The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1985, Image 4

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Page 4/The Battatton/Tuesday. Apvl 2.
McCuilar House OKs
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lit FKO* fULLM
Political Awareness Day
is Wednesday in MSC
* l^fediscussall Kins
Rjcepitgpancv test
t iNaniiiy care anti
t+ur 1
. Mark
fc^ths served
MolhcrY A||.unst Drunk Driver*.
Affine*!* Inter rut! tonal the I rxas
Prison l mon. and the League of
LnKrd Latin American Ctuaens are
a few of the gtoups expected to imi
Cm.ipate in PttlMKal Awareness l>a\
Wednevda* in the Memorial Student
About 20 |(r«fups are expected to
pant* spate in the event, sponsored
h\ PohtM. I Forum
I im t it/vihlMMis. of PohtMal Fo
rum. vavs the groups will tfive stu
dents a chance to expand their
knowledge of [>olitKal affairs hs
learning about current isawes
Ann Levy. rtMdrfnBn of
Awareness Das. says other
dealing with "hot topics" also
on campus. Aatong these are »
C hoice, an abortion group. Texas
Womens Political Caucus, the So--
cialist Workers Part*, and Green
1 he majont* of the groups rep
resented are from the Brvan-(A>tlege 4
Station area but are groups that
serve state interests Other groups
are coming from Austin and Dallas
I his will be the third year for the *
awareness dav which Levs sa*s has
been vers successful
-Everyone can benefit from the
because there is
merest group that everv-
would like to know more about
t to discuss an issue that the*
th," Levs sass
tns savs more groups par-
linpate ever* year and thousancis of
students usually come through the
The groups participating wifi
have tables set up on the first floor
of the MSC from 9am to 4 p.m
Representatives will provide infor
mation about their organizations
and answer any questions regaidmg
their functions or activities
1 fel*V*R
Harris County dragnet serves
warrants to hot check writers
C Council Assistant
~ "ions are due
April 2,8:30 p.m.
301 Rudder
April 3, 8:30 p.m.
701 Rudder
available in
216 MSC.
A—ci—d Press
HOI SION — A countywide
dragnet "put the fear of <Jod" into
hot check writers, causing scores to
show up with cash-m-hand to pav
metre than JbOO.OtK) in restitution
and $ I 1.000 in fines
Harris Countv chief cieputv con
stable Don Chumlev said the hot
check crackdown that started over
the weekend gained a momentum of
its own. with mans people volunteer
ing to < ome in with what thev owe .
“Thes're Mill coming in." Chum
lev said Monday *With media pub
Im itv. it’s pul the feat of (nid into
them Its given them entourage
ment to come in and get right '
County law enforcement officials
announced last week that they were
starting a sweep to pick up ho* dsMft
writers The officials encouraged
those owing for had checks to vohao-
tardy make the checks good
On Saturday. 403 officers started
serving warrants The ramv weather
kept many people at home, said
Ch imlev. and officers made a total
of 272 arrests by Monday morning
The arrests cleared 4.485 bad
checks, brought in $000,000 “or bet
ter". and raised $11,000 in fines, hr
Chumles said hot check writers
were hauled before a |udge and
given the option of paving off or set
ting a trial date Most, he said, paid
■or were released on then own recog-
nleaner However officers (ailed 23
people who had other warrants out
standing. he said
4 , The offenders could not write
cheeks to cover their hot chec ks
“We were accepting only cash,
cashier's checks or money orders."
said Chumlev with a laugh “No
credit cards ”
bill about
crimes within
AUSTIN — In a bill intended as a
message to convicts, the House voted
Monday to order inmates to serve
additMmal time in prison for of
fenses committed in the peniten
Now. sentences for in prison
c rimes can be set to run conturrendy
with prevKHts sentences, effectively
adding no additwinal prison time.
"I look at this as a deterrent said
sponsor Ras Keller, R-Duncanvilte
"It’s one more reason not to get in
volved in that activity."
I he bill, already approved in the
Senate, won tentative House appro
val in an 87-16 vote It faces another
vote before going to the governor.
