Page 12/The BattaikxvTuesday, April 2. 1983 i Thompson's Hoyos like a 'Holiday Inn' I he CefirjyncMVfi H<»v^s were i<» the I9H4-M5 «(»llexe basket ball «ea- vhi what lnn% are to the motel business — no *urprt*e\ When pntum^tKat«»r» lo«*kepi»oents sc-t a new Cex- tors. amlthe Hovas had a few things ingtrHi tor this sears Tmai F«*ur. a hapfien «»n the wav to Rupp Arena local columnist wrote a tongue-m- and their “OT KentKkf Home." «Ix-ek artH le claiming that a criminal even lielore thes got going self-mflKtise disease. into the Southeast Regmu of the I lie one constant was Kwmg Op- N( A A tournes — and thes defeated prsing teams sagged in on him and die seemingls undefeatable denied him the baM. Opposing Ians i mIh tiled his fac ial features and in- I guess, the'*Beasts from the East lelligence qucKient aie reallv "Hosa Humans alter all Hog In The Dirt Arkansas shortstop Derrick Richardson (26) reaches for the the ball. AUcM. who left with its head in the dirt Sundav. bag as Texas A&rM first baseman Fred (»egan (24) waits for hosts a double-header against North Texas State at 5:30 p.m. Hoya dynasty falls at Wildcats’ feet Associated Press tk*oigelown had w<»n 1 / sti.light g.lines and completed the- season with a 35-3 record and a 121 23 ie- »old during the lout-seat caieet til 7-loot Kw mg. a lout - t mie Ml \men can \ tllanosa. 25-H>. was lieaten twice bs the Hosas dining the legu- lai Big hast se.tson. >2- *<• in <>\ei tune and 57-50. and ( k*oi g«'t< >v\ n <-n tered the game a nine punt !a \ onie “No one thought v\e could do it but we did \ tllanosa ( .oac h Kolhe Massimino shouted altetssaid \nd the tot rind coach and his um.inked ciew 11om the Philadelphia suhuilis had plents ot herek*s to go at onnd Dwasne Me (lam hit two liec- throws and Harold Piessles one of two to pros ide t he- mai gin ot \ u tot \ w ith ( »eoi getown s Michael Jackson completing the scoring with a held gccal with tour seconds remaining Mc(3am piced Villanosa with 1/ punts and n-looi 0 Fd Pmc kites, who Ixiltled h wing m the pixol all night. sc ot ed 11> I he \N tide ats also hit 22 ol 27 11 ee thtows and matched the Hosas on the IxMids with 17 refrouiMls -\nd dies limited twmg. the Hosas VII- \met ic a c entei . to I 4 punts ( .e< »r getow it was living to I >ee otne onlv the seventh team and the (list smee l ( I \ m l**73 to ie|>eal as \( \ \ « (tampions I hev wete ’»eing i atec( among the gi ealest teams ot all time altei htee/mg tlitough t(ie last p.ut o( then schedule and lc»oking si i on get v\ it h c-ac (i game But \ ilianov a. v\ luc li I unshed in a ihnd place- lie m the Big t asi (.on- teience with Xvi.icnse (>egan a six game wmmng stteak in the tociina mem I lic-n upset v k toi v was akin to that o( \oith ( aiolma State which won th<- N( \ \ title two vears ago as an ovei w helming underdog But N ( State team tmished with one mote victorv against its It) losses and the* Kith i.inking in the ti pie tournament |*oll Ml \ illa- nov a had to show was ho^>e as thev enleted then sixth consecutive \( \ \ tournament, a eomjietitiun ihev nevet had won I he V\ tide ats pulled ahead 2K-2H at halltime and altei Twing hit an ojtemng |utnp*t in the second halt tliev went up3(»-3(lwith H.trold Jen sens hasket a thier-pMlil plas Its I'mc knev and a (umjtei Its (.aiv Me I ^im Mc( lams three ptmi plav kept them up 4 1 3t> hut (.eorgetown came hack and went ahead on Das id Wingates pimpei 42-4 1 with '.4 4*3 i einaimng l he lead c hanged hands live tunes, the last on a jumper Its Pine k nev w ho was named tiie tour nament Most Valuable IMavei Villanova hit six straight punts lot a 5M 5 4 advantage with 1 24 te nt.lining f-wing s jam brought (.eorgetown to within hi-58 with 4 1 seconds lelt but Me ( lam then c ante through w ith two more 11 ee throws (.eorgetown. the Big F-ast tourna ment winner and the No ! ranked team lot all but live weeks this sea- s< >n — lollc >w mg a jan 28 loss to Sv i • ac use h5-h.3 — was jn its thud < h.unpionship game <>t the tout veat twing tia.' having won last ve.u against Houston and losing hv a |*omt to North (.arolma three- ago \ illanova. on the* <>Uiei hand, had made it to the I mai otdv one e Ix-- hue. m I'(7 I when it lost to < I \ and latet had the runnel -np pisition siiij>j>ed when it was tound it siai placet .* Howard Poitet had signed a j >i o h.isket Ixill c ont I at t I he Wildcats onlv other trip to the national semifinals, was m Ih3‘l. ihe tournament s lust veat I hen thev were c oac hed hv \l Neveienee. I he \ illanova c h leu 25 vears Se- verencecfied Mcmdav in his lexing- ton hotel room, and the placets deci le ated the game to him twmg. the \P Pl.tver c>| the Year, hit seven of I ( shots from the held hut gr a hived onlv live rel>«Hinds It s easy to lose your way when hunting for a new apartment Now, Treehouse Village is helping to make your c r O'ce a I'ttte clearer Oy offering you new effioen cy and one- and two-bedroom fur nished and unfurnished apartments with a wild assortment of extras Just a few blocks from campus, Treenpuse Village features the popular two- TREEHOUSE •VILLAGE oed r oom roommate hoor pian two swimming pools ana ^ot tubs jogging tra'i and tennis oasketba'i and vo'ieybaii courts Some handicap un ts available too So come m from the jungle and set tie