The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 19, 1985, Image 7
Battalion Classifieds Tuesday, March 19, 1985/The Battalion/Page 7 FOR RENT BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS Pre-leasing Summer-Fall University Park Duplexes lo cated April Bloom, two and 3 bedroom w/fenced yards. 846-24/l and 84b-8730. U3tl0 HELP WANTED The Greenery Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or Part-Time Interview M-Th 8:30-9:30a.m. 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan Brazos Ventures needs lawn care people part-time own truck preferred, $4.25/hr., 846-6060 108t 10 Lifeguards/Pool Managers/Swim Instructors. Good pay. Houston area. Experience helpful, not requited. 713-578-8227. 107tl6 Student’s wife wanted to lease apartments weekends evenings and some days at Courtyard Apartments. Call 693-2772. 1 10t8 PERSONALS PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals -- Free pregnancy testing. Houston, lexas (713)271-0121. 80169 WANTED CASH for gold, silver, old coins, diamonds Full Jewelery Repair Large Stock of Diamonds Gold Chains TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE 404 University Dr. 846-8916 3202-A Texas Avo. (across from E! Chico, Bryan) 77S-76S2 191130 SERVICES THINKING OF A PERM? Let me give you the exact curl/wave you want! I only use the products which leave your hair in great condition & show you what to use to keep it looking great'. Ask tor $8 ott your first service with me. Billy, Shape of Things, 846-7614. TYPING-WORD PROCESSING Fast and Dependable Personalized Service We understand form and style. Beginning our sixth year. AUTOMATED CLERICAL SERVICES 110 Lincoln, C.S. 693-1070 96,3 ONTHE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91 tin Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices, highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 114t31 WORD PROCESSING. Dissertations, theses welcome. Experienced. 846-3833. 113t20 J & K Plumbing He Repair 24 Hour Service. Residential, Commercial Mobile Homes, 822-0917. 113t5 Prospector’s wake-up service, 60? per day, Monday- Friday, 5a.m.-9a.m., 823-2910. 113t 10 Word processing all kinds. By appointment only. Call 775-6178 anytime. 107t20 Professional Typing. Twenty year's experience. Labs, thesis, term papers, equations, etc. 693-8537 Mary' Kay Cosmetics complimentary facial and reord ers. Marilyn Luckie Beauty Consultant, 823-1761. 108tl5 Prospector Commodities — Aggieland’s only exclusive commodity futures trading company. Federally li censed, 823-2910. 108tl5 Professionai Academic typist. From $ 1.50/DS page. Free disc storage, Visa, Mastercharge, 775-8476. 114t5 GAYLINE information, roommate referrals, peer- counseling. Sunday-Friday 5:30pm-10:30pm, 775- 1797. lOltll $10-5360 weekly/up mailing circulars! No bosses/quo- las! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Dept. AM-7CEG, PC) Box 830, Woodstock, IL 60098. 106t20 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed for rest of semester in Casa Blanca. $125/mo. Call 846-8578. 114t5 Need roommate for rest of semester. 2 bedroom $ 150 per month, Vi gas and utilities. Tony. 822-4597. 110t5 FOR SALE 14x70‘Cameron’ mobile home, CA/1 feat, dining room, Tappan range, refrig-freezer, carpeted, draped, fur nished, Oak Forest, clubhouse, pool, may stay in park, ‘Patty’, 693-5206 (two bedroom). 113t8 English Riding Saddle, used 3 times. $300 negotiable, 846-9777. • -11315 LITT snuTNda EATRES -mr, i«ar« on Tuoaday * r CMizana Anytlma 3T15 COLLEGE N 846-6714 1 WEEKNITES: 7:3O-l:J0 THE BREAKFAST QIJUB (S) srniLTiiM POST OAK MALL 76<-0616| A WEEKNITES: 7:00-1:45 loKMinf ja Esass mMS INCLUDING BtITF 7:45 ONIY A T 1 RiiolCAMt V WEEKNITES: 7:15-0:10 IT PICTURE j ? .AmadeuS® th^heart 1133 J 1 .WEEKNITES: 1:00 ONIY 0 PflSSfKX TO INDIA K> EEKNITESj 7:30 9 50 I J Mattox taunts GOP opposition ( schulmaM ^ 1 THEATRES 1 $ -1st Show Sat. & Sun.-All Seats , CO "KORA Family Nlte-Mon.-Sch. 6 I KTAM Family Nile - I 4 -Students With Current ID Mon. Wed. SCHULMAN 6 775-2463 WITNESS <R) Dolby Stereo 7:25 9:45 THE SURE THING (PG 15) 7:20 9:50 NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (R) 7:30 9:55 THE AVIATOR (PG) 7:20-9:50 BEVERLY HILLS COP not hv (R) STFJtFU 7:25 9:45 GHOULIES (PG) 7:30-9:55 MANOR EASTlir. "823^8300 eastnull DOLBY HOT MpVTS STEREO 7:159:45 FANTASIA 7:20 9:40 MISSING IN ACTION (R) 7:30 9:50| Associated Press AUSTIN — Attorney General Jim Mattox, convinced his trial and acquittal have pumped up his politi cal muscle, Monday came close to announcing a re-election bid and dared Republicans to mount a cam paign against him. “The political campaign trail has been strewn with the bodies of Re publicans that thought they could unseat me,” Mattox said. “I suspect I’ll have opposition. Tell them to put up their money.” The 12-year political veteran, who last week was found innocent of a commercial bribery charge, said he isn’t yet ready to formally announce his plans. But when asked during a news conference whether he would seek re-election, Mattox said, “I think there’s a great likelihood of that tak ing place.” He also ridiculed a pledge from state Republican Party Chairman George Strake of Houston, who said the GOP will have a solid candidate to challenge Mattox. Noting that Strake lost a bid for lieutenant goverpor in 