The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1985, Image 5
Thursday, January 17,1985/The Battalion/Page 5 ■>ia or Ce 'd. % us. Tlu ut. " urinj ien we is ajujij jual/wti juotedii ■nee aln selfet ir e crean dweinti 'hoarei ^hisisa is aju® quaiitji es discn;. als isidt; insi bli iurlbui ation It es thert: to a Sa o proa blood; tant fru IS, tOf rofessiij and mt re thens indiwe- by Biak; nualC* Methods y bet, ait ;ains Are ales), I the [[t en" r denoE- the reft :e sue do* .606 vot ee balk ot yet tt “d cityfi- e vote ft 1 indican may It rojectios Finance proposals approved Warped by Scott McCullar VM 133 //O PAtpt-L cHl£ctCA$HiHG. AHV FR IPAV’^ PAYDAY- toW r M CHKltmAS- yt t/^rATIOA/-FAKT 3- THIS 15" A SHOT OF MV MOTHER MATT, W HO WORRS IV A Pi.AWETAJ?|Un {r VOO&HT Hin A FAIR OF ^ GU)W IH THE MRK SHOELACES;, A VP THIS IS AVI VEPV£V/, X GOT MICHAEX. HEAVPMATT 60TH WHli-£ HAVE A U>T IN COMON- THEY PO/VE. BOTH HAVE TO STARE. AT THE SNEA CEI L\N& A LOT. TO ATTEVP CHORCH HOME, A VP THEY 'P SOMETHING KEAL KY WITH THE CHORCH BULLETIN... THEY rtlVTE> IT Of \NITHl ALL 0F THE LETTER FILLED IV AL^EAFY, 5# THERE WAG V*THlV6 LEFT T# ># JUT LISTEN T* THE ^E-K. N\+N- 1 ets •sr Associated Press AUSTIN — The Senate on Wednesday approved a proposal to keep a closer eye on the “cash How” in the state treasury. It also directed the Legislative Budget Board to con sider abolishing or consolidating some of the more than 400 funds now in existence. Yet another proposal directs the state treasurer to investigate the po tential benefits of assisting local gov ernment financial managers in ob taining higher interest income. All three proposals were spon sored by Sen. John Leedon, and were sent to the House without a dis senting vote in the 31-member Sen ate. Leedon, chairman of the interim Senate Committee on Agency Funds Management, said Texas has more than 400 funds and “there is now no control over the state funds that are established.” “This is like havig 400 bank ac counts — it’s hard to have money in all of them at the same time,” said Leedon, R-Dallas. One of his resolutions directs the Budget Board to report by Aug. 1, 1986, on whether there are “any funds that can be abolished or con solidated within the general revenue fund.” A Leedon bill would create the State Cash Flow Policy Committee to “monitor and review the state man agement of its cash flow” and make recommendations to the Legislature. The committee would include the governor, comptroller, treasurer and two members of the Budget Board. Leedom was asked about the reso lution to provide local communities with financial advice, and he said the treasury department would offer as sistance in getting higher interest in come, with the communities paying the department a small fee to offset the state’s cost. He said State Treasurer Ann Richards felt communities are recep tive to the proposal. r LAST CHANCE Enroll now for spring dance classes at the Gallery of Dance Arts! Classes open in: Jazz — 6 yr- olds-adult Tap — children, teens & adults Ballet — adults Rhythmic aerobics For more information, call 693-0352 107 Dowling Road, College Station, TX (next to Wicks Lumber) rxx: Skillern dead, funeral services set for Friday Associated Press r >yi lern’s family prepared for his fune ral Wednesday as relatives of an un dercover officer killed in 1974 said they were pleased the convict had been put to death. Skillern was pronounced dead at 12:23 a.m., four minutes after War den Jack Pursley gave the order for prison employees to start the flow of lethal drugs into the condemned man’s body, which was belted secu rely to a gurney. Skillern stared at the death chamber ceiling, looking away from witnesses, said a reporter who witnessed the execution. He coughed violently and attempted to sit up after about 10 seconds, then lay back and was motionless. His final statement was, “I pray my family will rejoice and forgive. Thank you.” Skillern, 48, was executed for the 1974 killing of Patrick Randel, an undercover narcotics agent who worked for the Department of Pub lic Safety. Trial testimony showed Skillern and Charles Sanne, 51, were trying to sell Randel $ 1,000 worth of Quaaludes