Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1985)
SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION SUMMER GRADUATES ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!! PLACE YOUR ORDERS: MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 MON.—FRI. 8 AM.—4 AM. ‘‘DEADLINE** JUNE 13,1985 AM. THE LONGER YOU WAIT... THE LONGER THE LINE!!! HELP WANTED SERVICES 1 NEED A JOB???" * * * * WINTER AND SUMMER | FULL TIME AND PART TIME |We print a computerized directory, listing hundreds of potential 'employers offering thousands of Ijobs nationwide. lEariy application is recommended. • Satisfaction guaranteed. Order your 1985 Directory NOW!! |Send your check or money order for I $7.95 to: I STUDENT EMPLOYMENT DIRECTORY #2 Windjammer Cove FT. COLLINS. CO 80524 • or call ... toll free I 1-800-621-8387, Ext. 592 THE GREENERY Landscape Maintenance Team Member Full or Part-time Interview 8:30-9:30 a.m. Monday-Thursday 823-7551 1512 Cavitt, Bryan On Saturday January 26, 1985, an accident occurred between 10- 10:30pm on Texas Avenue in Col lege Station near Kroger’s, Dairy Queen, Fuddruckers and Motel 6. If anyone has any information about the accident, Please call collect 825-7287. 8613 Crt Typist for medical practice, some computer ex perience desirable, 779-7895. 86t7 SILVER DOLLAR Dynamic and outgoing people are wanted. Female afternoon bartender, cocktail Wait ress & D.J. to work in a fun and exciting at mosphere. Would like self-motivating peo ple. No experience necessary. 846-4691 or 268 - 3111 ' 87,11 Musicians wanted for lop 40/original group. Call Mark at 846-9527 after 5pm. 88t5 Weekend help wanted. 9 to 6. Saturdays and Sundays. Apply Sunshine Laundry, 3815 E. 29th Street. 88t6 Medical social worker and Ikensed physical therapist needed for home health visits. Contract or staff. Flexi ble schedule 779-5733. 82tl5 Rqxz is looking for local hands. Call 764-0520. Leave* message. 85H0 CRUISESHIPS HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 944-4444 xTexasA&Mcruise. 78t24 AIRLINES HIRING! $14-$39,000! Stewardesses, Res- ervatiouist! Worldwide! Call for guide. Directory, Newsletter. l-(91fii 944*4444 ext. TexasA&Mair 78t24 LOST AND FOUND Black Labrador Puppy near Brownstone Apts, on Welsh. Answers tojasper’. Hefty Reward Offered. Call 696-0853. 86t4 ROOMMATE WANTED Roommates needed. 5 bedroom 2 bath mile from campus. Own room $120 month plus utilities. 268- 0178 88t5 Rootnnmu* wanted to share ‘2.000 sq. It. 3 bdrm./‘2 hath house. $IS5 jno. 1 utilities. K‘23-1255. 8515 Roommate Wanted to share 2,000 3 bdnn./2 bath house. $185/tno. , Zt utilities. 823-1255. 85t5 SERVICES JOB WINNING RESUMES We Do It All! Expert services include: EDIT ING, LAYOUT, TYPING, AND QUALITY TYPESETTING. CUSTOM DESIGNS & FORMATS ARE CREATED SPECIALLY FOR YOU! MIDLAND HEIGHTS INTERNATIONAL 403 University Drive W. above Campus Photo, 846-6486. 80t9 ON THE DOUBLE Ail kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, tetfh papers, resumes. Typing and copyiftg a, one stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91tfn WE WILL DELIVER A CAKE AND FLOWERS TO YOUR VALENTINE!! A&M Birthday Service. 693-3887. : •‘-Vm: • ' 07,8 Planning a Party? D.J. Party Service has just the music, and this semester try our Friday Special just $125. For booking information feel free to call DAVID KIEL 846-1838. 