The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1985, Image 16
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Dundee" 1 Married Night 1 9 " Semifinal Mask" Semifinal Revue "Trail "Welcome " " Joan Flight 1 Li30 Beyond" Home, johnny Movie Dobie ABC News Bristol" " Gillis ” More than 35 countries to celebrate next week Cultural display begins The Memorial Student Cen ter will turn it’s halls into a market place of ideas and cul ture exchanges when the inter national students begin shar ing the culture of their countries during International Week, March 25-29. Aggies who represent some 35 to 40 countries will display their native arts, crafts, mov ies, music and traditional dress Monday and Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the first floor of the Memorial Student Center. President Vandiver will be present at the ribbon cutting that begins the week of festivi ties. The Consulate Generals of the represented countries have been invited from Houston to attend the opening and a lun cheon to follow. And there will be a judging of the displays. All of these activities are spon sored by the International Stu dent’s Association. On Wednesday, March 27 at 7 p.m. the foreign students will present the annual Food Fair. All students are invited to come and taste the native foods of the various countries. The Fair will be held on the second floor of the MSC. Tina Watkins, advisor for the ISA, says they expect to serve more than 1000 people. “We’ll be handling the din ner differently from in the past,” Watkins says. “Instead of people coming from every direction, there will be fewer serving lines and a lot more or ganization.” As the week progresses, Up With People, a musical perfor mance group, will present an international program in the Grove at noon on Friday. They will do a short promotion for the Talent Show and Tradi tional Dress Parade at that time. The Talent Show is a yearly event that brings folk dancing, songs and a variety of other cultural expositions “I remember when I first came here, six years ago r ” Wat kins says, “International Week was Internatinal Day. The whole event took place in one day, in one room. I think the growth is due to more interest in the international students and the students are more in terested in sharing their cul ture here.” There are about 2,000 students from other countries that be long to Texas A&M’s ISA. Countries with 15 or more rep resentatives at the University have formed separate clubs un der the umbrella of the ISA. Tickets are on sale at the MSC Ticket Booth for the Food Fair for $7, and $2 for the Tal ent Show, or tickets can be pur chased for both events for $8 \ AggieCon XVI presents sci-fi By MARCY BASILE StaffWriter Emerge all you closet science fiction lovers. The time for MSC Cepheid Variable’s Aggie- Con XVI has arrived. AggieCon XVI is a four-day event (which started yesterday and continues through Sunday) that offers participants the chance to talk to celebrated au thors, haggle with merchants and see great movies. The yearly event is one of the larg est science fiction conventions in the southwest. “Usually we get 400 to 500 people from out of town and about 1000 to 2000 Aggies,” said Yvonne DeGraw, public relations officer for Cepheid Variable. Mixed in and amongst all the film goers and merry makers are invited guests who have reached some plateau of fame in the science fiction world. Toastmaster for the event is Ed Bryant, a science fiction short story author who has been awarded two Nebulas (Neb ulas are awards voted on bv science fiction readers). Along with Bryant are other science fiction biggies: John Varley, best-selling author of “Wizard” and “Titan;” Patricia McKillip, author of the “Riddle- master” series; and James Christensen, artist extraordi naire (and creator of the Aggie Con XVI t-shirt). The closest most Aggies get to AggieCon are the night mov ies shown in Rudder Audito rium instead of Rudder The ater. True to form, the folks in Cepheid Variable have brought in some good ones: “The Ter minator,” “Buckaroo Banzai,” and “Phantasm” tonight and “Star Wars,” “The Empire Strikes Back,” and “Laserblast” on Saturday. For those of you who cringe at the thought of leaving the house in the dark, day movies have also been scheduled. “Nate & Hayes,” “Quintet,” and “Silent Running” are screening today and “Spider- man” and “Condorman” fol low on Saturday. Contraiy to popular belief, though, AggieCon XVI in more than just a plethora of movies. Panel discussions, short film sequences, slideshows and an art exhibit. \ Visitor’ is insightful A foreign visitor is coming to tell what it's like to be in America and looking at Americans. The picture probably isn’t the picture that Americans see. Dr. Howard Shapiro will be presenting what he calk, “a cross cultural theatrical presentation.” Sponsored by MSC International Programs Committee, he will present “The Visitor” — a mono logue based on real experi ences that he has re- , “The purpose of 'The Visi- .ior’ is to help Americans be come aware of how others see their count!)'," Shapiro aeys. “It touches on everyday - rituals, be “Bv beginning to under^ stand .their own culture ~ the world and the value of culture become better.” After the monologue there will be a question and answer session. The audi ence wall then break inth exchange ideas and meet back with Shapiro. “The best part about the group discussion is that peo ple have a chance to express “This is a chance about your reaction to his