The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 21, 1985, Image 8
Page 8/The Battalion/Monday, January 21, 1985 LOSTAND FOUND FOUND: One black leather glove near Halbouty Bldg. Call Thom 845-5841. 78tl FOR RENT BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS Fourplex Apts. Newly remodeled $250.00 pei month. Two bedroom, one bath, W/D connections. Convenient to campus. 775-1790 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 779-0992 6 p.m.-9 pm. 73t30 Two bedroom house, $50.00 deposit, $175.00 monthly. 2500 Tabor Road after 5:00 call 823-1 179. 72t7 Sublease one bedroom $225 month, Oakwood Apart ments, Southwest Parkway, on shuttle, pool, tennis court, 696-1715 78t5 HELP WANTED MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY Applications being accepted for ADMINISTRATIVE and MANAGEMENT positions. Excellent opportunity for professional and personal growth. Salary to $32,000 in four years. Competitive benefit plan includes retirement, free medical/dental and travel. Relocation at our expense. Position as commissioned naval officer requires BS/BA degree, U.S. citizenship and under 28 years of age. Call (713) 226-2445 collect. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston Post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-1253 54,30 AIRLINES lUiUNG' $H-$39,000! sTewanlesst-s, Res- ervationist! Worldwide! Call for guide, Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 9*44-4444 ext. TexasA&Mair. 78124 New nightclub opening soon have fun 6c get paid for it. All positions available BARTENDERS, BARBACKS, DOOR GIRLS, 6c WAITRESSES. Apply in person, 815 Harvey Rd. 78t5 Computer programmer needed part-time. Knowledge of Basic Wylbur, SAS, and use of Radio Shack comput ers as termimal desired. 693-3111. 78t3 CRU1SESHIPS HIRING! $16-$30,000! Carribean, Hawaii, World. Call for Guide, Directory, Newsletter. 1-(916) 944-4444 xTexasA6iMeruise. 78t24 Kitchen help wanted. Fun people, unusual environ ment, flexible hours. Ask for Don at Cenare, 404 Uni versity Drive. 74t9 Work-study typist needed, 15 hour/week, $4.00/hour. Phone 5-0813 on M/W/F. 74t5 THE FARM PATCH PRODUCE MARKET now hir ing full Sc part-time CASHIERS. Apply in person M-F between 1-3, 779-7209. 76t7 Distribute residential door knob ads for an average of 1 hour per week and earn up to $200.00 at a time. Trans portation required.' For details write to TIPS, P.O. Box 35689, Houston, TX 77235. 76t5 20 students needed to conduct brief telephone surveys, Monday-Tltursday, 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. January 21st - March 8th, possibly longer. Transportation needed. Contact Department of Rural Sociology, 845- 5332, $4.25/hour. 76t7 Part-time office help for local pil company. Must have good typing, reliable transportation, neat appearance, Abilitv to work under pressure. Phone Susan 846- 3861. 77t5 Automotive Garage needs experienced general service help. Full and/or part-time, 693-0616. 76t5 ROOMMATE WANTED Male roommate needed to share effi ciency apartment in home Vg block south of campus in quiet residential neighborhood. Furnished. All bills paid. Non-smoker, non-drinker. $165 monthly includes laundry facilities, 303 Dexter, 696-5286. 76ts Need one roommate. Have partially furnished house. 2 blocks from campus. Own bedroom. Reasonable rent.. 693-4916 7515 Female roommate needed garage apartment 1 block from campus, free laundry facilities, non-smoker, $165/mo. AH bills paid. 696-2227. 76t5 Roommates wanted. Male or female, $150 a month plus utilities, on shuttle bus. Ask for Jeff. 693-3545. 78t5 Male roommate needed share rent and utilities. Call Ed after 6 p.m., 822-1073. 75t5 Male to share 1100 sq. ft. 2 br/2 bath duplex, $200/mo. plus V/ utilities. 696-2406 507 Doininik. 72tl0 FOR SALE AKC Miniature Schnauzer. Female salt and pepper puppy. Shots and house broken. $150. 845-9630 days, 846-1913 evenings. 74t5 Complete darkrom. Durst M605 color enlarger, Ro- denstock lenses, color analyzer, trays, etc. $550. 696- 9748 78t5 Modern walnut and chrome table with black naughide chairs. $200.00. Call 764-7921. 78t5 UNIVERSITY SPORTDRINKING TEAM T-shirts! SMLXL only $6.95 pd! PMG-U6, Box 1484, Marco, FL 33937. Free catalog! 78t5 Wylbur VT100 compatiable terminal rental. 1200 band modems lease/purchase. 845-0808, 696-5056. 75tl0 ’79 Olds Cutlass AM/FM radio, tape deck, $4,000 or best offer, after 6:00 p.m., 693-3932. 76t3 WANTED Japanese tutor wanted. $5/hr. Denwa o Kakete Kuda- saimasen Ka, 845-1955, 693-8090. 