The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 09, 1985, Image 7

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    Tuesday July 9, 1985/The Battalion/Page 7
by Jeff MacNelly
French train hits truck,
killing eight injuring 67
Associated Press »u^ i u , .. ^ , - .
Associat<Hl Press
JtAY, France — An express train
going 100 mph smashed into a trac-
rntory, tli| tor-trailer trapped on the track be-
is nationo[|t we en automatic crossing gates Mon-
Hay. Police said eight people were
i, 50 miltjHilled and 67 were injured.
•d Arabia* Police and fire officials said the lo-
Hmotive and four front passenger
t least ontHrs of the Le Havre-Paris train
Baal Moby limped the track and one car
■lowed through part of a neArby
officialsolgiouse. The train carried about 600
army rep passengers.
I The U.S. Embassy in Paris said
ia's Trans preliminary reports indicated five
ike a nuni : Americans were among the injured.
?ats toim-E The embassy said four of the five
theoffai Americans suffered minor injuries
Hnd the fifth was hospitalized in sat-
nascusl)t||factory condition. Identification of
e leader of
ing an ev
e ration of
ib reactioi
the injured Americans was withheld
f lending notification of their fami-
Witnesses said the frantic driver
tried to raise the gate manually mo
ments before the impact and was
back in his chb, trying to crash his rig
through the barrier when the train
hit him.
Police said 10 of the injured were
in “grave condition.”
The accident occurred at about
9:15 a.m. in this community 62 miles
miles west of Paris, on a regular run
from the port of Le Havre.
National police and firefighters,
called in from a 60-mile radius,
struggled to free passengers from
the tangled mass of metal, said offi
cials of the department, or state, of
There was no immediate official
explanation of the accident’s cause.
“Rocks began flying outside the
window along with a lot of metal,”
14-year-old Carrie Brezine of Yellow
Springs, Ohio, told reporters afteir
the accident. “Then the train began
to swerve from side to side and lug
gage began falling. Several suitcases
hit me on the shoulders before the
train tipped over.”
She was in the second passenger
car and was not seriously injured.
“I passed out, but I remember
hearing people screaming And call
ing for help,” she said.
Brezine was in a group of young
Americans who had spent three
weeks in Le Havre and were travel
ing to Paris. None of them was se
riously injured.
S. landing
Tying air-
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Official: Farmers m&y^be responsible for poisonings
rle homes
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auld take
Associated Press
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Cali-
brnia’s top agriculture official said
Monday that he believes watermelon
poisonings in California and sur-
ounding states were caused by de
liberate misuse of farm chemicals,
not by pesticide residue from pre-
ious crops.
State Food and Agriculture Direc
tor Clare Berryhill said, “I’m not as-
uming it was a carryover. I’m as-
uming it was an illegal application.”
He said his department had re
vived information from informants
fto that effect.
The pesticide involved in the poi
sonings, aldicarb, sold by the Union
Carbide Co. under the trade name
ofTemik, is banned for use on wa
termelon crops. But its use has been
approved for other crops, including
cotton, which is produced in the
same area as watermelons, in many
cases by the same growers.
Aldicarb-contaminated melons
have been linked to illnesses of more
than 200 people in four Western
states and Canada.
The pesticide involved in
the poisonings, aldicarb,
sold by the Union Carbide
Co. under the trade name
of Temik, is banned for
use on watermelon crops.
Some growers blamed Union Car
bide for the contamination, saying
the pesticide did not decompose in
the soil as fast as they had been led to
But Berryhill said at a news coh-
ference, “I’m not going to blame
Union Carbide at thisjuncture.
“We believe there were violations
of restricted materials laws, and we
think there are some growers out
there who violated that.
“And I’m here to tell you right
now that I will not sleep until I find
those growers, and I’m going to use
all the police power I nave in my
power to put them away.
We cannot allow a few growers in
this state to jeopardize our industry.
We’re out to find those people.”
His deputy, Rex Magee, said vio
lations of pesticide laws are misde
meanors with maximum criminal
penalties of a $1,000 fine and up to
six months in jail. But he said civil
penalties could be as high as $150
per plant, which he said could total
in the millions of dollars.
Berryhill added that other grow
ers who have lost their crops because
of orders to destroy suspect fruit
also might have claims against grow
ers who violated the pesticide laws.
Dr. Kenneth Kizer, director of the
state Department of Health Services,
said 149 California illnesses were
linked to aldicarb poisoning and an
additional 200 illnesses, in 23 coun
ties were under investigation.
At least 38 cases of aldicarb poi
soning have been reported in Ore
gon, Washington, Alaska and British
Man linked
to cabin killings
declared fit for
trial in Canada
Associated Press
CALGARY, Alberta — Charles
NgvvaS declared fit to stand trial in
Canada on Monday after a psychiat r
ric examination, and U.S. officials
said they would begin proceedings
to extradite him to California where
he is linked to the discovery of nine
bodies at a remote cabin.
Before his arrest here Saturday,
Ng, 24, had been the subject of a
worldwide manhunt because of his
connection to survivalist Leonard
Lake, who committed suicide in po
lice custody last month.