76t39 Professional word processiitg/cditing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Manuscripts, theses, dissertations. Great rates. 775-5202 after 6 p.m. 85t5 Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices, highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT. 822-1430. 78t35 (>n i ninptis i\ ping sen u c. I asi ;u< ui ale reasonable e\- perieiK eel. c omenient. ( all Robin 2blM)N7N. N:ii20 da\-Friday. 5:30-10:30. 775-1 ,s. r " WORD PROCESSING all kinds. By appointment only. Call 775-6178 anytime. 82t20 FOR SALE Norwegian F.lkhomul puppiev AKC Cliampionsbip ■. I mm SI 25. 845-0040 bloodline, sbois. papers, lovable or 003-2073 Coinputer/Priiner. Kaypro II/Kpson MX-80 includes all sol’tware and modem program for Wylbur. $ 1,000.00. 200-4388 Neal. 86t7 Garage Sale - Saturd; ly, Sunday, (amch ($100), Clothes, Albums, after 5:00. 86t4 NIKON F2A. 3 MKKOR LENSES, VIVITAR 283, Accessories;840-4381 5-7pm. 86t5 Modern Chrome and Wood 'Fable with 4 704-7021. $200 86t7 Upgrade Now! Owner, flexible financing. Beautiful, private, custom, 2200’ home, lovely residential area. Bryan 3 bedrooms, 2 1 /2 baths, enclosed patio slashed price $ 135.000. 770-1408, 845-1380. 86t5 I .oft for sale. 0\4.\5. Simdv. mail ion. $50.00. 208-0180. nress $05.00. w/o 8415 Honda V05 Magna 1100. Candv Maroon. Buiglar Alarm Sysiem. $3000.00. 048 miles.2(>0-4802 11P-41 (: For Sale. Only $ 1 (Ml. Call 846-9412. FOR RENT BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS 60tfn Apartments for rent located in Snook, Texas. Central heal 8c air. carpet. I l>ednM>m start at $200 per month. 2 l>edrootns start $248 per month .& $ 200 deposit. Call 840-8878 during the day. (.all 1 -507-7124 nights. 85l20 Fourplex Apts. Newly remodeled $250.00 per month. Two bedroom, one bath. W/D connections. Convenient to campus. 775-1790 8 p.m., 779-0992 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 73t30 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $10-$360 weekly/up mailing circulars! No bosses/quo tas! Sincerely interested rush self-addressed envelope: Dept. AN-7, POD910CEW, Woodstock, IL6009882tl0 PERSONALS U AN 1K1): Good male CXAV (lamer m be partner on TAMT C&Wdanee leant. Call Sheila (i9:i-88:l(l 87t2 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Abortion procedures and referrals — Free pregnancy testing. Houston, Texas (713)271-0121. 80t69 Sarah Watts Pianist • Teacher Degree Baylor University 2 years’ university teaching Bryan Studio • Over 20 years “Serious students of all ages” 822-6856 1% LITT“ EATRES $2.50 Till IX Show Marta »«t A Sun. on hr Studante with I.D. Friday All aoau on Tuoaday Sanior Citizona Anytimo |pt>st Oak Wall 3 1 [315 COLLfCE N. M6-4714 1 IN THE MALL 7*4-*tl* j I C«n>?o5?335t«". | A PflSSAGC l TO INDIR IBS . r ' WEEKNtTES: 7:11-10:00 '' I'pininca f WEEKNITE8: 7:48 ONLY Y I wmMmjMCOM acOM'AWAMO I " WEEKNITEt: 7:3O-0:M ^ rm NOT f«MI MUSK « OMMC4 MPOTDOMI v. &**<*+— ^ > WIEEWTEB: 1:164:%''"• MATT DILLON k. j* 3 „ WEEKNtTES: 7:40-0:40 PROTOCOL GOLDIE HAWN HE r SCHULMAN THEATRES 1 $ ^>50 • lat Show Sat. A Son -All Santa -KTAM FaanOy Ntta-Moa -Sch. « -KTAM Family Nlt* -Stndrata Wlh Carnal ID SCHULMAN 6 - 775-2463 2002 tLmn ! THE RIVER (PG-13) Dolby 7:20 9:50 MICKI and MAUDE (PG-13) 7:30 9:50 TORCHLIGHT (R) , 7:35 9:55 THE COTTON CLUB (R) 7:15 9:55 ftftVERLY RlLi2i COP ooi av (R) ****** 7:25 