3 % I TER ME ire :$ ee sepa y at 8 ax ■vision, la irketine!-] ies. Botfi fficerini inction commuit schedul Wednesday, February 6, 1 . ,e BattaliorvVage 7 The sixth annual Career Fair. pho, ° ™™ONYS. CASPER Career woman challenges to be topic of symposium By KAREN HELLER Reporter The challenges of being a woman with a career will be pre sented in a “Women in Business” symposium to be held Thursday. The symposium, which is pre sented in conjunction with Busi ness Week, is sponsored by Exec utive Women of Dallas. Lynn Zimmerman, the assis tant dean in the College of Busi ness, said the symposium is being held for several reasons. About 54 percent of the students in the College of Business are women, Zimmerman said. Also a large majority of accounting and mar keting students are women. These students will encounter problems when they enter the workforce, and they will need role models, he said. The mem bers of Executive Women of Dal las can provide those role models, Zimmerman said. Two discussions will be in cluded in the symposium: “Face- to-Face: Men and Women in the Workplace” and “Seeking Suc cess: Planning, Risking and Doing.” Four or Five women from dif ferent executive managerial posi tions throughout Texas will con- duct each discussion, Zimmerman said. The sympo sium was organized by Beverly Brooks, the owner of Beverly Brooks an