
day picking over the House’s latest
budget compromise offer, com
plaining that the package violates an
agreement with President Reagan by
including too little for military
Testiness built on both sides dur
ing the day with Rep. William H.
Gray III, D-Pa., chairman of the
House Budget Committee, saying at
one point, “I’m tired of the false and
phony accusations with regard to the
The congressional talks are aimed
at drafting a compromise version of
fiscal 1986 budget passed by the
House and Senate.
Senate negotiators questioned
their House counterparts about the
details of a three-year, $272.6 billion
deficit-reduction plan that includes
$24 billion more in domestic spend
ing cuts than the House had origi
nally passed. The package would re
duce spending by $56.9 billion next
Senate Republicans indicated the
House offer did not go far enough
in meeting the Senate’s higher level
of military spending authority or do
enough to enforce domestic spend
ing cuts.
Domenici and other senators said
the House had not lived up to an
agreement with the president on
military spending.
The House proposal provides
$298 billion for military spending
authority next year, but Domenici
said it was short the $4.5 billion that
would be needed to keep pace with
inflation, which he said was part of
the agreement.
feBush impressed with Reagan's 'dramatic' recovery
Associated Press
I WASHINGTON — President
Reagan was taken off intravenous
feeding and put on a mostly liquid
diet Wednesday as he continued
what Vice President George Bush,
B/isiting him for the f irst time during
his convalescence, called a dramatic
recovery from cancer surgery.
Bush said Reagan was “running
high and looking good” four days af
ter having a malignant tumor re
moved from his colon.
I “It really is dramatic the way the
•recovery is taking place,” the vice
president said.
Bush spent about 45 minutes with
the president in his suite at Bethesda
Naval Hospital in suburban
Maryland. They discussed foreign
and domestic affairs and Bush said
the president was “clearly read up”
on the issues.
White House spokesman Larry
Speakes said Navy Capt. Dale Oiler,
the head of surgery at Bethesda, re
ported that Reagan’s digestive sys
tem was beginning to return to nor
mal and placed him on a diet of
liquids such as bouillons, apple juice
and tea, as well as Popsicles and Jell-
Speakes said the president had his
first uninterrupted night of sleep
Tuesday, retiring shortly after 11
p.m. EDT after watching a movie on
He said Reagan awoke about 5
a.m., went back to sleep and woke
again at 8 a.m. As he left his room to
walk the length of the hall in his
suite, Speakes said, the president
quipped, “Tennis, anyone?”
Doctors removed a nasal tube
used to draw out gas and fluid from
the president’s stomach. Reagan,
who had complained of some irrita
tion from the tube, quipped, “This is
Christmas in July.”
The physicians described Rea
gan’s condition as excellent, his vital
signs as stable and his spirits as good,
according to Speakes.
The spokesman said the president
signed several nominations and a
supplemental extradition treaty with
Britain, designed to assist in combat
ing terrorism.
Speakes said Reagan heard the si
rens of the Bush motorcade arriving
and surprised his visitor by getting
out of bed to greet him in an adja
cent sitting room.
“1 got up there prepared to wait,
and out came the president to greet
me, walking, and sat in a straight-
backed chair and looked very well
indeed,” Bush told reporters.
Bush was accompanied by his
chief of staff, Craig Fuller; the presi
dent’s chief of staff, Donald T. Re
gan and Speakes.
Speakes said the president’s “first
words to the group were to deny still
another report of his demise,” refer
ring to rumors of his death that cir
culated in some international finan
cial markets.
“Somebody must be trying to
make a buck,” the spokesman
quoted Reagan as saying.
He said they discussed a breakfast
meeting with Republicans from the
Senate Finance Committee earlier in
the day, at which Bush substituted
for the president, and that Reagan
“emphasized his interest in the bud
get deficit, which obviously still con
cerns him.”
Speakes said the president told his
visitors, “We have to show real dol
lars in domestic spending savings.
That’s the only way. Go tell them
Bush, who made a fortune Ui the
Texas oil fields before entering poli
tics, said, “There’s an expression in
the oil business, ‘Running high and
looking good,’ when you are drilling
a well, and that’s the way he is, run
ning high and looking good.”
Gift is largest in University's history
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ory is
A&M Foundation gets $7.3 million donation
The Texas A&M Development Foundation
las received a donation worth $7.3 million as
a result of the termination of the Ella C. Mc-
Fadden Charitable Trust.
Robert M. Rutledge, executive director of
||the foundation, says the 20-year trust is the
largest single contribution in the history of
Rutledge says the trust, which was orga
nized in 1965 after the death of Ella C. Mc-
Fadden of Fort Worth, has been used to sup
port honor scholarships and other programs.
In the past, the assets were used to finance
“We are indeed indebted to the
McFadden Charitable Trust for
its grand and long-standing sup
port, and for the confidence that
it places in us to administer these
funds for the maximum benefit
to the University.” — President
Frank E. Vandiver
the Center for Education and Research in
Free Fnterprise and to set up a President’s
den Scholarship, Rutledge says.
