The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 21, 1985, Image 12
Did you have a picture taken at your last party? If so, Jan. 21-25th is our reorder week. Order any picture from a 1984 party this week for a special discount.... PHOTO SYSTEMS Incorporated -and- PARTY PICS • RHA Halloween • Greekfest • Bourbon Street Bash • All Dorm Parties • Any Sorority or Fraternity Parties • RHA Casino Party • Pikefest • And Many Others Call For More Info... 693-8181 COUPON GET ONE FREE PICTURE FOR EVERY $10 PURCHASE offer expires 1-25-85 Page 12/The Battalion/Monday, January 21, 1985 WORLD AND NATION — SHOE by Jeff MacNelly I STIULIOTTSEE WMV WRB PUMPING trONEEguPT. IT£M yCZT SPFWIST/£4T£P 9VZIF IN THE PAP£&! WOT?' TAUKINS FZOFLE... mo everhearpof £UOI A PUMB UIING? s —^ ^ \ Ir l Republicans consider leaving mayors’ group Associated Press WASHINGTON — Some Repub lican mayors, upset with the Demo cratic leadership of the U.S. Confer ence of Mayors, said this weekend they are considering pulling out from the organization. “There is not a massive pullout at this point,” William Althaus, mayor of York, Pa., and a leader of the dis sidents said. “There is an explora tion of some alternatives.” The conference’s executive com mittee earlier on Saturday ap pointed Charleston, S.C., Mayor Jo seph Riley Jr. vice president and named East Orange, N.J., Mayor Thomas Cooke Jr. chairman of its advisory committee. They, like new President Ernest Morial of New Orleans, are Demo crats. Under the conference’s nor mal rules of succession, the moves mean a Democrat will be in charge of the organization at least through mid-1988. Morial assumed the presidency Friday, replacing Hernan Padilla of San Juan, a Republican who left of fice as mayor Jan. 14 after losing a race for governor of Puerto Rico. The conference, which conducts research and lobbies on behalf of cit ies, has had only two Republican presidents since 1966. Morial, at a news conference clos ing the mayors’ three-day mid-win ter meeting, said the mayors must try to help solve the federal deficit while making sure “the administra tion and Congress understand the physical and human needs within our cities.” But he was followed to the po dium by Althaus and Mayors James E. Roark of Charleston, W. Va., and John Mercer of Sunnyvale, Calif., who vented what they said was wide spread frustration among the Re publicans who comprise a third of the conference’s members. Althaus said if a splinter organiza tion were formed, it would be bipar tisan, not for Republicans only. Roark predicted some mayors would quit before the conference’s annual meeting this June in Anchorage. SHOP ALL FOLEY’S STORES MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10 TO 9.30 (DOWNTOWN HOUSTON MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:30 TO 6. SATURDAY ’TIL 5:30). ON-THE-GO Panasonic mini-cassette player. High/low tone selector Auto-stop. Battery-operated with LED battery indicator Includes lightweight stereo headphones and detachable belt clip. Batteries not included SOUND CENTER Panasonic radio/cassette recorder. AM/FM stereo with one-touch recording, auto-stop and variable sound monitor. Volume, balance and pause controls. 5” speakers. AC/DC operation. Batteries not included. AT THE HEART OF TEXAS w< 79.95 special HOUSTON APFA* • downtown ’ALMEDA •deerbrook •greenspoint •memorial .northwest •Pasadena .san jacinto *sharpstown •west oaks •wiuowbrook AUSTIN: ’ BARTON CREEK SQUARE HIGHLAND MALL SAN ANTONIO: BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION: Little respecl given to vote by Mexicans Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Only 26 f cent of the people interviewedbyl! weekly news magazine Aciertol lieve the vote is respected inMexiKl A poll of 120 people taken to J company the magazine’s coverstml on the Mexican political situati found that 61 percent believe t vote is not respected and 13 pen said it is “at times.” The poll also found 61 percea Ixdieve there isn’t democracy Mexico and 26 percent believethi is. Seventy-seven percent ofthosei terviewed voted in the last localelttl lions and 28 percent said theydidiil vote. “Political apathy is dead," ibl magazine said in an accompan™ commentary on the currentoutlooU for 1985, “and political oppositioml heated and demanding.' Eletinl are scheduled lor governor in sevt:| of the country’s 81 states. The article concentrated on nl cent events in the northern bonkl state of Coahuila, where violeiml broke out altei ihe dominant Inal lutionai Revolutionary Party vtl awarded the victory in 85 of38n»| oral elections last month. The Republicans’ wrath was stirred a week before the presi dential election when Mayor Marion Barry of Washington, D.C., released a 422-page urban policy report at odds with Reagan administration domestic and defense policies. Disgruntled supporters of center-right National Action ~ burned the municipal complex I 29 in Piedras Negras, across the boil der f rom Eagle Pass, in a protesus alleged electoral fraud. At least e person was killed and nearly 1 jured. Sic CATALENA 1 HATTERS Specializing In_ Custom Made Hats and Expert Felt Hat Renovations Old hats Made Like New Just in Time for Winter Wear •Cleaned •Reblocked •New Sweat Bands •New liners •New Ribbons •Reshaping Nevy Arrivals • Hat Accessories • Gift Certifications pi HEE Class of'72 Satisfaction Guaranteed Downtown Bryan 203 N. Main 822-4423 i <*•: *5 niTITINi 03jS TM< vl* CONTW HTTP TIKI An MOMS “T1 DAN WTIT1MI .•AtlOiuO "THE FLA THER MiCKl DUNG! THEC BEVES STARM PINCH TUFF ’ DUNE MY ADS, BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. o matter what you've go to say or sell, our Classi fieds can help you do the big job.