76t5 BALD? LOSING HAIR? We at Apollo can help with Minoxdil treatments... ,Call 846-4080 for an appointment 1842 Greenfield Plaza Bryan,Tx. 77802 Welcome Back Aggies! WITH THIS COUPON 14 BURRITO SUPREME with purchase of one at regular price. , January 21-31 11 am-11 pm Umit one 14 Burrito Supreme® per person per visit. Hot good with any other offer. Good only at Bryan/College Station TACO BELL® Locations. THCOBEliii jfatjwc ■ Subs • Sandwiches • Blue Bell whi 'arm an* wr* * wlthis tritst. coupo " Ice Cream Cone with the purchase of any sandwich. Good 1/14 - 1/31 The Byte Located in Skaggs Shopping Center next to Plitt Theatre Now Open for Breakfast 7:30 a.m. Ample Parking Hewlett-Packard... For Tough Assignments Hewlett-Packard calculators...for Science, Engineering, Business, or Finance. They save time and simplify complex problems. How? With built-in func tions, programming capability, and time-saving features like dedicated keys. Buy yours today! • UP-11C Slim-line Advanced Scientific Programmable $ 67. 50 • HP-12C Slim-line Advanced Financial Programmable $ 9S-00 • HP-15C Stim-line Advanced Scienlific Programmable with Matrices $ 99.00 • HP-16C Slim-line Programmable for Computer Science $ 99.00 • HP-41CV Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric 5 180.00 • HP-41CX Advanced Programmable Alphanumeric with Extended Functions $ 2431.75 HEWLETT mUHM PACKARD Sale Ends 1/19/85 AUTHORIZED HEWLETT-PACKARD DEALER 303 CHURCH STREET COUJEGE STATION, S4S-SJ32 SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and Copying at one Stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91tfn Planning a Party? D.J. Party Service hasjust the music, and this semester try our Friday Special just $125. For booking information feel free to call DAVID KIEL- 846-1838. 76t39 LESBIAN Rap Group meets Tuesdays 7:30p.m. For info call Gayline 775-1797. 78t6 Typing, word processing, resumes. Lowest prices, highest quality in town. PERFECT PRINT, 822-1430. 78t35 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Springtree or Cedar allergic males, (12 years or older) to participate in an antihistamine study; symptoms may include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, or sinus headache. If you are allergic or have these symptoms and wish to participate for a $200 incentive, call 775-0425. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 72116 TDC officials admit prison deficiencies Associated Press AUSTIN — Texas prison of ficials candidly admit to filth, poor medical care and unsafe conditions in the stale's prisons in documents filed for another federal, court bout over prison reform. Drafted by the state in prepara tion for an appearance next month before U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice, the paperwork re flects a new strategy by the state to avert a costly and controversial hear ing, the Dallas Times Herald re ported Sunday. By confessing past deficiencies in “uncontested statements of fact” filed last week, the state is hoping to prove it is making progress in clean ing up the prison system. T he documents filed by the state cite examples of raw sewage leaking on food in a prison kitchen; hun dreds of inmates referred by doctors for hospital treatment but no ap pointments made; waiting lists for vocational training; crowded condi tions forcing inmates to sleep in halls; and other deficiencies. “For the first time we are giving an honest evaluation of our prob lems,” said Board of Corrections Chairman Robert Gunn. “We are saying, ‘Yes, there are a lot of things that have got to be done.’ Before we told the federal court, ‘There’s nothing wrong and get out of here.”’ Glaring deficiencies still exist four years alter Justice issued his harsh assessment of prison conditions and ordered improvements, attorneys for Texas inmates contend. “We are saying the future has come and the court order has been in effect four years and still prison ers are suffering,” said Donna Brorby, one of the attorneys rep resenting inmates. The state is scheduled to appear before Justice next month to defend its progress in complying with his or ders. TDC attorneys are currently trying to negotiate a settlement, however, and want to postpone the hearing. The ordered reforms take time, and the court should wait another four to six months before re-evaluat ing the prison system’s progress, the state contends. Since Justice issued his sweeping prison reform order in April 1981, TDC has replaced former director W.J. Estelle with Ray Procunier. What’s up Monday AGGIE PLAYERS: will hold auditions for “Antigone ” at i p.m. in 144 Blocker. Required only to be familiar with script which is available at reserve desk in library. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: will hold a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 704 Rudder. Everyone welcome. BADMINTON CLUB: will hold a mandatory meeting at 7 p.m. in 607 Rudder to elect officers and collect dues. Nett members welcome. BETA ALPHA PSI: will meet at 7 p.m. in 165 Blocker. Cali 260-0872 for more information. CLASS OF ’88: will sell Class of ’88 shirts 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the MSC and Quad Arches for $8.80 throughout the week IM—REC SPORTS: will open team bowling entries at Sara in 159 East Kyle. Call 845-7826 for more information. MARKETING SOCIETY: will meet at 7 p.m. in 102 Blocker to discuss the spring semester. Aggieland pictures will be taken. Business attire requested. Call 693-4340 for more information. