Page 16/The Battalion/Thursday, February 7, 1985 Texas 7 Oldest Wargaming Convention is back - Don't let it get away! •'ISC NOVA COmiTTEE Texas ASM Memorial Student Center Registration : Texas ASM University Fri s Sat, Feb 8- ; , 9. Con Pass : $10.00 Tournanents in : ADsD ( costs $2.00) , Traveller, Squad leader. Ogre, Car Wars, Nuclear War, Star Trek RPG, Charpions, A House Divided. Other events include : The Dealer's Room , Micro Armor, Naval Miniatures, Open Ganing rooms , and much, much more! Be there! For more information, call 845-1515 or come by our abide in in MSC 216, WE STUDENT PROGRAMS OFFICE (SP0), 1