The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 07, 1985, Image 6
ChahLdJwdWljuvw Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, March 7, 1985 $a.v -»tViose Woments r Qri< ,... % © AllowUsToCaptureYourWeddingOr Call Now OtherSpecial Events OnVideoTape. 764-2002 6J0 Pizza Slice ALSO SUBMARINE SANDWICH $1.39 Wednesday & Thursday 11-8 p.m. 846-TAMU Next to Kinko's 317 Patricia Northgate Behind Loupots r SOB BROWN UNIVERSAL TRAVEL COMPLETE, DEPENDABLE DOMESTIC AND WORLDWIDE TRAVEL • Airline Reservations • Hotel/Motel Accomodations • Travel Counsel • Rental Car Reservations • Tours • Charter Flights • FREE Ticket Delivery 846-8718 • Agency is fully computerized- 410 S. Texas/ Lobby of the Ramada Inn/College Station MSC Cepheid Variable Presents STAR TREK Double Feature Thurs., March 7 II 7:30 p.m. & III 10:00 p.m. Rudder Auditorium $ 1.50 each -SJARTRCEKJL WRATH KiHATI K.-' t —SIAR TftEKJDC TH€ SSARCH FOR SPOCK Go To Aggie Con 16 March 21 -24 2 FOR $ 13 SALE ON ANY $8.08 or $9.49 CASSETTE or LP FK£E DRINKS AND GOOD TIMES ! EVERY FRIDAY CULPEPPER PLAZA The Traditions Council is sponsorm day. Howdy shirts will be on sale in the I—1——RiHIR Hi week. People wearing howdy shirts will he eligible to win dinners at Confederate Honse, Fish. Richards, Cenare or Interurban. Admis sion to the Hall of fame will he a $1 off for those wearing the shirts . During spring break, MSC Outdoor Recreation will be ing three different trips: rafting on the Rio Grande, rcx fc the Wichita Mountains of Oklahoma, and hackpacking iupe Mountains, For information, call 845-1515 or go I iv,..,, i >n;, ^ at oiR in ■Will iliiilill The TAMU After Hours Program will sponsor a Driver Safety Friday and may be used to have ter- 'fie violations dismissed and to receive a 10 percent discount mtomobile insurance. Registration is held 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- through Friday in 216 MSC. For more information, call 845- Imhhbmh' ® 111 il 1 111 p gygiil 11111111 111 II Lifeguard fiyoufs held in Galveston Galveston County Sheriff Department is holding lifeguard at 715 Holiday Drive on Galveston Island. The tryouts begin . on March 10. To be considered, interested applicant must ;st 17-years-old and be able to swim 500 meters in under 10 , 50 meters in 35 seconds or Jess and complete a 25 meter un- r swim. Personal interviews will also he a factor. For applica- ** (400) 760-2310. ' . hesses needed for Cotton Pageant ications are now available for duchesses to the 51st Annual f Pageant, Any campus organization is invited to enter a con- . as well as sororities and fratet <11^ i'- rafernities. The winner receives A _ „. ,_holarship to TAMP. Entry fee la $40. The pageant will be leld Matth 20 and 30. For applications and information, call Patrice Associated Press AUSTIN — The new “no pass, no play” eligibility rule for extracurri cular activities has been a traumatic experience, a coach told the Senate Education Committee on Wednes day. “There needs to be some room for stubbing your toe,” said Jerry Co- malander, a San Antonio coach rep resenting the Texas High School Coaches Association. Comalander joined with other coaches, parents and school adminis trators in testifying before the com mittee on the recently passed school reform act. The act, passed by the State Board of Education ruled that anyone taking part in school athlet ics or other extracurricular activities must make a passing grade of 70 in all subjects over a six-week period or be suspended from play or practices for six weeks. The board also limits practice for each sport or activity to eight hours each week, including travel time. Mission (continued from page 1) Each year, hundreds of homeless people — most of them men — pass through the four shelters sponsored by the Mission. Last year, the Mis sion aided between 105 and 141 homeless men, women and children every month. Alice Stubbs, acting executive di rector of the Mission, and Joann Se- besta, assistant director, say some men return to the Mission several times. One Mission “regular” has been through the Bryan shelter about 80 times in eight years, Se- Sen. Bob Glasgow, D-Stephen- ville, had written one-bill to trim the suspension period for those who do not pass all courses from six weeks to one week. Also sent to a subcommit tee with Glasgow’s bill were bills by Sens. Bill Sarpalius, D-Canyon and Bill Sims, D-San Angelo, which would change the rule limiting prac tice time for athletics. “It has been a traumatic experi ence for a kid to get kicked off the school team or not be allowed to go to the school prom because they flunked one course,” Glasgow said. “The kids are upset. The parents are upset and the school board members are upset.” Comalander said the new rules are increasing the pressure on stu dents. “In the Houston area, I will not name the school, a young athlete was on the point of suicide because of the pressure of passing all his courses,” he said. “When we make a rule so stringent, we are making a mistake.” besta says. Some people come to the Bryan Mission because they hear that the Mission has good meals and housing. “We’re supposed to be one of the best in the nation,” Sebesta says. “We give more, and we do more.” The directors say the men often have backgrounds of alcoholism, mishaps and family problems. But it’s hard to determine why the men are drifters, Sebesta says. “We try to find things out about them, but it takes a long time ” she says. “They tell you what they think you want to hear.'” Sigma Alpha Epsilon & 92K present Featuring the “Ultimate Force ,, Friday March 22 from 8 to midnight play the carnival with the sororities Bar-B-Que by Randy Sims Free Coors Beer Bennifiting the Boys’ Cub of Brazos County Marines We’re looking for a few good men, Captain M. McGrath 846-8891/9036 First Presbyterian Church 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan 823-8073 Dr. Robert Leslie, Pastor Rev. John McGarey, Associate Pastor SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30AM & 11:00AM Church School at 9:30AM College Class at 9:30AM I Bus from TAMU Krueger/Dunn 9:10AM Northgate 9:15AM Youth Meeting at 5:00PM Nursery: All Events JfL loL First Presbytrria Church IIAMYHtt SERVED Good N Holl 4:30'TIL 9:00 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK MOT! VEGETABLE BUFFET BAR /-'GT It's New. , .It’s Delicious. So-o-o Good. . . So-o-o Nutritious. . . ALL YOU CAN EAT! Choose Irom...Potatoes...Corn...Pinto Beans...Peas...Green Beans...Cabbage...Broc coli in Cheese Sauce...Carrots...Macaroni and Krcdt Velveeta Cheese...Plus Com Bread...Gre cian Bread...Homemade Biscuits! $2.39 Good thru March 31 Under 12 - SI.99 • Cnddrrn imdtr I Ft«! When accompanied by a paying adult.. OVER 60? Senior Citizen’s Discount! ‘No pass, no play’ T harsh, coach says liliimiiuiif 1 AVAILABLE Friendly roommate. Quiet — and smart. Able to sort through complicated issues. Will share workload. Problem solving is my specialty. Supportive and dependable. Flexible. Clever. Fun. Good looking. See the IBM PC Family on Campus at The Pavilion, March 4-8. The Experience of Condominium Living Can Now Be Yours: Double Tree is offering investor owned units for Lease! ★ ★ ^ Flash ^ ★ ★ Spacious 1 bedroom, 1 bath fac pool, has just become available immediate occupancy. mg for |1 J*R5lcawng:and special Summer rates. || :||kwbi«lbree. r .?- Laxury Coedomintums ., 190$ W+ ffoUemsn Drive Cblfegfe Sfcrtjon, Tew WZWt 693*3232