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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1985)
■ \- ,- -■ ' ' s ■'.',:™ ''A —^ - ■■■—-^ ■ - ■ - ■ ■ Friday, March 22, 1985/The Battalion/Page 7 afesas Funky Winkerbean GUfW AREN'T QOL) a£AMIN\G oar oour locker ^ by Tom Batiuk $oviet Official assassinated in New Delhi CrOU'RE 50PPC6ED 7D LET TME'eAWOFF' SIT FOR ABOUT TWEMTV MINUTE5 BEFORE VOO REMOVE IT! SHOE by Jeff MacNelly y petroleum working ai exas A&M said. "I those men,., iis being pb parem cot ttion's top mi;, •micals, proii ine of crof i. Research« cts is cond'jflu ?xas. Inflation Economic growth in surprising slump cal funds k; ds. This is ts iigh-qualityii- m offihieili ? tsure of inflation spurted to its high- af a majoi mounts ami decided by (Ik d reported it and the statt Associated Press WASHINGTON [rowth slowed to a sur Economic rprisingly weak .1 percent during tne first three months of the year, while one mea- .pace devo!«i| or what the| e function. Iiscussion artij about or Jim Res- we are oper-; rtion thatRu-j nsidered as i t late location! est level in almost three years, the government reported Thursday. The Reagan administration and many private economists called both statistics misleading, contending that the economic expansion is more ro bust and inflation far less of a men ace than the Commerce Department figures seem to indicate. Other analysts were less opti mistic, warning that the unexpected weakness could translate into climb ing unemployment rates as domestic industries lose further sales to a flood of foreign imports. All sides agreed that the depart ment’s estimate of growth in the gross national product — the total output of goods and services — was much lower than the 4 percent rate that had been widely expected for January through March. The 2.1 percent gain was the wea kest performance since a 1.6 percent rise from last July through Septem ber, a period of slumping growth, which was followed by a 4.3 percent rebound from October through De cember. In other bad news, the report said that a measure of inflation tied to the GNP — the implicit price defla tor — rose at an annual rate of 5.4 percent in the first three months of the year, the fastest clip since a 5.6 percent pace in the second quarter of 1982. This inflation measure had risen at a rate of just 2.8 percent in the final quarter last year. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said that while the growth figure was lower than expected, “we continue to believe that the economy is on a path of steady growth with low inflation.” Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldrige discounted the jump in the inflation figure, saying it was caused by some one-time factors, such as a government pay raise. Private analysts agreed that the in flation figure was probably over stated, especially given the good showing in recent months in two bet ter-known inflation measurements — the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index. The report blamed the weak growth on a surge in imports in the first quarter that robbed domestic manufacturers of sales. The Commerce Department also reported Thursday that after-tax profits of the nation’s corporations rose a slight 0.4 percent in the final three months of 1984, following a 5.7 percent decline from July through September. Associated Press NEW DELHI, India — Two men on a motorcycle roared up beside a Soviet diplomat’s car Thursday and pumped several shots through the right rear window, killing him in stantly, police reported. His wife, with whom he had been shopping, and his driver were slightly hurt by flying glass. Police identified the diplomat as V. Khitzichenko, 48, a senior engi neer in the Soviet Embassy’s Eco nomic Affairs department. Embassy spokesman Vlaaimir N. Tsatsyn confirmed the identification, but in response to later telephone calls the embassy refused to give the victim’s first name or answer questions. The attack on Khitzichenko was the latest in a series of killings or at tempted killings of foreign diplo mats in India over the past three years. Police Commissioner Suryakant S. Jog said that, after the driver stopped the car, “the motorcyclists .. . pumped a couple of more rounds from the side and the front.” He de scribed the assassins as in their 20s and of unknown nationality. Thakur Jagdish Singh, chief offi cer of a district police station, said the two