The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1985, Image 5
o M Af A Free Pool from 2-5 p.m. Pitcher of Beer $2.50 Skaggs Shopping Center Call in: 846-4234 Say. meineke Mine-A-Key ^ * DISCOUNT MUFFLERS ' AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST 1fl» * FITS MANY SMALL CARS * AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS Featuring BRYAN 408 South Texas Avenue (Corner of 30th Street) Individually Owned A Operated IN ANO OUT IN 30 MINUTES IN MOST CASES OPEN DAILY AND SAT.8-6 PM Copyright©1 985 Meineke One of the finest names iq automotive parts! ,775-0188 Courtyard Apartments “PRE LEASING SPECIAL” •Great location...Walk or bike to shopping malls •Shuttle bus to campus •Extra large...Roomy enough tor 4 •Easy living extras •Air conditioned laundry room ^ swimming pools, tennis court, party room, laundry room, cable TV, on-site stor- age, security program, fulltime maintenance oco a St “ ii 2 Vt acre courtyard with large oak trees *3AV For Summer, or Fall and Spring or move In today 1 & 2 bedrooms available all utilities paid except electricity, cable TV, partial or full furnishings at nominal extra. Ask about utility options. Sat. 10-4 Sun. 1-5 693-2772 Office Hours 8-7:00 600 University Oaks Hwy 30 at Stallings College Station SVX31 £ “You’ll Love My Dos Gusanos means — "two worms” — and it’s the name of a new brand of Mezcal (second cousin to Tequila], imported from Mexico. We Promise: Your new Dos Gusanos T-Shirt will help you worm your way into any party! DOS GUSAIXIOS T-SHIRT OFFER! 100% cotton. It’s green with red and yellow lettering and logo. Only $4.95. Please send me S M I XL Quantity Dos Gusanos T-Shirts for a total of $ . Send money order or use your MasterCard VISA Acct # Exp. Date Name Address City/State Zip Signature MAIL TO: "Dos Gusanos T-Shirt Offer” 212 500 3rd Avenue West Seattle, WA 9B119 Allow 4 to 6 weeks delivery Offer good in U S. only Offer void where prohibited by law. taxed or otherwise restricted by law. No product purchase necessary Dos Gusanos Mezcal. 80 proof, bottled in Mexico and imported exclusively by David Sherman Corporation. St. Louis, MO 63139. m We Double Dare You! WORMS SHOWN ACTUAL SIZE—YOURS MAY VARY Dos Gusanos [Two Worms] Mezcal wants to party with you! The question is—are you ready to take the dare? To eat two honest to goodness Agave worms? There’s nothing like authentic Mexican Mezcal to turn an, evening upside down. Pass the bottle around and see who the real party warriors are. But don’t forget, at the bottom lies the real treat. Not one, but two Agave worms. You won’t find a prize like this in any cereal box! So c’mon! Take the dare and repeat after us. " love my Dos Gusanos.” Now, worms away! Dos Gusanos Mezcal, 80 proof, bottled in Mexico and imported exclusively by David Sherman Corporation. 212 (TWO WORMS) IVIEZCAL Friday, March 22, 1985/The Battalion/Page 5 —— ———— j .1.... i... I.,,.. 1111., V" V : ' ' K: . : ^ - - Mini mi, Around town Nominations ate currently being accepted for the Ceorge W. Kunze Award for meritorious service to graduate students. This award is presented annually by the Graduate Student Council. Any graduate student wishing to submit a nomination should do so by contacting their GSC representative before March or by mailing the nominations through campus mad to Martha Miller in the De* B artment of Chemistry- Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. on larch 25. OPAS and Roadrunners sponsor run MSC OPAS and TAMU Roadrunners will hold Run for the Arts, a 5K race, on March 30 at 8:30 a.m. beginning at G. Rollie White. Pre-registration is through this Friday and March hi the main hall of the MSC. The cost is $6 or $8 on the day of the race. The TAMU Anthropology Society is presenting ^Pleistocene Extinctions... A Seminar” on March 25 in 301 Rudder from 2 p.m, to 5 p.m. The seminar concerns debate over two theories of large mammal disapjperance, those who favor human involvement and those who would argue that environmental factors were responsible. This seminar will address this important topic. Women’s Chorus presents festival The Texas A&M Women’s. Chorus is presenting a Festival of University Women’s Choruses on Saturday at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. The Festival includes Women’s Choirs for A&M, Baylor, and die University of Texas. Each choir will perform its own selec tions in addition to a joint performance of Randall Thompson’s “The Place of the Blest”, Tickets are available at the MSC Box Of fice, The cost is $3. The 9th Annual Texas A&M Quarter Marathon, Half Marathon and Fun Run will be held Saturday. The 3 mile Fun Run begins at 6:30 a.m. and the Quarter and Half Marathons begin at 7:30 a.m. Entry forms are available at the Health and Physical Education Dept., 158 and 158E East Kyle. Contact Kathy Langiotz at 845-1731 for more information. Local conference given for women By LEIGH FORREST Reporter Area women will have the oppor tunity to discuss a potpourri of wom en’s issues during a special confer ence in College Station Saturday. Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross, confer ence creator and a local physician, calls Woman: Inside/Out an oppor tunity for women to get together and talk about the issues important to them. Ross said the conference will pro vide a forum for women to speak about themselves and give them an opportunity to learn from other women, she said. Saturday’s conference will address various issues, but later conferences will focus on only one issue, Ross said. She said the program was inspired by her Naturally Fit weight control program. “Naturally Fit includes exercise, diet advice, personal growth and de velopment,” Ross said. “The Woman: Inside/Out looks at the same things we’re looking at in the Naturally Fit program,” she said, “but it also looks at women who may not have a weight problem and who still want to get together with other women to explore issues that are im portant to them.” The all-day conference includes local speakers and workshops and booths by various women-oriented businesses. For example. Book Woman, an Austin bookstore that specializes in books for women, will nave an ex hibit. i The program also will include weekena retreats, Ross said. The First retreat is tenatively scheduled for late April or early May, and will be an extension of the seminar’s fo cus on growth, development and physical fitness, she said. Ross said she hopes to make both Naturally Fit and Woman: Insid e/Out national programs. Although similar networking groups exist for specific topics, she said she knows of no other program like Woman: In side/Out whicn is aimed at a variety of issues. The conference is open to women in all ^ge groups and in all types of careers, Ross said. “We’re not just talking about working women or career women because there are a lot of women — particularly in this town — who are not working and yet still have the in terest in what’s happening in their lives,” she said. “We want to have a wide spectrum because we found that it really does enrich the pro gram.” This Saturday’s conference is at the College Station Community Cen ter. The cost is $35 and includes lunch and a closing reception ca tered by Maxi’s. For more informa tion, contact Ross’ office in College Station. Final Clearance Sale All Package Beer and Imports Sold at Cost This Friday and Saturday 3611 S. College - Bryan Just Arrived Honda Scooters Aero 50 648°° Spree 488 00 Aero 80 848 00 A breeze to ride with push-button starting, no shifting and easy-to- operate controls. Twin City Honda 903 S. Main Bryan 823-0545 PANVER't SERVED Good - N’ Holl 4:30 TIL 9:00 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK HOT! VEGETABLE BUFFET BAR „ _ . It's New. . .It's Delicious. . rfxi. So-o-o Good. . . So-o-o Nutritious. . . ALL YOU CAN EATI Choose irom...Pototoes...Corn...Pinto Beans...Peas...Green Beans...Cabbage...Broc coli in Cheese Sauce...Carrots...Macaroni and Krait Velveeta Cheese...Plus Corn Bread...Gre cian Bread...Homemade Biscuits! $2.99 OVER 60? Senior Citizen’s Discount! RESTAURANT 1 Good thru March 31 Under 12 • $1.99 • Children under 6 Free! When eccompenied hr e paying adult. . . A VALEDICTORY Ladies and gentlemen of the student body; look upon Walden Pond Apartments as both an end and a beginning. An end to living quar ters of lesser distinction. The beginning of a superior lifestyle. Because you’ll enjoy . . . • Privacy • Quiet • Elegance • Convenience • Hot Tub • Pool • Jogging Trails • Exercise and Weight Room • the option of* Furniture • Washers • Dryers . . . And'the unexpected bonus of affordability. All this awaits you at Walden Pond. Make it your address now — enrollment is limited. 700 FM 2818 a compass managed community College Station, Texas 77840 (409) 696-5777 MEN-WOMEN ARMY RESERVE OPPORTUNITIES IN HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS We train you. Some management openings for skilled veterans. Some openings come with a cash bonus and educational aid. Train in an Army school. Serve one weekend a month with the following units in Huntsville, TX, plus two weeks annual training. Earn over $1,200 a year to start. Part-time. 463rd Engineer Pet. (FF) Fire Fighters (10) 302nd Military Police Company Pet. 1 Military Police (10) To see if you qualify, call: SERGEANT FIRST CLASS LINDA HAMILTON Bryan Recruiting Station 1679 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas 77802-2710 (409) 775-2116/2147 ARMY RESERVE. BE ALL YOU CAN BE.