9^5 STARMAN (PG) stc&o 7:159:40 MANOR EAST III _ __ _ ^ MANOR 823-8300 EAST MALL PINOCCHIO(G) 7:15 9:35 TUFF TURF 7:25 9:45 AVENGING ANGEL 7:209:55 Prolessit diesis. Battalion Classified 845-2611 Page 6/The Battalion/Monday, February 4, 1985 OTT ATTIS? A I A f M xm M 12 amlaMMir Xaa«\M^ lHlhnt’c i in WW w Up# Monday @ AGGIEwill meet in the Pavilion 7:00-8:30 flass and 8:30-10:00 for a dub meeting. New k starting for anyone wishing to learn square LIBERAL ARTS STUDENT COUNCIL: will meet at 7:30 575 Harrington to discuss the teaching awards and : the theai^r am benefit,' • PRE^itA#l'i0CiIETYj has applications for Baylor Law Ivyv;scholarships due Friday. Contact Dr. Jessup in 101 llli:ilv:Academic : for. details. J 5C INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS COMMITTEE: will hold a general meeting at .8:30 p.m. in 101 Rudder. All persons interested in promoting international awareness to attend. . . IO; will hold a can-can girl informational meet- n. in 201 MSC. f OF AGGIE SCHOLARS: will meet at 8 p.m. in >r Gary Halter will speak on College Sta- itteS+vCiV 1 --' - V : 4TTONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILD- ,^RS: will meet :at 7:30 p.m. in 127B Zachry. Jim Jett will speak on “Life Aftej^ftraduauon”. ITTON CLUB; will meet at 7 p.m. in 127 KJe- “Ei Norte” at Rumors be- PI: will hold a mandatory informational meeting a*-.* 7 p.m. in 103 Zachry. 3.5 and seniors with a ■■ . a i 111 I > p.m in 601 Rudder. :7 p.m. in 153 Blocker. r ARSITY SOCCER TEAM: will play 7:00 p.m.-9 Rollie White. Anyone imerested in playing in- •liwelcome. • fee submitted to The Battalion, . no Jess than three days prior to de- ion date. \ .y Vjs.::: V' lS ' W 1C mpt. \ ' Career Fair offers business contacts By SUZANNE METSCHER Reporter This is the week for handing out resumes and meeting successful members of the business community and possible future employers. The College of Business Adminis tration is sponsoring Business Week 1985 which begins today with a re ception for company recruiters and invited student leaders and faculty. A major component of Business Week is the Sixth Annual Business Career Fair. The fair is designed to help stu dents learn more about career op portunities by interacting with rep resentatives from close to 80 major companies. The companies will set up a total of 80 booths in the lobby of the Blocker Building on Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be 40 booths each day. Any interested students may come by the booths and talk to recruiters. Tuesday evening at 7 there will be a Career Fair Banquet at the Brazos Center. Students interested in attending the banquet may purchase tickets for $6.50 in the lobby of the Blocker Building until 4:00 p.m. Monday. Regent David G. Eller, chairman and chief executive officer of the Granada Corporation, will be the keynote speaker at the banquet. The Business Student Council ex pects between 600 and 700 students and about 250 company representa tives to attend the banquet. On Wednesday night, selected students will participate in the “Take a Student to Dinner” program. Each recruiter will select one stu dent to attend the dinner. Bill Bradley, president of the Business Student Council, suggests students interested in dining with a particular representative wear busi ness attire and hand out resumes when visiting the