The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 12, 1985, Image 1

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V Servipi
State Board of Education
Firefighters sustaining injuries
Astros' Ryan becomes first
temporarily passes ’exit tesf
as they battle fires in the West
to record 4,000 strikeouts
— Page 3
— Page 6
— Page 7
Texas A&M ■ ^ m m V •
The Battalion
E. 301-C
Vol. 79 No. 171 USPS 045360 8 pages
College Station, Texas
Friday July 12, 1985
itary Malenij.
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Senate passes
South African
trade sanctions
Associated Press
I WASHINGTON — The Senate,
anxious to condemn the “evil of
apartheid,” voted 80-12 Thursday
niju to slap limited sanctions on ra
cially segregated South Africa.
CODWi i The lopsided roll call marked the
first time the Republican-controlled
= Seriate has recommended such ac
tion against the government in Pre
toria. It amounted to a clear
statement, as well, that President
Reagan’s low-key policy of “con-
- Structive engagement” does not go
far enough in expressing American
injection of South African racial pol-
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The House has approved legis
lation containing tougher sanctions,
and the differences between the two
measures will have to be reconciled
before a Final bill is sent to the White
■ The Senate-passed measure
would ban the export of computer
equipment used to enforce the
Bartheid laws, block bank loans to
the South African government and
end American commercial nuclear
assistance, in what Sen. Richard Lu-
gar, R-Ind., called an effort to “dis
tance this country from the evil of
In a last-minute change, sponsors
of the bill also added a provision that
calls for minting American gold
coins to give collectors an alternative
to the krugerrand, the gold piece
minted in South Africa.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-
Mass., “Every new dollar that flows
from the United States to South Af
rica is a brick in the wall of apartheid
... to do nothing today is tanta
mount to a vote of approval for
But conservative opponents got a
last-minute victory, as well, maneu
vering the Senate into voting 90-2
against the tougher House version
that some senators said privately
they preferred.
The opponents of the measure
joined Lugar, Kennedy and others
in denouncing South African racial
policies, but Sen. Barry Goldwater,
R-Ariz., said it was a “blight against
the United States to take this action
against an ally.”
Bridge To Nowhere
While most bridges and docks attract a surplus of from this spot at Lake Conroe. At last the fish have
fisherman, no one is attempting to lure the fish an advantage.
CIA clerk, relative of Ghana leader
Two charged with spying for Ghana
Associated Press
brought espionage charges Thurs
day against a relative of the leader of
Ghana and a female CIA clerk
whom he allegedly wooed into turn
ing over secrets about U.S. spy oper
ations in the African nation,
j FBI Director William H. Webster
said the alleged spying over the past
year and a half was unearthed by the
CIA itself and that the CIA cooper
ated in the bureau’s investigation.
In court papers, the FBI said the
clerk, Sharon M. Scranage, 29, of
King George, Va., confessed her
role during interrogation by FBI
agents at CIA headquarters Monday
through Wednesday. She was ar
rested Thursday morning.
The Ghanaian man, Michael Ag-
botui Soussoudis, 39, was arrested
Wednesday night at a hotel in subur
ban Springfield, Va., where he had
been led to believe he would have
another rendezvous with Miss Scra
nage, the FBI said.
According to Justice Department
sources, Soussoudis, a married, self-
employed business consultant, and
Miss Scranage, a divorced, $22,000-
a-year clerk, became lovers in Gha
na’s capital of Accra in 1983.
An FBI affidavit charged that the
liaison allowed the Ghanaians to ob
tain the names of CIA agents sta
tioned in their country and of Gha
naian dissidents who were secretly
cooperating with the CIA.
The FBI said the Ghanaians ob
tained a CIA report on efforts by
Ghanaian strongman Jerry J. Rawl
ings’ military government to get
weapons from the radical North Af
rican nation of Libya.
And the sources, who declined to
be identified by name, said the U.S.
government, based on the interroga
tion of Miss Scranage, believes that
Rawlings, Soussoudis and Ghana’s
intelligence chief met with her re
cently in Accra and asked her to rifle
classified files during her new as
signment at CIA headquarters in
this country.
