The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1985, Image 8
Page 8/The Battalion Battalion Classifieds WANTED $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Springtree or Cedar allergic males, (12 years or older) to participate in an antihistamine study; symptoms may include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, or sinus headache. If you are allergic or have these symptoms and wish to participate for a $200 incentive, call 775-0425. $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 72116 NOW HIRING Good Benefits, Good Pay! Free Uniform & Food! Flexible Hours: Apply Now! WORK FOR NUMBER ONE Apply at: 801 University,C.S. 2420 Texas Ave. S., C.S. See a Manager for an Application /V\ Me Don ah id's PERSONALS WORD PROCESSING all types, my work guaranteed error free, call anytime, 775-6178. 63tl5 LOSTAND FOUND LOS T: Ladies Diamond Ring at TCU Football Game. An Heirloom. Reward. Call 845-2350 8-5 Weekdays. 74l4 SERVICES Wanted delivery persons Earn S5-S8 an hour from salary, tips, and commission Daytime Hours Available Apply in person between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Tov/nshire Center, Bryan 822-7373 ® 1980 Domino’s Pizza, Inc. 75t2 Distribute residential door knob ads for an average of 1 hour per week and earn up to $200.00 at a time. Trans portation required. For details write to TIPS, P.O. Box 35689, Houston, TX 77235. 76t5 Morning Aide needed for nursery sc thru Friday, 846-5571. hoot, Monday 73l5 ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one Stop. ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 91lfn FOR RENT Planning a Party? D.J. Party Service has just the music, and this semester try our Friday Special just $125. For booking information feel free to call DAVID KIF.L. 846-1838. 76t39 TIRED OF HIGH UTILITIES? Come to Tangle wood South • Great location * Party Room/Study Room • 2 pools • 2 Laundry Rooms • Exercise Room/Fitness Center • Covered Parking AM Utilities Paid 411 Harvey Road, C.S. 693-1111 BAKER STREET MINI WAREHOUSE 5x5 to 10x30 $18 to $77 846-5794 DAYS 779-3938 NIGHTS FOR SALE ’79 Olds Cutlass AM/FM radio, tape deck, $4,000 or best offer, after 6:00 p.m., 693-3932. 76t3 .Mattress and springs for sale. $40.00. 845-8681 696- 0477 Billy. 74t5 Black Schwinn bike “I.e l our”, 12 speed, 8 months old. Kryptonite lock included. $140.00, tel. 822-7715. 73t3 Two bedroom house. $50.00 deposit, $175.00 monthly. 2500 l abor Road after 5:00 call 823-1179. 72t7 AKC Miniature Schnauzer. Female salt and pepper puppy. Shots and house broken. $150. 845-9630 days, 846-1913 evenings. 74t5 Fourplex Apts. Newly remodeled $250.00 per month. Two bedroom, one bath. W/D connections. Convenient to campus. 775-1790 8 a.m.-5 p.m.. 779-0992 6 p.m.-9 p.m. 73t30 Designer Jeans $12.00 and under, sweaters $6.00 and under. Consignment shop. NEARLY NEW RESALE SHOPPE, 408 Oak. Bryan, 779-1731. 73t5 Beautiful one bedroom, washer/dryer, built-in book case, large deck overlooking woods, I ‘A’ miles from campus, 409-273-2479. 72t5 YAMAHA 1980. SR250, 1950 miles with Arthur Fulmer full face helmet. $975.00, 693-7439. 73t5 1980 Chew Citation 4-door AM/FM cassette, excellent condition, loaded. $2575. 764-2990. 73t5 SPECIAL NOTICE SPRING BREAK in Daytona Beach trom 88V), South Padre from $78. Mustang Island/Port Aransas $119, Steamboat Springs from $79. HURRY "Break From the Books’call Sunchasc Tours toll free for more infor mation 1-800-321-5911 or contact a Sunchasc Campus Representative or your local Travel Agency TODAY! 63tl5 VVylbur VT100 compatiable terminal rental. 1200 hand modems lease/purchase. 845-0808, 696-505(5. 75tl0 Brother electronic typewriter used for 3 papers only. Used all-in-one ribbon, $150 negotiable, 696-6065.75t3 ROOMMATE WANTED DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston Post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-1253 54,30 Male roommate needed to share effi ciency apartment in home Vz block south of campus in quiet residential neighborhood. Furnished. Ail bills paid. Non-smoker, non-drinker. $165 monthly includes laundry facilities, 303 Dexter, 696-5286. 