#/HSC '%AVl»^lliET N '> / SlliCW Wednesday, April 10, 1985AThe Battalion/Page 7 VIcCiI f (I a warm roi* audience. I piece of (lit he Old Bri[ id wasgoineto|i | ielody members laujj )iece with veitti ’ concert. eived a si al audience me fit appredatw v exited, good concert,’ know, for J2 ) this audiiorf idled: ■ M 0 niversit\Sr| \t scheduled i■ he season, is Ap in the M ig room. lidos, is and his,straj exclusive group exas Most Will nd is Jjeingoffj line Stoppers.Ai nlormatiqpjat s i ili innation abu is urged tocalli kts program#: ers Adiil Stoppi at 1-81 at I-800-25M let s do not bait ties. anted is a, ween the In Advisory Com | tment of Pub i etdist thepulili eking down (e een charged* in the state. Iso are offered pers programs! ig to the soli® e and thecapW Duncil ear in ibers cted ion City Coimjl i at the coundTI ng at 4 p.mdj The council w| th an ordinara the price ofM® ential and co® rs. In’s council # urned to theti 11 letion of reno rt if chambers.^ nsider an ori mid establish tgement plant 1 i Id an low d tv, the money tj 1 ; Id be placed 'reference gi * n ’ . rul a question, a 11 " uld not aff to grow crops 1 ' son system, ally if the 1 mild facilitiest 01 ', "owding, S ect.” lasted if prison* d still have m al to builda i; ' nd he said,‘^ !; Michael Patino & Rhonda Grider Swati Bose 12,7:30 Rudder Auditorium Tickets on Sale Now Students $3.50 Adults $4.00