Dear La te-nighters, If we knew how to spell gutteral sounds of ecstacy, we would splash them all over this page because this is the end for us and the Spring ’85 At Ease staff. Seems like just yesterday we were filling this page with a bunch of talk about expanding your horizons and teaching great lessons. Well we’ve learned just about enough — how ’boutyou? As most good things do, At Ease occurs in the middle of the night. And before we got this job we were avid David Letterman fans. We’re still fans but seldom get to see the show because we’re here in the newsroom being “Easy.” Rumor has it he’s still a funnyman. Back early in the semester (when we still were trying to be brainy) someone suggested a “David Let terman” issue. Since Letterman’s job is even better than being an At Ease staff writer (who else in the world gets to be blatantly rude and get paid for it?) it was the only way for us to end the semes ter. So, At Ease goes Late Night. It would have been ideal to pick up the phone and chat with Dave —you know talk about the gap between his two front teeth. But it seems that he only talks to the press once a week at lunch (and then preferably to NBC affiliates.) So since we couldn’t talk to Dave — we were gonna settle for the Late Night janitor. Just a brush with fame would have made us happy. Seems the janitor was all booked up too. Well, fine. Not to be defeated and since we liked the idea of being paid for being rude we set up our own Late Night humor and had a blast. Mr. Curious, found wandering around the newsroom, was kind enough to run over to the Blocker Building and query a few of the Blocker-rats about their attire. Since the crowd over there looks like it’s at a wedding reception all the time (nice dress, diet coke and occupational chatting) this was a great success. Sometimes the truth is funnier than fiction. Thanks to Mr. Curious for his brashness and bravery. Then there was the 1st Annual At Ease Pizza Race. In the hands ofTricia Parker, who captured the moment perfectly, this major media event is something that youfe gonna wish you were here for. Maybe you should drop by the newsroom more often. We’ll have pizza. Finally — don’t be offended by the stupid pet. Sometimes the truth hurts. Humorously, MI 'U Shawn Behlen & Leigh-Ellen Clark Co-editors P.S. Finis!