men fired at least six shots from automatic pistols. Jog said Khitzichenko was hit four times. His wife, Nina, 43, and the driver were slightlv injured by flying glass and treated oriefly at a hospi tal, Jog said. Deputy Police Commissioner B. K. Gupta reported that “witnesses said the (the assassins) were not Eu- ro^eai for the assassination and was not immediately clear. Jog said. The commissioner said the Khitzi- chenkos, who have a son, had been in New Delhi for two years and were returning to their home in the em bassy compound when the attack oc curred at about noon. Police are conducting a nation wide search for another Soviet diplo mat, Igor Gezha, who disappeared last Sunday while jogging in a New Delhi park. Gezha, 37, was a third secretary in the embassy’s informa tion department. India has admitted many refugees from the Middle East and southwest Asia, and terrorist activity has been a growing problem in recent years. group claimed responsibility the motive Home Style Cooking full course meal delivered to your doorstep in disposable containers call anytime Mon. thru Fri., Saturday optional Delivery 5:00 to 6:30 775-4285 :lC, H There ter ah to dr SjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitf | Treat Yourself | | to a Battalion! I s I | If s Good News liiiuuuuuunMiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FAJITA SPECIAL Single Double $4.95 $8.95 Our Famous charbroiled steak or chicken Fajitas served with flour tortillas, grilled onions, guacamole, sour cream and Pico de gallo. MARGARITAS JUMBARITAS $1.00 $3.95 Good thru March 31,1985 317 S. 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Friday Ail seats on Tuesday Senior Citizens Anytime CINEMA 3 |Post Oak Mall 3 [315 COLLEGE N. 846-6714 | [_ 764-0616 | SAT/SUN: 1:45-3:45-5:45-7:45-9:45 WEEKNITES: 7:45-9:45 The Pig Strikes Back! ruvl [IMF ® J L M SAT/SUN: 1:30-4:15-7:00-9:45 WEEKNITES: 7:00-9:45 NOMINATED 7 OSCARS m KikUMS FIELDS ® SAT/SUN: 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 WEEKNITES: 7:30-9:30 THE BREAKFAST club mi SAT/SUN: 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:30 WEEKNITES: 7:15-9:30 Sometimes the most unlikely people become heroes. |pn-nl SAT/SUN 2-4-6-8-10 WEEKNITES 8-10 fklMTHEft mi» new beginning SAT/SUN: 2:45-5:00-7:30-9:50 J€Ff GOLDBLUM weeknites MICH6LL6 PF€lff€R J MIDNITE^? REVIEW TONIGHT 1 ALL SEATS $2.25 ay 315 COLLtCiE V »4**7I4 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY U»t«n to KKYS For DotalU. “FLESH GORDON” A SENSUAL ODYSSEY (R) REVENGE OF THE AffiKDS [3 “Monty Python And The Holy Grail’' (R) ^POM: BUY 1 @ 2.25 & Two Get in Midnite Shows:COUPON sYaRTINQ MARCH 2Bth POLICE ACADEMY II - KING DAVID ~ -1st show Sat. & &un. All Seats 50 -KORA Family Nite-Mon. Soh. 6 -KTAM Family Nlf-Tue, ME 111 THEATRES SAT.-SUN.: 2:50-5:10-7:30-^:55 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:55 No matter what they say. she Knows he’s THE LAST DRAGON pivieoiq Written by LOUIS VEN0STA Produced by RUPERT HITZIG I Directed by MICHAEL SCHULTZ a tristah release firDArs a 91 --i., r IMS Tri Slsr Picture* |x*Cy~l3| All Right* Reserved V L 823>8300 i -Students with current ID to A&M, Bllnn J.C., Bryan High & A&M Consolidated-Mon.-Wed WfiT:l IWOH EAST MALL SAT./SUN: 2:40-5:00-7:20-9:50 MON.-FRI: 7:20-9:50 The sure thing comes once in a lifetime.. but the real thing ~ lasts forever SAT.-SUN.: 2:40-5:00-7:30-9:50 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:50 CHUCK NORRIS AN AMERICAN HERO’S STORY CONTINUES... PfrssriVG Inaction 2 The Beginning f % ANMON nxxxv ~n * mnon piwoucik a v -■>. SAT.-SUN.: 2:50-5:16-7:30-9:55 MON.-FRI.: 7:30-9:55 "DELICIOUSLY TERRIFYING. GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU JUMP OUT OF YOUR SEAT.” WES CRAVENS fR]«» ON ELM STREET .£ NtW UN( emuu SAT.-SUN.: 2:45-5:05-7:25-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:25-9:45 EDDIE MURPHY IN BEVERI-YJ-HI-I-S Of' SAT.-SUN.: 2:45-5:05-7:25-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:25-9:45 WI1NESS Harrison Ford is John Book. H] SAT.-SUN. 2:00-5 rSO-SrSO MON.-FRI. SKM NOMINATED FOR 11 ACADEMY AWARDS AmadeciS SAT.-SUN.: 2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 MON.-FRI.: 7:15-9:45 The greatest adventure ever born! SAT.-SUN.: 2:35-4:55-7:20-9:40 MON.-FRI.: 7:20-9:40 DIGITAL STEREO STARTING MARCH 29th (PG) RETURN OF THE J E D I hviiiiiiitfrTnrniMn i in HEROE DESCON COCIDO DOS HERMANDS MURIERON