Lake lived in the Calaveras
County cabin where investigators
have unearthed nine bodies, 40
pounds of bones, videotapes of sex
ual torture and bloody tools. Police
say Ng appears on some of the vi
deotapes — including one in which
he threatens a terrified woman with
a knife — although his fingerprints
have not been found at the house.
Ng, a former U.S. Marine, ap
peared briefly in a packed court
room before Judge Hubert G. Oliver
granted a prosecution request for a
preliminary psychiatric examina
Several hours later, prosecutors
said government psychologists had
declared him able to stand trial.
Ng faces Canadian charges of at
tempted murder, robbery of less
than $200 and illegal use of fire
arms. H£ was arrested at a Calgary
department store during an alleged
shoplifting attempt in which a secu
rity guard was shot in the hand.
Oliver scheduled a July 15 hear
ing when Ng will be asked to choose
among a judge-only trial in Provin
cial court, a judge-only trial in a
higher court or a jury trial in a
higher court.
Ng’s attorneys, who have prom
ised to fight extradition, said they
would recommend a jury trial.
In San Francisco, Claralyn Balazs,
Lake’s ex-wife, has been subpoenaed
to appear Wednesday before a
granu jury, Stan Rozanski, one of
her attorneys, said. Rozanski said
Monday the subpoena asked for a
1985 personal calendar and some
letters from Lake.
At a news conference with Cali
fornia and Canadian aVithorities,
Calgary police Inspector Ron Tar
rant said Ng, who has a sister in Cal
gary, might have been camping in a
city park for three or four days be
fore his arrest.
Calaveras County Sheriffs Sgt.
Ron McFall and San Francisco police
Inspector Edward Erdelatz ques
tioned him for about five hours Sun
They refused to give any details of
their interview with Ng, but McFall
said, “We found it beneficial. I can’t
say we’re disappointed.”
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Tucson citizens to send Soviets Ecstasy
deotape calling for peace
(continued from page 1)
Associated Press
TUCSON, Ariz. — Sometime
later this year, if all goes as planned,
the good citizens of Novokuznetska,
Siberia, are going to sit down in
front of a video cassette recorder,
slap in a tape and hear good tidings
from a faraway place called Tucson.
One Tucsonan will say, “Hello,
my name is Bill Preib. I just want to
say that nobody wants war — and ev
erybody wants peace.”
“I love you,” a Tucson woman will
inform the Soviets, speaking their
native tongue with a heavy Ameri
can accent.
The spontaneous messages, a pro
ject of the Tucson-Novokuznetska
Friendship Project, were recorded
on videotape recently at a “Peace
Fair” in Reid Park.
People attending the Tucson
Peace Center’s fair, which featured
displays by numerous human rights
and pacifist organizations, were in
vited to “Speak Your Peace to the
Soviets on Video.” They paid $3 for
doing so.
Anne Goldman, a member of the
Friendship Project, said the 80-min
ute videotape is to be sent, along
with a video recorder, to Tucson’s
sister city in the Soviet Union in an
effort to let the Russians know that
“we want peace, and we need to
work togetner to get a world that
Proceeds from the participation
fees will be used to pay travel ex
penses for students from Tucson
and Novokuznetska to visit their re
spective sister cities, Goldman said.
Hannis Latham used donated
equipment and gave his time to re
cord the goodwill messages.
“It’s not really what they say, but
how they say it,” Latham said. “It’s
their faces, their eyes, their express
ions: These carry the message.
“We aren’t trying to tell them (the
Soviets) that our way is better. We
just want to give them a ‘hit’ of
Americans, and we think that the vi
deotape is a beautiful way of doing
Four University High School stu
dents, all holding kittens, and their
guitar-playing Russian teacher,
Cindy Seaborg, went before the
camera. They started off singing a
Russian rendition of “Old McDon
ald,” and then they go on to a Rus
sian folk song called “The Dream of
Stenka Razin.”
But why the kittens?
Laurel Lamb, one of the four stu
dents, said, “Because kittens speak
Russian. They say ‘Meer,’ and meer
means ‘peace’ in Russian. It also
means ‘world.’ ”
Latham said the video project will
continue in coming months. He said
it will be necessary to send the Rus
sians a video machine along with the
tapes because their machines won’t
accommodate American-made cas
“One man’s death has been asso
ciated with the drug,” Daugherty
says. “The California psychoanalyst
admittedly had a heart condition
and died after taking a 300-milli
gram dosage of MDMA.”
One study conducted at the-Uni
versity of Chicago indicates Ecstasy
destroys nerve sensors, affects sleep,
memory and mood regulators,
causes aggressive behavior, impairs
motor functions and may be toxic to
DEA officials currently are con
ducting public hearings about the
drug in various cities across the
United States. The officials are lis
tening to Federal Drug Administra
tion officials and psychiatrists who
say they need the drug for their pa
One of the hearings concluded
last month in Los Angeles while a-
second is scheduled to begin
Wednesday in Kansas City, Mo. An
other hearing is scheduled in Wash
ington, D.C. but a date has not yet
been set for it.
Psychiatrists have been using
Ecstasy for treating emotional disor
ders since the 1970s.
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