when Sanne fired six shots which killed the officer. Skillern was convicted undei^ Texas’ “law of parties,” which states that an accomplice to a killing is as guilty as the killer. He became the fifth inmate put to death in Texas and the 36th nationally since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. L “It was a great relief when it was all over,” Randel’s widow, Wanda Randel Hogg of Odessa, said shortly after the execution Wednesday. She said she believes Sanne should die for his part in the killing, but added, “I have no control over that.” Sanne was sentenced to life in prison and could be paroled soon. An autopsy was performed on Skillern in Houston early Wednes day, said Santos Vitela, a Harris County medical examiner’s assistant. The results were expected within three weeks. Skillern’s sister, Mattie Sparks, and brother-in-law William Sparks III claimed the body and scheduled a Friday funeral in the East Texas town of Weches. James R. Allen, of the funeral home O.T. Allen and Sons in Alto, said services tentatively were set for 10 a.m. Skillern had selected five family members — sisters Mattie Sparks, Juanita Anders and Mrs. Carriere; his brother, Morris, and brother-in- law, William Sparks III — as the per sonal witnesses to his execution. Sparks was the only one to attend the execution. He left the prison Wednesday morning without speak- . ing to reporters. His niece, Linda Gage of Hous ton, said in a phone interview that Sparks told family members “just a little” of what went on in the execu tion chamber. She said her uncle was Ma/up <£ fe>iic!lcU u/ea/xisic&'iSa/e' 10%-75% off Mothers Formal s Formals Short Dresses Selected Hats and Veils Pageant Dresses Wedding Dfesses as low as $50°® All New Spring Merchandise 15% off Flower Girl Dresses 1/2 off original price Selected Group of Dyeable Wedding Shoes $15°° 303 WEST 26th Bryan 775-6818 •ucy. s.m* rj Shopp* f*j Parfcpf N. Main « 1 j JCetflNow— The Mongolian House "The Restaurant Everyone's Talking About ALL YOU CAN EAT! (♦>) 1AJIVCH * $5.45 (♦ ♦j H-2p.m. Mon. - Sat. tk 693-1736 Featuring Mongolian Bar-B-Q and Chinese Buffet DAILY SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE LUNCH $7.45 11-2 p.m. Champagne served @12 DINNER $7.45 5-10 p.m. Mon. - Sun. ww of College Station 1503 8.Tx.Ave. too upset to be interviewed. Randel’s daughter, Sheila Randel, 21, who works as a teletype operator for the Department of Public Safety in Midland, said she was glad the ex ecution occurred. “There are a lot of bleeding hearts in the world and you always wonder if it’ll happen,” Randel said of the execution Wednesday. “But I’m glad it did. He had to pay for what he did to my father.” Skillern’s daughter, Janet Hatch of Hemet, Calif., said she was very upset about the execution of her fa ther, whom she maintained had never harmed anyone. “They’re happy now,” she said. “They got what they wanted. He’s dead.” This was the fifth execution date for Skillern, an admitted drug user, who said in an interview last week he was not particularly upset with the prospect of dying. Skillern earlier had been sen tenced to a five-year jail term for killing his brother. Only two inmates currently on Death Row — Excell White, ad mitted Aug. 26, 1974, and Jerry Joe Bird, who arrived Sept. 16, 1974, ar rived before Skillern, admitted March 3, 1975. considcA the Regnant/ aHimatimO . FREE PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING Adoption is a viable alternative SOUTHWEST MATERNITY CENTER 6487 Whitby Road, San Antonio, Texas 78240 (512) 696-2410 TOLL FREE 1-800-292-5103 Sponsored by the Methodist Student Movement through the Wesley Foundation SIGMA CHI ' ^ announces SPRING ’85 RUSH Open Parties: Sat. 19 Jan. Thur. 24 Jan. Following parties invitation only. For information: 696-9904 696-7890 DON’T PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS . . . aggie special No hook up charge No code charge For Aggies Only must have I.D. to sign up Save up to 50% on Long Distance Calls o'- Offer limited expires Jan. 31 MSC Blocker 1313 Briarcrest If Saving Money Rings a Bell Call STARTEL 779-2830 Booths sponsored by A&M Marketing Society and l-E.E.E.