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: will meet for noon Bible Study at Wesley Foundation Fellowship Hall. Lunch is provided for $1. Call 260-4688 for more information. MSC INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS COMMITTEE: will hold a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. All stu dents and faculty welcome. Call 693-1462 for more infor mation. MSC VARIETY SHOW: has committee member applications available until Jan. 25 in 216 MSC. STUDENT AGRICULTURAL COUNCIL: will meet at 6:15 p.m. in Zachry to take Aggieland picture. Call 764-3040 for more information. TAMU JAZZ ENSEMBLE: will meet at 8 p.m. in Commons west piano room. There will be a rehearsal. Bring instru ments and music. New members are encouraged to attend Call 260-6789 for more information. Tuesday ASSOCIATED GENERAL CONTRACTORS: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 203 Zachry. Earl Rose, AGC Education Com mittee chairman will be guest speaker, and a group picture will be taken at 7:15 p.m. Call o46-4939 for more informa tion. BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION: will meet at 1 p.m. in 201 VMS. The topic will be “Drug Development and the Pharmaceutical Industry.” Call 696-3887 for more information. COLLEGIATE FFA: will hold a social at 6:30 p.m. in 100 Scoates with a meeting following at 7:30 p.m. in 208 Scoates. Everyone welcome. Call 260-4794 for more infor mation. GEOLOGY CLUB: will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 105 Halbouty to discuss program activities. IM—REC SPORTS: will close Racquetball Singles Entriesat6 p.m. in 159 E. Kyleat 7:30 p.m. in 410 Rudoer. TAMU HORSEMAN’S ASSOCIATION: will meet at 6 p.m. in the lobby of Zachry for group pictures. A meeting will follow. Call 775-7019 for more information. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no less than three days prior to de sired publication date. Gay rights referendum still sparks controversy Associated Press HOUSTON. — Opponents who worked to overwhelmingly defeat two anti-discrimination ordinances that would have recognized homo sexual lifestyles said Sunday that city leaders who endorsed the controver sial measures must be replaced. “There's one wax we can avoid doing this again, and that’s by elect ing godly, righteous people to of fice." said Dr. Steven Hotze, head of the opposition group Campaign for Houston. The two anti-discrimination pro posals. together dubbed the “gav rights' ordinance." were defeated in a referendum Saturday by more than 1-1 margins. Neil her ballot issue mentioned the words “homosexual" or “gav," but voters were asked to decide whether sexual preference should be barred as a consideration in hir ing. firing and promoting city etn- ploxees. Froposiiion A would have barred the <it\ from discriminating on the basis of "sexual orientation" in its hiring, promoting or firing of em- plovees. Ii was rejected 198,T>(>3 to 44.70<). or 8 Lb percent to 18.4 per cent. Proposition B —- rejected 197,763 to 43.393, or 82 percent to 18 per- ceirt — would have had city polit y specilicallx state that the city should not haxe to keep track of lioxx many homosexuals ii hires. “1 hope that Mayor Whitmire sees where the real strength of the com- immitv is. and iliis will make a better max or of her." said Citx Councilman John Coodner. xx ho mobilized some of the most inlluemial businessmen to light the proposals, Whitmire said she believe the measures were defeated because vot ers were confused about what each meant. Saturday's referendum emotional, at times, bitter campaign that began 13 months ago when Anj thonv Hall, a black city cnimdlinaij proposed adding “sexual orienB-l tion" to citx hiring polities ihaiall ready barred discrimination on Ik I basis o( "race, color, age. disabiftl sex or national origin." No action xxas taken until jinij when a citx council majoritv 101 roxx lx approved Hall's idea. Oppl nents <|iiicklv gathered more 1I0I 60.000 signatures on petitions,Initl ing an elect ion. 1 he council opted for the elfi l lion, an expense of some SHOO,®I and forces on both sides began gall I er'tng forc es and raising money. Some of the most outspokenn|j xmenis included predomiiianij >lack Concerned Pastors and MiJ islet s of Houston, the ku kluxKI® and the Houston Chamber of Com merce. Battalion Advertising 15 % DISCOUNT with current A&M I.D. (repairs hot included) Use your student- discount to purchase a diamond for your class ring. (and let us set it for you) DOUGLAS JEWELRY Culpepper Plaza 212 N. Main / College Station Y* Bryan I 693-0677 822-3119 ( The Battalion SPREADING THE NEWS Since 1878