1982, Mattox said, “The people of Texas have al ready spoken what they think of Mr. Strake and his capabilities toward state government. I’m not at all con cerned about it." In the trial, Mattox was accused of threatening to withhold his approval of public bonds prepared by the Ful- bright & Jaworski law firm unless one of its lawyers, who represented Mobil Oil Corp. in an oil rights case, stopped trying to question his sister. Mattox said Monday he is con vinced his legal troubles were due to the efforts of Mobil and their Pul- bright & Jaworski lawyer to win that oil rights suit. The case was settled last year, with Mobil returning nearly 15,000 acres of land to the state, a settlement Mattox valued at $100 million. “The main lesson (from his trial) is that a big oil company and a big law firm will be even more treacher ous than what some of us expected when we got into the light,” Mattox said. “I think we have taught them a lesson they will not quickly forget.” However, Mattox said, he lias written both Mobil and Fulbright & Jaworski to assure them that his of fice holds no grudge. A Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPRt course, open to the public, will be offered at the Womans Chib at 1200 Carter Creek Parkway in Bryan, The course consists of two sessions. The course will be held 7 p.m.-iO p.rm, today and Thursday. Attendance at both sessions comprising a course is necessary to complete the course and to receive certification form the American Heart Association and Red Cross. The only cost to to participants is 50 cents for an instruc tion booklet. To register, calf American Heart Association at 775- 1970. ‘ • - : Two workshops for treasurers of student organizations concern ing budgets for student organizations allocations will fie held in 137 MSC today. One will begin at 3:50 p.m. and second will start at 5:15 p in, All organizations must have a representative attend one of —i.,t.—a budget ghg HMNMQpR t < in me I WA nance Center. 4 p.m. in die Student Fh The applications for 1985 Peer Advisors are now available in 198 CA. There is an information session scheduled for Wednesday at 7 p.m. in 137 MSC- This will cover peer advisor responsibilities, as well as si description of the total Peer Advisor Program. Anyone in terested in being a 1985 peer advisor is encouraged to attend. HAIR CUTTERS yupereutr Cares For It's Employees Get Involved With The Fastest Growing Company In The Cosmotology Industry supefcutr ’Trains & Develops It’s Employees ’Offers Flexible Scheduling ‘Provides A Complete Benefit Package ’Pays You During Holidays & Vacations ’Provides Clientel & Equipment ’Offers Management Opportunities Valid Texas Cosmotology License Required Call Us At 846-0084 supeicutr 313 B S. College Ave. College Station, TX 77840 Half of dead drivers drunk, study says Associated Press A study pf autopsy reports on tra ffic accident victims from 10 Texas counties says that half of the drivers killed were legally drunk, more than twice the percent previously re ported. Olga Pendleton, a researcher at the Texas Transportation Institute, said that accident reports show that alcohol was a factor in 21 percent of the fatal accidents in the 10 counties, but that autopsy reports show the number should he 51 percent. “1 here is apparently more drink ing and driving going on out there than accident reports would lead us to believe,” said Pendleton. Pendleton said her study com pared blood alcohol concentrations from autopsies with corresponding accident reports. Autopsies for 558 fatally injured drivers were exam ined. “We found that 66 percent of the accident reports on DWI drivers did not show alcohol as a contributing factor,” she said. “We also found that the average blood alcohol con centration of all 558 fatalities was 0.11, exceeding the legal limit of 0.10.” Pendleton said her studies showed that the average blood alcohol con centration for fatally injured drivers was highest in October. Monday through Wednesday are the days safest from drunken drivers, she said. Studies showed that 66 percent of all drivers killed between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. were legally drunk she said. “The proportion of legally intoxi cated driver fatalities ranged from the highest of 55.4 percent in Travis County to 39.4 percent in Tarrant County,” she said. MONTH MEMBERSHIP FACILITIES INCLUDE: Plus $6.00 Photo I.D. J-H -i I 1 COED CONDITIONING FLOOR PRIVATE SHOWERS, FREE WEIGHTS I ICARIAN EQUIPMENT 'WET STEAM BATH l _ ! DESERT DRY SAUNA RELAXING WHIRLPOOL 4- LOCKERS & DRESSING OPEN 24 HOURS WEEKDAYS AGES 16-80 4 j. 6 DAYS WEEKLY T I | EXTRA 20 MINUTE TANNING BEDS COED & LADIES AEROBICS NURSERY | SUNDAYS -nt-rrr OF TEXAS 700 UNIVERSITY DR E I r t HURRY! OFFER ENDS SAT. MAR. 23 J l_ 1_ J L. —L L . , -J - I _U-I 1 i I , 846-0053 Pjs ✓JS * wamm * Fix CCOUNTING SOCIETY and PRESENT. Alpha. ?5t CAREERS IN ACCOUNTING” with representatives from... ■ Tenneco IRS and Tannebawn & Bindler,CPA‘S (a small Dallas firm) Tuesday March 19 7 p.m. 224 MSC — Refreshments following — * Business Attire * sL» -sL» vL» *X» -nL» vL* «xL» vL. «sL* « s !> sLf •vL. %jL* vl- nL* slf st- sif vL* ^ ✓is. ^ -y* *T* *T* "T* *t» *t^ *t* *T* ^t* *T* * * ■jf * * * * * * ■X * * * * * •x * * * * •X * -X ■X -X •X * ■X ■X •X * •X •X * * ■X * •X * -X * •X ■X