The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 1985, Image 3

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    Friday, March 8,1985/The Battalion/Page 3
Entrepreneur honored
by free enterprise group
Staff Writer
I Edwin J. Feulner has been named
“Free Enterprise Man of the Year”
for his powerful influence on public
policy and continuing Fight against
excessive government.
KDr. Steve Pejovich, director of
Texas A&M’s Center for Education
and Research in Free Enterprise,
said Feulner will be the First recipi
ent of what is to be an annual award.
HPejovich said Feulner also has
been successful influencing public
Iky by having two-thirds of his
specific policy recommenda-
[ons to President Reagan in 1981 ac-
|)ted as policy.
Feulner also has led the effort in
reducing many government depart
ments and changing government
■Since 1977, Feulner has been
president of the Heritage Founda
tion. a public-policy research insti-
■The foundation’s ideals are free
market, strong defense and limited
KAs the foundation’s head, Feulner
has provided President Reagan with
the Mandate for Leadership.”
■The 1,000-page volume outlining
methods for each government de-
Since 1977 the award win
ner, Edwin J. Feulner, has
of the
Foundation, a
research in-
The foundations
? and lim-
partment to reduce the size of gov
ernment has been termed a
blueprint for conservative lead
The main function of the Heri
tage Foundation is to provide quick
evaluations — both economic and
philosophical — of bills before Con
One of the best features about the
Heritage Foundation, Pejovich said,
is the fact that it’s a place for a meet
ing of the minds and ideas, not a
meeting for groups separated into
libertarian, economist or conserva
tive factions.
The Heritage Foundation pro
vides a guide to public policy experts
nationwide tor those needing a local
expert on a public policy topic.
Sources listed are from the foun
dation’s Resource Bank containing
the names of academic groups sup
porting the foundation’s free enter
prise goals.
One of the foundation’s functions
is keeping people across the country
informed of legislation before Con
gress that they could affect, and
bringing people to testify before
Congress who are outside of the so-
called Washington D.C. “beltway.”
Feulner’s Research Assistant Brid-
gette Wagner said that although the
foundation has conservative ideals, it
works with a broad selection of indi
Wagner repeated the often-heard
phrase that politics makes strange
The dinner for Feulner on April 2
in Dallas will host such dignitaries as
Joseph Coors, the founding member
of The Heritage Foundation; H.R.
“Bum” Bright, chairman of the
Texas A&M Board of Regents; Wil
liam J. Bennett, secretary of educa
tion; and James C. Miller III, Chair
man of the Federal Trade
Before the award is presented, a
Texas highways to blossom with wildflowers
Staff Writer
m in the pm
d more desi
iblic sector. Tj
osely here.I#As you drive on the highways of
hat has deiriffexas during spring break, you
* level of scluPgl 11 find the Bermuda grass that
Miinliratinn We cov ered the roadside has been
S^miaced with bluebonnets, Indian
CS \*rir J lintbrushes, firewheels and daisies,
ct, William vi |p or more (hap 59 years, the Texas
erving on Pro Highway Department has experi-
f EconomicFmemed in 24 Texas counties with
Robert Toll# 6 Panting of wildflowers along
ists have sb “^of the nighways.
Not only do these flowers add
color to the countryside, but they
also have been proven to cut costs,
save labor, conserve water and help
control litter.
Mark Mathews, a Field landscape
architect for the highway depart
ment, said the vegetation on the side
of the road helps to stabilize the
roadbed from wind and water ero
“Planting wildflowers gets us away
from Bermuda grass, which must be
mowed once a week, to two or three
mowings a season,” Mathews said.
“By not mowing as much, the state
reduces its $32 million spent on
mowing by $8 million.”
In contrast to the 20 or 30 water
ings required for the grass, he said,
wildflowers only need five or six wa
terings a year.
Mathews said that the department
is making a concentrated effort to
spread the project to urban areas
like Houston, where the flowers are
being planted on interstate 610 and
290 and alongside Houston Central
Through the planting of wildf
lowers, the department also wants to
change the concept that motorists
have toward the state.
“Not only are we trying to change
the philosophies of the maintenance
people, but we’re also trying to
change the philosophies of the trav
eller,” Mathews said.
University facilities
set new schedules
for spring break
Edwin J. Feulner
Public Policy Seminar will be held
for a discussion on two views of Rea
ganomics: the monetarist and the
supply side.
Wagner said Feulner leans heavily
to the supply side view, but is com
fortable with both.
The Center for Education and
Research in Free Enterprise was cre
ated in 1977 by the Board of Re
The Center is governed by a
board of directors, consisting of the
deans from A&M’s Colleges of Agri
culture, Business Administration,
Education, Engineering and Liberal
Arts, and five outside directors.
While most A&M students and
faculty will be out of town for spring
break, a few University facilities will
be open for the hardy souls who re
The dormitories will be open for
residents but visitation hours will be
suspended for the break. Beginning
at 7 p.m. today, no visitors will be al
lowed until March 17.
Students staying in the dorms will
have to eat someplace other than
Sbisa, the Commons and Duncan
dining halls because they will be
closed during the break.
For those students staying in town
to finish their research papers, the li
brary will be open — but with irreg
ular hours.
On Saturday, the library will be
open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Monday
and Tuesday the library will be open
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednes
day through Saturday its hours will
be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Memorial Student Center
will keep regular hours Monday and
Tuesday, but several services will
close early Tuesday.
The bowling lanes, Craft Center
and the MSC snackbar will not be
open during the break. The bowling
lanes will reopen at 1 p.m. on March
The MSC and Rudder Tower will
close Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. and will
remain closed until March 17 at
Academic buildings will be open
as usual Monday and Tuesday. Shut
tle buses will stop running at 6 p.m
Senate softens blow
of no-pass, no-play rule
Associated Press
AUSTIN — Texas senators, by a
24-5 vote, directed the State Board
of Education on Thursday to soften
the effect of the controversial no
pass, no-play eligibility rule.
A committee of the Board of Edu
cation was scheduled to consider the
resolution Thursday afternoon and
make recommendations to Satur
day’s meeting of the full 15-member
“Some injustices are being done,”
Sen. Carl Parker told the Senate con
cerning the board’s ruling that no
student with a failing grade in one
course can take part or practice in
athletics or other extracurricular ac
tivities for at least six weeks.
Upset parents, coaches and school
administrators protested at a Senate
committee hearing Wednesday that
school teams were being broken up,
students were dropping out of
school and at least one boy consid
ered suicide because of the rule.
Parker’s resolution directs the
board to revise the rule to reflect a
week-by-week grading period in
stead of six weeks.
“Academic excellence, is still our
No. 1 goal but emotional devel
opment also is important,” said Par
ker, D-Port Arthur and chairman of
the Senate Education Committee.
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jing Editor
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Page Editor
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Rhonda Snider
:tt, Kay Malleil
arean Williams
vh-Ellen Clark
Trie Anderson,
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rael Crawford,
etz, Patti Flint
'rent Leopold,
ss, Jerry Oslin,
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Kelley Smitli
..Karen Bloch,
Karla Martin
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Mike Lane
Dale Smith
Lathy Bennett
atherine Hurt
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