booths. Students must be invited by a rep resentative in order to attend the dinner. Several Career Fair seminars will be held throughout the day on Tues day and Wednesday beginning at 8:00 a.m. For more information on specific seminars and speakers contact the Business Student Council at 845- 1320. A group of seminars about women in business will begin at 9:30 Thursday morning. The speakers will be women holding top executive positions with major corporations. Bradley says this year’s Career Fair is the longest ever and prepara tions for it are going great. Students should make an effort to meet with the representatives while they are at the fair, he said. “They are here to hire students,” Bradley said. Bradley said that the Career Fair is put on by over 150 students who sign up to work on different com mittees to help put on the fair. DO YOU KNOW SOMETHING WE DON’T? o o o WHY IMOT TEACH IT FOR FUIM S, IVIOIMEY? MSC AFTER HOURS is looking for new instructors, of non-credit courses for Spring Session II. If you think you have something worth teaching call Karen Hronek at 845-1515 or come by room 216 of the TAMU Memorial Student Center. The la£t day for teacher registration is Feb-. 15, 1985, so hurry!! We especially need instructors in these areas: BALLROOM DANCE MASSAGE CpR BARTENDING COMMUNICATIONS AUTO REPAIR GUITAR SELF HELP POCKET CALCULATOR LANGUAGES PHOTOGRAPHY FIRST AID Atj/uxk'l/ / Pafia'i Pifja Large Pizza .$3.99 99£ fte/t ejctsia itesn- -soft drink refills 25£- Open 11 a.m.-past midnight 846-0079 846-3824 509 University Drive F 3 & 6 8 15% DISCOUNT with current A&M I.D. (repairs riot included) Use your student discount to purchase a diamond for your class ring. (and let us set it for you) DOUGLAS JEWELRY Culpepper Plaza College Station 693-0677 212 N. Main Bryan 822-3119 ltd* *TvWii?«rt -T MSC Camera Committee 1st General Meeting February 4 7:00-8:30 Room 601 Rudder Featuring: Imaginative use of filters. You get more for your money when you dine on campus. Underground Deli and Store Breakfast and Lunch Full Salad Bar and Daily Special TOWER open Mon. Thru Fri. 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Evenings Dine at the MSC Cafeteria Open Each Day Mon thru Sat 6:30 AM to 7:00 PM Sunday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM “Quality First” HOUSE OF TIRES FACTORY DIRECT DISCOUNTS “Fast Tire Service!” Steel-Belted Radials Bias-Ply Tires Fiberglass Belted SIZE PRICE SIZE PRICE P155/80R13 33.98 P155/80&13 25.98 P165/80R13 35.98 P165/80B13 27.98 P175/80R13 36.98 P175/80B13 28.98 P185/80R13 37.98 P185/80B13 29.98 P175/75R14 39.98 P185/75B14 30.98 P185/75R14 39.98 P195/75B14 32.98 P195/75R14 43.98 P205/75B14 34.98 P205/75R14 44.98 P215/75B14 36.98 P215/75R14 45.98 P225/75B14 37.98 P225/75R14 46.98 P205/75B15 35.98 P205/75R15 46.98 P215/75B15 36.98 P215/75R15 47.98 P225/75B15 37.98 P225/75R15 48.98 P235/75B15 38.98 P235/75R15 G60-14 49.98 44.98 TRUCK TIRES L60-14 54.98 10.5-15 69.98 H60-15 49.98 11.5-15 74.98 L60-15 54.98 12.5-15 84.98 700-15 47 98 Dealers Welcome 750-16 55.98 Similar Savings on other sizes 950-16.5 68.98 Master Card Visa Open 6 days A Week Compare Prices and 8:30-5:30 Save with House of Tires Free Installation! Computer Spin Balancing Available Mfg. by the Other Guys...B. F. Goodrich HOUSE OF TIRES 1401 S. Texas Ave. Corner of Coulter & Texas, Bryan 779-2453