— ^ C 4 3 'S C fa .22 U r -c ^ .2 -a •- m "E. a; fa fatsa 3-54;= = -£-~2Z s:s S .sb. Director: Peter By SHAWN BEHLEN Staff Writer The thought of being com- E ared to Stanley Kubrick, says •irector Peter Hyams, makes him "scared stiff." But he says he went ahead and made a sequel to "2001" anyway because he thought he could make "2010" a completely different film. "I did it because I thought there was a chance to make a film so different from '2001' that it would be difficult to compare them side by side," he says. "I don't think there's a film direc tor around who is as good as Stanley Kubrick, so you can't go into anything thinking you could do it as good as he could, in many ways he is my idol. "When l saw '2001,' 1 was 25 years old and I saw that movie and I told someone once that it was like getting a note in a bot tle that said, 'Forget everything you have been told. There are no limits. You can do on film whatever you want. The only constraints you will have is your own imagination.' "That, to me, was positively wonderful. The size of the screen was limitless. The depth was limitless. It so increased my perception of what I wanted to do." Hyams says "2010" has given him a chance to do two of those things he has always wanted to do. "One, it was a chance to make a film about the things I find exciting," he says. "Two, it was a chance to make a movie '8^ 5 bp.b £ . BP r-* ’ ~ ^ ZZ (& £ — 1 ' ^ £=: •£? t _ 3 S £ iS 0-0