Ghanaian Embassy spokesman
Harry Marshall was away from his
office and unreachable for com
The pair are charged with con
spiracy to commit espionage, which
carries a maximum penalty of life in
In separate hearings in suburban
Alexandria, Va., U.S. Magistrate W.
Harris Grimsley ordered both held
without bail pending detention hear
ings next week.
Soussoudis said, “I am not asso
ciated with any intelligence service in
Ghana; I am just related to the head
of state, that’s all.”
The sources said he was either the
nephew or cousin of strongman
Rawlings, who took over Ghana in a
military coup and now chairs its pro
visional national defense council.
FM proposes
new curbs on
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Federal
Aviation Administration proposed
regulations Thursday to limit the
size and amount of carry-on baggage
for airline travelers, saying passen
gers are hauling too many items
aboard aircraft cabins.
“On both safety and security
grounds . . . my instincts are to con
trol excessive amounts of carry-on
baggage,” FAA Administrator Don
ald Engen told a group of airline
representatives at a meeting to dis
cuss the proposal.
The agency’s plan would require
all carry-on bags to fit into an area
equal to the space beneath an aver
age airliner seat with all baggage to
gether measuring no more than 9
inches by 16 inches by 20 inches.
An additional lightly packed
hanging garment bag — or a small
soft-cover substitute bag — would be
allowed on certain flights where
storage space is available, but it must
have soft sides, weigh no more than
20 pounds and contain no hard ob
Currently, airline passengers are
allowed to take as many items
aboard an aircraft as they wish as
long as the items in the view of the
{light crew can be stored in a sale
manner. Flight attendants and pilots
have complained, however, that of
ten the baggage is left in areas where
it could hurt passengers, impede
evacuation and at times even make
an airplane too heavy for safe take
While the FAA has acknowledged
concern about the problem, the
agency had not given it top priority
until recent weeks when Transporta
tion Secretary Elizabeth Dole, after
the hijacking of TWA Flight 847 and
suspected bombing of an Air-India
jumbo jet, made clear she wanted
the measure looked at in light of se
curity at airports.
The question of how much bag
gage is being funneled through air
port passenger screening stations be
came of increased importance, say
government officials, after the FAA
required additional inspection of
bags that already have gone through
X-ray screening in an attempt to
thwart terrorist attacks.
Officials: Coke
misread signals
from consumers
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Associated Press
§ ATLANTA —- The top three offi-
dals of Coca-Cola Co. said Thursday
they are bringing back the recipe
that made Coke the world’s most
popular soft drink because they
‘‘dearly misread” the public’s attach
ment to it.
They also denied that the return
of the old formula was prompted by
a failure of the 11-week-old new for
mula, or that the return of “Coca-
Cola Classic” had been secretly
planned all along.
“We’re not that dumb and we’fe
ot that smart,” Donald Keough,
resident of Coca-Cola Co., Said at a
news conference at the company
^headquarters along with Chairman
Roberto C. Goizueta and Coca-Cola
USA President Brian Dyson.
The officials said Coke made with
the new formula will remain the
company’s flagship brand.
Around the country, the people
who bottle and distribute Coke
greeted the old new formula with a
mixture of relief, disagreement and
“We’ve had quite a lot of concern,
a lot of calls to the plant,” said John
Kayajan, president of the Coca-Cola
Bottling Co. of Cape Cod, Mass.
“Now we can make everybody
But Kayajan and other Massachu
setts bottlers said the new Coke sur
passed the old Coke’s popularity in
the state, and Kayajan predicted that
“the new will prevail here.”
“I think it’s all a publicity stunt on
the part of the company,” said Mike
Bruzzio, who checks shipments at
the bottling plant in Newark, N.J.
Harvey Anderson, president of
Rochester (N.Y.) Coca-Cola Bottling
Corp., said that the new Coke “has
done extremely well here” and the
company might not go along with
the new “Classic” formula. “We
don’t really see a need for it,” he
The old formula for Coke, which
remained fundamentally unchanged
for 99 years, was replaced in April
with a new taste which the company
said was “smoother, bolder and
.The company said then, and the
officials repeated Thursday, that the
new formula wa$ consistently pre
ferred in taste tests.
But many cola drinkers rebelled.