- Also Mondav. the fTouse tenia
uvel* approved Senate bills autho
rizing tne Railroad UommissMMi to
regulate rail safety, requiring toilets
and drinking water on trains and
regulating nmeshare property
I he inmate sentenc ing bill was
sparked by prison violence in recent
months. Keller said But Houston
Rep Larr* Evans said the message
might not get through to criminals,
who already have shown disdain fof
the law
“We should reinforce positive be
havior with positive rewards." Evans
The rail saletv hill, sponsored in
the House bv Helion Rep Hill Mes
set. authorizes the I exas Railroad
(ximmissKin to set rules allowed )»>
the fedetal Railtoad Safety Act of
1970 I he bill was amended on the
Senate floor to take out a provision
giving local rail ordinances piMintv
over state rules
In a separate bill, the House
hacked a Senate hill requiring sani
tary drinking water in engines and
catxx>ses Railroad companies also
would have to make sure that engine
and cab*K»se toilets are working.
I he Texas I imeshare Act was
written in response to consume!
complaints about nmeshare sales,
primarily in resort areas Under the
nmeshare arrangement, sevetal pro
pie huv the same property, allowing
them to use it for a specified period
eac h sear
• When the crackdown began, there
were 10.321 outstanding net check
warrants and Chumlev said officers
would continue to work the unre
solved cases
I he bill reciuires registration of
nmeshare sellers and detailed
statements concerning exchange
programs It would also allow pur
chasers to cancel contracts within
three davs
Jazz, swing
concert set
for tonight
I he Texas AJlcM Revellers will
perform its Spring Concert to
night in Ruddei Cheater
The group, which specializes in
swing and jazz music, will l>e pei-
iorming pieces including “Lul-
lahv ol Birdland" and T Can t
St «*u Giving You
Fourteen singers and a four-
piece band and brass section
make up the 18-member group
Tickets are available at the
Rudder Box Office and the Vocal
Musk Office Cost is $4 (Ml tor
non-st Kients and $3 50 for stu
The concert begins at 7:30
IP ni
Drive-in services attract devoted
AMuriated Press
. ■• A,
(.RAND PRAIRIE — The paths
of praver led some motorists to a
drive-in devotional featuring a park
ing tot pastor on Palm Sunday
l he Res Bob Skipper preached
from a pulpit behind a bay window
of Abundant Life Assembly of Cod.
whic h overlooks a parking lot
1 here, motorists meditated on his
woids in the first drive-in service in
the area
“Being here 25 years, this is some
thing I had wanted to do. 1 saw a
need for an outreach for our fhifl-
istrv." Skipper told the Dallas I imes
Herald ‘Tnev can come as they are. .
“It’s good for handnapped as weH
as those on the road who would like
to honor (^od on the Lord’s day.
have some inspiration and feel like
they’ve been to church." he said “At
10 o'clock, the* can be at Six Flags '
An usher greeted parishioners
Sunday through their car windows
^aftev toother church member di
rected drivers where to park on the
veBdXr-etriprd lot
Usher RKhard Healev handed
each driver a church bulletin and a
palm leaf
Motorists rolled down their win
dows to hear the servKe through
‘Welcome to the first dnve-in
service on Palm Sunday and wel-
’ come to this cool temperature we
have." Skipper began after a few
•toinutes of taped inspirational mu
sic “We do trust you’re comfortable
ut your automobile
... I’d like for vou to bow your
heads with me in your automobile
and let’s prav," he continued. "Bless
those who might feel lonelv today
Mildred Stew ait, 70. said she suf
fers from arthritis, but wants to
come to church and would rather sit
in the comfort of her car than suffer
through services inside
“I have arthritis and have a lot of
difficulty walking." said Stewart. "If
I slay at home, I hurt It I go out to
church. I’ll hurt So I thought, TH
just drive out to the service ’ It’s a
real nice dav 1 can sit in the iar and
move and not attract too much at
tention ’*
Evangelist Robert Schuller s Crys
tal Cathedral drive-m servue in Car
den Grove. Calif . has brought thou
sands to c hurch since 1955 and a few
smaller churches m Oklahoma and
North (Carolina also have drive-in
. .
! Fulfilling! Challenging!
j AFCF Monthly Halley
Wednesday, April 3, 1985
7:30 p.m.
V 4k
Hrp ^ f i''
Room 101 Soil & Crops Sciences Bldg, v **
ATM 39-
ChUdrens 28 -
tnorn pit co.
M college station
9 30-400
.Lit *
A&M Christian Fellowship