He says the contribution consists of South
land Royalty Co. stock and interest in other
royalty trusts that are all oil related.
“Only four percent on the value of the as
sets is being earned now,” Rutledge says, “but
the potential for the assets is great.”
Rutledge explains that the recent slump in
the oil business is one of the reasons for the
low royalty income.
Part of the funds are to be used to maintain
the scholarship programs, Rutledge says, but
the remaining ponion is unrestricted.
The income from the endowment will be
used at the discretion of the trustees and
A&M President Frank Vandiver.
“We are indeed indebted to the McFadden
Charitable Trust for its grand and long-stand
ing support, and for the confidence that it
places in us to administer these funds for the
maximum benefit to the University,” Van
diver said recently.
No decisions have been made as to where
the funds will be distributed, but a meeting
with trustees on Friday may produce some
ideas, Rutledge says.
Officials: ocean incinerators should be licensed
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Government
iofficials, told a Senate committee on
Wednesday that despite “research
gaps,” ocean incineration of hazard-
;ous chemical wastes should be li-
censed on schedule to ease the bur
den on land-based incinerators.
The Environmental Protection
(Agency has been criticized by public
officials and citizens groups for forg
ing ahead with regulations to license
specially built incinerator ships with
out fully assessing the dangers of
ocean incineration.
EPA officials have said licensing
Icould begin as early as the end of
| this year.
“We have environmental impact
statements for post offices,” Sen. Jo
seph Biden, D-Del., said. “I hope to
hell we have one for this.”
EPA plans to allow incinerations
off the West Coast, Gulf of Mexico,
and upper Atlantic coast.
Terry F. Yosie, director of EPA’s
Science Advisory Board, told the
panel that the independent scientists
who serve on his board “do not think
the nature of the research gaps that
we have identified are such that EPA
should delay adoption of its regula
In fact, Yosie said, “We believe
that the process of gathering re
search actually depends upon gath
ering data as incineration actually
EPA officials and representatives
of the waste disposal industry argue
that ocean incineration is needed be
cause land-based incinerators are
Sen. John Chafee, R-R.I., chair
man of the subcommittee, said, “I
guess the thing that worries all of us,
is we want this judgment to be as safe
as possible . . . but at some point
we’ve got to get on with it.”
The hearing before the Environ
mental Pollution Subcommittee was
called at the urging of U.S. Sen.
Lloyd Bentsen, D-Texas. Texas offi
cials fear the state’s lucrative fishing
and tourism industries will be dam
aged by a spill.
“You seem to be in a rush to issue
the permits,” Bentsen told Henry
Longest, EPA’s acting assistant ad
ministrator for water.
“What kind of pressure is being
brought on you to move at this
Longest said he didn’t feel any
Bentsen later complained that the
Gulf of Mexico site, where test burns
have already been conducted, had
been “grandfathered” into the regu
lations without a fair assessment of
all potential sites.
But Longest said EPA is consid
ering new criteria for site selection.
If they become part of the final
regulations and the Gulf site doesn’t
qualify, it will be dropped, he said.
The two incinerator ships that
conducted the test burns in the Gulf
of Mexico are European-built and
were purchased by a U.S. waste dis
posal company. ,
Two other ships are under con
struction in the United States with
the help of $70 million in govern
ment loan guarantees.
Jack Ravan, former EPA assistant
administrator for water and now re
gional administrator in Atlanta, told
Ghafee the government wouldn’t
necessarily lose the money if ocean
incineration is not licensed.
But he said, “the shipowner would
have to find a way to finance that
Chafee said he thought it would
be safe to assume the money would
be lost.
“It would be tough to make a pas
senger vessel out of one of these,” he
Dollar down,
rises In '
foreign trade
. LONDON — jitters over the
U.S. ec onomy and President Rea
gan's health pushed the dollar to
US lowest level in a year on for-.:
Gold bullion prices edged up
^ The dollar opened broadly
lower in the wake of an an
nouncement late Tuesday by the
Federal Reserve that it was revis
ing its ami-inflation growth tar
gets for the basic tLS- money sup-
ply * ' -U 1 ;, /i ' - • 111
. A trader in Frankfort, West
Germany, said the move was
taken as a sign that the Fed wants
to continue easing its monetary
grips and push Interest rates
lower to stimulate the economy.
Prospects of lower interest rates
make doliar-denorm nated invest
ments less attractive.
. Later in hectic trading, the dol
lar lost more ground when ru
mors —strongly dented by the
White House -— circulated in
London financial markets that
Reagan had died.
Terming the rumors the
“height of irresponsibility,” Dep
uty Press Secretary Pete Roussel
said in Washington that there had
been no change in the president’s
The dollar was also trading at
levels last seen in the summer of
1984 against the British, West.
German, Swiss and French cur