The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1985, Image 15
Thursday, January SHOE 17,1985/The Battalion/Page 15 by Jeff MacNelly THEY" NEVER STCOPAGW4CE... [_ FISHSTICKS $123 IhMWM / > '/// ‘ Je<»erson Comfnun.c*lK>n». Inc IMS _ ^ . //>. D'St^bmed by Tnbun« Med.» S»fv»c«». Inc * 1 AMYou Caiimaf; ;l¥ 4-10 p.m Si , '%X r - ^ T& Offer expires Feb. 28, 1985 PPPPS! Sunday Pancakes $1.99 All You Can Eat Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Saturday Spaghetti Shrimp Special Steak Dinner $1.99 $4.99 $4.99 All You Can Eat A* All You Can Eat Complete 1111 ,UI . : ' ^ : i: er RedgarYs landslide sweet Popularity could sour Associated Press WASHINGTON — Based on his 49-state landslide, President Reagan will begin his second term with the kind of electoral mandate politicians dream of, but that presidents often find turns into a nightmare. From George Washington to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Richard M. Nixon, American history offers plenty of examples of presidents who entered their second terms af ter landslide victories, then quickly saw those mandates turn sour. The causes vary. In some cases, there were circumstances far beyond the president’s control; in others, the incumbent was a victim of his own misjudgment. While there are no early signals of trouble, it is easy to spot areas that could cause problems for Reagan’s second term. What if the pessimists the Presi dent denounced during his re-elec tion campaign turn out to be right and the record budget deficits un dermine the economic recovery? If interest rates and unemployment start moving up, public approval of Reagan policies is likely to head in the other direction. The recent agreement to resume arms negotiations with the Soviet Union enabled Reagan to begin his second term on a highly positive note in foreign policy. For good reason, Reagan took a cautious approach at his news con ference last week. “These new nego tiations will be difficult,” said the President. While the superpowers are heading back to the bargaining table, the issues that stalemated them during Reagan’s first term haven’t gone away and some new ones, such as missile defense sys tems, have appeared. For Reagan, Latin America might be the region of greatest danger as he tries to pursue his policy toward El Salvador and Nicaragua. The President can take some com fort if events turn against him by reading about the problems encoun tered by his predecessors. One month after Washington be gan his second term, the aftermath of the French Revolution sharply di vided the young nation between par tisans of England and France. By the time he left office in 1797, the president who twice received all the votes cast in the electoral college had grown bitter toward opposition politicians and newspapers that at tacked him with a vehemence un known today. When Reagan received 525 elec toral votes, he broke the record set in 1936 by Roosevelt, who carried every state but Vermont and Maine to win a second term. Historians now speculate whether Roosevelt misjudged the strength of his mandate when, frustrated by Su preme Court decisions declaring some of his programs unconstitu tional, he proposed enlarging the court in order to shift the balance away from its conservative majority. What became known as his plan to “pack” the court failed when it drew strong public opposition. When he stands in front of the Capitol on Monday, Reagan will no doubt claim his mandate, but the real test he faces is whether he can end his term as popular as he begins it. Urban League states economic recovery not enjoyed by blacks Associated Press WASHINGTON — The National Urban League said Wednesday that racial polarization is increasing as blacks are left out of the economic recovery, but that there is cause for black America to be more optimistic. Releasing the league’s annual re- ort on blacks in this country, which as been in past years sharply critical of the Reagan administration, presi dent John E. Jacob said the status of blacks remains “grim.” “The strongest message coming out of Black America in 1984 was that it became increasingly aware of its own strengths and increasingly willing to act independently to achieve what it considers its own best interests,” Jacob said in an overview of the report, “The State of Black America, 1985.” “This does not signal any less ening of the responsibility of gov ernment or the private sector ...,” he said. “But it does signal that Black America is not standing still waiting for others to come to its rescue.” At a news conference to release the national civil rights organiza tion’s 10th annual report, Jacob de scribed “a new spirit of concern within the black community.” He pointed to efforts by national and lo cal black groups to deal with prob lems of teenage pregnancy, single parent families, education, crime and poverty. He also described as “hopeful” signs the recent pastoral letter of Ro man Catholic bishops calling for in creased social justice; protests against South Africa’s apartheid sys tem; the presidential campaign of the Rev. Jesse Jackson; and election of a black congressman, Rep. Wil liam Gray, D-Pa., to head the House Budget Committee. Jacob said the new emphasis of the Urban League does not mean it is backing off calls for more federal programs to help blacks, and he said the Reagan administration has pre sided over unfair social service cut backs and a “retrogression in the civil rights arena.” President Reagan’s “record is de plorable and includes continuing at tacks against affirmative action, the unwarranted entry of the Justice De partment into civil rights cases in an effort to turn back the clock,” Jacob said in an overview chapter of the re port. He cited the administration’s ef forts to grant tax exemptions to schools that discriminate; efforts to turn the Commission on Civil Rights into a “rubber stamp for administra tion policy”; and “foot dragging” on extending the Voting Rights Act. Reagan has denied that his ad ministration has had a negative im pact on blacks and the poor. The report contained essays on various elements of black life, in cluding: •Blacks in the media. It said blacks are “under-represented and misrepresented” in the press. •Black families. The percentage of black families headea by single women has risen from 22 percent in 1960 to nearly 42 percent in 1983. One of every four black babies born in 1982 was born to a woman 19 or younger, and nearly 90 percent of these young mothers were unmar ried. •Jackson’s campaign. While the civil rights leader’s bid for the Dem ocratic presidential nomination was seen as positive for blacks, “too many whites turned out and voted for Rea- an to make whatever blacks did ave any impact.” mum MARKET announces the following Soup and Sandwich daily Combination Monday - Ham Sandwich w/Golden Gate Mushroom Soup Tuesday - Rich Boy Sandwich w/Cream of Broccoli Soup Wednesday - Roast Beef Sandwich w/ Cream of Potatoe Soup Thursday - Pastrami Sandwich w/ Chicken Gumbo Soup Friday - Turkey Sandwich w/Clam Chowder Saturday - Chicken Salad Sandwich w/ Minestrone Soup Special good 8:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m. University Drive at Northgate 846-6428 EACH FOR ONLY $059 Hours 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sun. Offer not valid with other coupons or special Midnight... hungry... no cash? Stop at mpaci’s newest location in Northgate by [5^* BOOK store] Come to Matamoros for dinner. A Imagine dining on a veranda overlooking the ocean, a cool Mexican breeze blowing in your face. 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