76ts THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE has immediate openings for ROUTE CARRIERS. Early morning hours earning $400-$600 per month. Gas allowance is furnished. If interested, call Andy, 693-7815 or Julian, 693- 2323 after 2 p.m. 72te SILVER DOLLAR Dynamic and outgoing people are wanted to Cocktail Watress & Bartend in a fun and ex citing atmosphere. Would like self-motivat ing people. No experience necessary. For appointments please call 846-4691 or 268- 3111 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 73,5 Telephone Sales people needed. Day and evening shifts. Full and Part-time. Hourly wage plus bo nus. Experience preferred but not necessary. Call 693-0755. Female roommate needed garage apartment 1 block from campus, free laundry facilities, non-smoker, $ 165/mo. All bills paid. 696-2227. 76t5 Male to share 1 100 sq. ft. 2 br/2 bath duplex. $200/mo plus ‘A* utilities. (>96-240(> 507 Doininik. 72tl( Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Male to share 1,100 sq. ft., 2 bdrm./l bath apt. Only $90/mo. Brand new. Call 260-6648. 76tl 20 students needed to conduct brief telephone surveys. Monday-Thursday, 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. January 21st - March 8th, possibly longer. Transportation needed. Contact Depaitmem of Rural Sociology, 845- 5332, $4 25/hour. ' 76t7 Work-study typist needed, 15 hour/week, $4.00/hour. Phone 5-0813 on M/W/F. 74t5 Medit a! Receptionist and Nurse, experience preferred. Full or part-time. Spanish helpful. Call 696-9578. 73t5 THE FARM PATCH PRODUCE MARKET now hir ing full & part-time CASHIERS. Apply in person M-F between 1-3, 779-7209. 76t7 Ip ’ mem, flexible hours/Ask for Don at Cenare, 404 Uni versity Drive. 74t9 Residents oppose dump site Japanese tutor wanted. $5/hr. Denwa o Kakete Kuda- sainiasen Ka, 845-1955, 693-8090. 7<5t5* HELP WANTED ROOMMATE WANTED Singers. Musicians wanted to Idrni Folk Rock Group Ini fun and profit, (.all Bill 693-5470. 73i5 Automotive Garage needs experienced general service help. Full and/or part-time, 693-0616. 76t5 Male roommate needed share rent and utilities. Call Kd after 6 p.m., 822-1073. 75t5 HELP WANTED Cashier and Concession positions now available at Schulman 6 Theatre. Apply in peison only after 7 p.m. Thursday thru Sunday, 2002 E. 29th, Bryan. 74t4 Need one roommate. Have partially furnished house. 2 blocks from campus. Own bedroom. Reasonable rent. 693-4916 75t5 HEREFORD — Residents of this Panhandle community said they showed the government “they’re vi tally interested” in its selection of Deaf Smith County as a possible site for the nation’s first high-level radio active waste dump. They did so, they said, by turning out in large numbers at a briefing on the repository. “We have to show them we care, we’re concerned, and we did that to night,” said Wayne Richardson, the owner of a seed farm who has prop erty included in the Department of Energy’s proposed dump site. A mne-square-mile area about 26 miles north of Hereford has been named by the DOE as one of three “preferred sites” for the controver sial dump. The other sites are in Ne vada and Washington. More than 400 people attended Tuesday’s meeting, the purpose of which DOE officials said was “princi pally tutorial.” DOE officials outlined the reasons a radioactive waste repository is needed, how the government se lected its three preferred sites and what steps would be taken next in the agency’s preparation to have a nuclear waste dump in operation by 1998. Many of those attending Tues day’s briefing said they didn’t believe it was informational. But they echoed Richardson’s sen timent that a statement