Groups formed to lobby for the re
turn of the old formula and Coke re
ceived thousands of telephone calls
and letters.
On Monday, Coke’s leaders de
cided to market the old formula
again, Goizueta said. The decision
was announced Wednesday.
Dyson said the new Coke is selling
well and the company has no re
However, he said the company
“clearly misread some signals from
the consumer” in its marketing re
High Court maintains church, state separation
Associated Press
The U.S. Supreme Court, in a
term featuring more church-state
cases than any previous term in
the court’s 195-year history, has
handed a setback to those hoping
for greater government accom
modation of religion.
In a series of church-ate deci
sions, Seven of them in all, the
high court held on to the strict se-
parationist position that has char
acterized most of the court’s rul
ings for 40 years.
Experts on both sides of the in
tensifying controversy over
church-state matters earlier had
claimed a trend in court thinking
that indicated more openness to
religious expression in the public
They said several decisions in
the previous term suggested such
a shift.
But “the court did not continue
the trend, so ominous last term,”
in a series 0 church^tam decisions this term, the
high court held on to the strict separauonist position
that has characterized most dtthe.courts rulings for
said a summary of the new deci
sions by the American Civil Liber
ties Union, which praised the
court for returning to a strict se-
parationist stand.
Some church specialists and
Reagan administration officials
who had urged a more hospitable
government approach to religion
were disappointed.
Chief Justice Warren Burger,
in sharp dissents to three of the
major rulings, said they exhibited
not neutrality but “hostility to
ward religion.”
Those key decisons came by
split votes, two of them by narrow
five-to-four decisions against re
medial aid to church school pu
pils, and by a vote
against an Alabama law for a mo
ment of silence or prayer in pub
lic schools.
The divided opinions pointed
to the possibility of future revi
sions or overturning of the deci
sions, particularly since five of the
nine justices are 76 or older, some
likely to give way to replacements
in the near future.
At the crux of the rising num
ber of church-state cases is the
Constitution’s First Amendment
saying “Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment
of religion, or abridging the free
exercise thereof.”
It’S a two-edged provision, pro
hibiting both government, “estab
lishment” of religion as well as re
strictions against it. The court
battles hinge on varying interpre
tations of that balance.
Strict separationists — those in
sisting that any government ar
rangements favorable to religion,
or even hinting it, are barred —
won most of the decisions in the
court’s 1984-85 term that ended
July 2.
In the latest ^rulings last week,
the court threw out programs in
Grand Rapids, Mich., and New
York City for sending public
school teachers into church
schools for remedial and other
enrichment courses for needy
The high court’s slim majority
held that the programs “threaten
to convey a message of state sup
port for religion to students and
the general public.”
Police: bomb sank Greenpeace ship
Associated Press
AUCKLAND, New Zealand —Po
lice said Thursday a bomb caused
the explosion that sank the Green
peace flagship Rainbow Warrior and
killed one of its crew of conservatio
Prime Minister David Lange said
the bombing Wednesday night was a
“a major criminal act with . . . terror
ist overtones.”
The environmentalists said they
were determined to go ahead with a
four-month anti-nuclear campaign
in the South Pacific and would wel
come any offer of a substitute ship
from New Zealand.
Lange said his government would
consider suggestions from the public
that the government send a military
vessel to a French Polynesian nu
clear test site in place of Rainbow
Warrior. He did not elaborate.
Sobbing survivors gathered at
Marsden Wharf on Thursday to
gaze at the badly damaged ship,
joined by a steady stream of Auck
land residents offering help.
Detective Superintendent Allan
Galbraith said the double explosion
made a 6-by-8-foot hole in the hull
of the Rainbow Warrior, which the
14-year-old Greenpeace organiza
tion used in protests of nuclear test
ing and dumping and the killing of
whales, seals and dolphins.
“An examination of the hull has
satisfied us that we are dealing with a
case of sabotage and that an explo
sive device has been detonated on
the outside of the hull in the area of
the engine room,” Galbraith said.
Ship’s photographer Fernando
Pereira was killed and Galbraith said
investigators were treating his death
as a homicide. Twelve other people,
including two Americans, were on
board during.the explosions but es
caped unhurt. Pereira was a Portu
guese-born Dutch citizen.