BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Mouth Watering Roast Beef or Hot Ham Sandwich Top o’ the round Roast Beef or tender ’n’ juicy Hot Ham. Fresh cooked, sliced thin and piled REG. $1.89 high and delicious $1.49 No Limit — Treat A Friend Coupon Good Thru 1 /27/85 - ■■■■■ ■ ■ 201 Dominik College St. 693-6119 Baked Potato And Salad Bowl Big fluffy ’n’ delicious baked potato dressed as you like plus “your choice” from our garden REG. $3.18 fresh salad bar $2.49 No Limit — Treat A Friend Coupon "" ,l Good Thru 1/27/85 — " ■ 1 » 1 Breakfast on a Biscuit 990 • Hot Homemade Biscuit • Sausage Pattie • Scrambled Egg • Kraft Cheese • ENJOY! No Limit — Treat A Friend Coupon Good Thru 1Z27/85 ' Danver s Big Cheeseburger and Regular Fries Fresh n' Hand Pattied . . Charbroiled as you like 'em. PLUS . . . Golden brown Fries. $1.99 No Limit — Treat A Friend Coupon Good Thru 1/27/85 ■ 1 Page 18AThe Battalion/Thursday, January 17,1985 NEWS " 11 - - : ' - 11 —... Toy soldiers more than a hobby for collector Uni Associated Press AMARILLO — Amarilloan Tom Pace has a fascination for military history in miniature. He has hun dreds of toy soldiers, including a fig ure that’s the only one of its kind known to exist. “I started collecting them as a nos talgia thing,” he said. “I remember playing witn them as a kid.” Pace, 43, typical of many young sters of the 1940s and 1950s, bunt fantasy battle fields of brightly-col ored toy fighting men in the dust of vacant lots near his home in Pampa. After graduation he joined the Army, serving as an instructor in Special Forces. Returning to civilian life, he went to work at Pantex and resumed his hobby of building model planes and ships. He also developed an interest in model trains. “There was an old man who had a bunch of trains,” he recalls, “and I used to go over to his house. “He was paraplegic and couldn’t get out, and somebody thought it would be nice to give him some read ing material — so they gave him an entire collection of Life magazines, from the first to the last issue.” After his old friend died, Pace said, he offered to buy the mag azines from the man’s widow. She accepted, “and a friend and I spent an afternoon loading over a ton of Life magazines in a pickup.” He read them all, and one issue had an article on toy soldiers. Toy soldiers, he said, were man ufactured from the late 1880s until World War II in Britain, and from the early 1900s to the 1940s in this country. Some early American toys were cast iron, but the majority are of lead — so the common term, “tin soldiers,” is in any case a misnomer. “The cast iron ones were made by the Grey Iron Co.,” Pace said. “Most of the rest were made by the Barclay Co. or the Manoil Co.” Although all the little castings are generically referred to as “toy sol diers,” Pace said that the scores of different figures include sailors. Ma rines, and a variety of noncomba tants — nurses, doctors, clerks even figures in regular civilian dress. The little fighting figures also bes- E eak little-known phases of military istory. Pace takes a peculiar vehicle from the shelf. It resembles a jeep chassis sans body, with a driver and machine gunner, both prone. “I thought this was a figment of somebody’s imagination,” he said, “until I came across a book on the development of the jeep. And there it is.” Most of the toy soldiers, plus the howitzers, motorcycles, pill-boxes and all the array of men and material, were “slush cast,” Pace said. The metal was poured in the forms, then moments later they were inverted and the still-liquid center poured back out. “That’s how they got their hollow structure,” he said. “After they were cast, they were painted in their basic color, then individually hand- painted. “They’d get a bunch of little old ladies from the neighborhood, and have an assembly-fine setup; one would paint faces, another belts, an other eyes, and so on. So no two are ever quite alike.” From among thousands of fig ures, Pace drawns one which he calls his “chief claim to fame.” It is a fieman wearing a gas mask, posedi- a lifelike charge. “This is the only one of thestj known,” he said. “It was made by it* All-Nu Toy Co., a company thatJ only in business about a year. Ttnl price lists for it say ‘none known." As toy soldiers have become lid collectors’ items, he said, markets lue has skyrocketed. “These originally cost a nickle.' lit said. “I started out picking themuj for a quarter each. Now, theyrt worth $15 to $100 each. I wentu the Toy Soldiers Convention inCt cago last year and got one that cos me a hundred.” Part of the price increase he at tributes to industrialist Malcolc Forbes, who has probably tk world’s most extensive toy soldier collection. Now, Pace’s collection of neaili 2-,000 toy soldiers is difficult to as sess. “It’s insured,” he said, “and be sides” — the six-foot, 200-poui)(i former Pampa High School Hat vester lineman grins — “can y« imagine what a job it would be f# someone to haul all that leadoutof here?” From a shelf across the rooi from the display case that holds the lead figures, he brings two detailed metal tank models. “These are called ‘sand table mod els.’ This is a Sherman, and this in German Mark III,” Pace said. “Ther used them on sand-covered tables,to work out assault strategies andst forth. But really, they're toys.” The history of collectibles, Pact said, suggest popular toys of todai will one day oe as valuable as tht once-common lead soldiers have be M1AM seeking a economic foreign c pour ini oanks. Lured South-An an intt the pool now at $ Say. TheU some of t drug me Florida b lajority transactic Panama, lan an branches nanking i South lew Yor Janks las few to tions, as vent out itin del: J. An fcconomis tmi, pn inks, br loney c n- come. Uncle Sam still beneficiary with any new tax movement Associated Press Friday, January 18 ElKs Lodge - 8*OOpi*i % - - r ^ ' « • „ ; 304 Mobile Behind the Triangle Bow 1 NEW YORK — As long as there is a sun in the heavens there will be taxes on Earth, along with all those things that people do about taxes. But nobody can accurately fore cast the impact of tax actions. Do you remember the 1981 fed eral tax cut that reduced the per centage of income you had to dole out to Uncle Sam — by 36 percent for the median income family? How could you forget it, espe cially when states and municipalities, many of them with severe financial problems, used the opening to raise their own taxes. And 1978 tax voters passed Proposition 13, a mea sure that limitea real estate taxes and deprived the bureaucracy of the money it needed to do its thing, which is to grow. But did you know that the money perhaps you remember the x revolt in California, where withheld from the state bureaucracy went instead to the federal govern ment? That is exactly what happened, according to a University of Califor nia volume, “California And The American Tax Revolt,” based on a Los Angeles Times survey in the spring of 1983. According to authors Terry Schwadron, Paul Richter and Jack Citrin, much of the multibillion sav ings ended up in Uncle Sam’s wallet. This is how they describe what hap pened: “One of the biggest winners in California’s tax revolt ... was a tax- f obbling bureaucracy of just the ind the late 1970s ‘tax rebels’ loved to denounce. “Uncle Sam may have claimed as much as $12.5 billion of the esti mated $50 billion that Californians have saved from a tax uprising that was widely intended to curb govern ment’s appetite. unions a “The money flowed to the federa The belt treasury as cuts in property, state income swelled personal and corporate income and reduced iten> income-tax reductions.” The best intentions of tax-law makers are sometimes frustrated even before laws are passed. One proposal, from Donald Re |freshme E jan’s Treasury Department, would imit interest deductions for mort gages on second residences. would, however, retain the tax de bandsmt duction on primary residences. But tax specialists and smart homeowners already have figured had beet (com ;rades n id my fi tress.” Simpsc ish strip aken oil lerclassn “We d alack bel if you di were, pe were trea Fresh r orps nc istinctic In H moved 1 -were sej assme housed c Direct Powell, ( know ol while he Powc tor of th tions ev< out how to frustrate such a proposal They plan, of course, to simply tale out a bigger mortgage on their pri mary home and pay for the second home with the cash. It’s legal, and it might remain le gal even after taxes are revised which they surely will be — as surely as there’s a sun in the heavens “Nobc know nc band.” The band wil ell said.' two sop the outfi and on cnSflS INYADS. BUT REAL HEAVYWEIGHTS WHEN RESULTS REALLY COUNT. 845-2611 Here’s one college credit you’ll use long after graduation Really, it's simple economics. When you apply for and receive a Foley's charge card, you'll gain a credit rating; and your prompt payment and good judgment keep it A-1. 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If yes, account number or name Date Signature men we the fresl Powel I man “I classmei he said. ce.” Thou pline in over tin guised a Senio Corps i changin “The unique - said. “V Cadets I or 191C then ha traditioi out ev screwet screwin Since Comma his stafl trol awa mentinj dimina But Class of control answer. “A gi isn’t go older t classma him,” \ ofadoj Simj: hazing eplace or pad of undi “I th (metho becausi Simpsc tutes fc Sim] extensi was in methoi stitute; are im]