was made to the DOE. “We have to come in these large numbers so that they know we’re not just going to sit back and take this thing,” said one woman, who asked that her name not be used. Tonya Kleuskens agreed. “It’s not just a few people with an interest now,” she said. “This turn out signifies to us and it should say to them that we’re concerned.” DOE officials also were pleased with Tuesday’s turnout. They stressed throughout the ses sion that its purpose was to help resi dents better understand the DOE process and its documents so that they could make “substantive com ments” when public hearings are held. “I was pleased here, said Jeff Neff, manager of the agency’s salt repository project office in Colum bus, Ohio. “It seemed to be a broad attendance.” 8602A representative of Gov. Mark White’s office, Steve Frishman, said Tuesday’s atten dance showed that “the (DOE) has finally gotten the people’s attention. And it’s good. They need to be inter ested. It is now, finally, a community issue.” Although a final decision on the dump location is five years away, the DOE could begin construction on exploratory shafts at the three pre ferred sites within the next two years if the areas are approved by the president. If the Deaf Smith County site is approved as a preferred site, the DOE probably would spend $1 bil lion in studying it, officials said. A presidential decision on whether to begin exploratory work at the three DOE-recommended sites is expected later this year. Police charge man in kidnap of two children RICHLAND HILLS — A third suspect in last week’s kidnapping of two children has been charged after police discovered he was already in jail on another offense. Police had believed the man was still at large after two other suspects were arrested Sunday with the two kidnapped children in their car, Richland Hills Police Chief Barbara Childress said. But on Tuesday, police dicovered the third man had already been questioned about the kidnapping and transferred to Dallas County on an unrelated charge. Edwardo Olivas, 20, was charged Tuesday with aggravated kidnap ping and is being held in lieu of $25,000 bond. Olivas was questioned by a Rich land Hills detective Sunday night and transferred to the Lew Sterrett Justice Center in Dallas when police discovered an outstanding theft charge, police said. Alphanso Martinez, 20, remained in the Richland Hills City Jail in lieu of $500,000 bond on one charge of aggravated kidnapping. A 16-year- old also charged in the kidnapping was at the Tarrant County Juvenile Detention Center. The three are accused of kidnap ping at gunpoint Sammy Ranco, 6, and his 2-year-old sister, Teresa, from their Richland Hills home last Thursday. Now Is The Time To Learn To Fly TAKE A $20 DISCOVERY FLIGHT... AND DO IT NOW! That’s how little it costs to find out all about learning to fly with our special Discovery Right. The Cessna Pilot Center system represents the best way in the world to learn to fly. It provides the perfect combination of ground instruction and actual flying time. Your $20 Discovery Right will put you in the pilot’s seat, flying an airplane under the guidance of a professional Cessna Pilot Center flight instructor. Your $20 Discovery Flight might take you farther than you think! So, find out for yourself! Come out and see us today! BRAZOS AIRCRAFT, INC. EASTERWOOD AIRPORT 846-7749 TV Cessna si PARKWAY! CIRCLE apartments 2 Bedroom/2 Bath Large one level apartments Washer/Dryer Connections Balconies and Fenced Patios Basketball Court Large Pool and a Jacuzzi Club Room/Fireplace On Shuttle Bus Route Water Paid 24 Hr. Security OFFICE OPEN Monday thru Friday 9-6 401 Southwest f^arkway Call:696-6909 When Is Your Rental No Secret At All? READ IT IN The Battalion Get into circulotion! Let our classified section display your rental services . . . it’s a fast, efficient way to do business!