The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1984, Image 3

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    Friday, October 26, 1984/ r The Battalion/Page 3
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then that is what will happen. I chal
lenge the editor or whoever else is of
like mind to start a group such as Citi
zens for Child Porns or maybe Citzens
for Bestiality.
In summary, morality can and is leg
islated, that is external actions can be
controlled. Spirituality or internal
thoughts and ideas can never be legis
lated. Ideas have consequences.
Michael J. Bastian
Senior, PetE
A&M should be best
university anywhere
Since I became an Aggie, I have
heard over and ov^r again that Texas
A&M is trying to become a World Class
University. I have problems with this
idea because by saying that A&M is try
ing to become a World Class University
you are saying that A&M is trying to be
equal to another university.
A&M has never tried to equal another
university, A&M has always tried to beat
the hell out of another university.
Therefore the idea of being a World
Class University is wrong for A&M.
What A&M should become is the Best
Damn University Anywhere.
To do this we should do two things.
First, we should make every department
the best in the world. We should do this
in new and original ways instead of
stealing talent from other universities.
Secondly and most importantly, we
should be ourselves. We are not going to
make A&M better by trying to be a clone
of Harvard. By moving toward a World
Class University based on someone
else’s standards, by losing sight of who
we are, our history and traditions, we
will never become the greatest univer
sity in the world, let alone, “World
Michael Shriro
Class of’87
Americans can
oppose civil rights
In response to Ann Robbins stat-
aents in Monday’s Batt which dealt with
denial of CSS rights on campus, I
rave this to say, “How Dare You!” What
right do, Miss Robbins, have in includ
ing me in your warped views of Ameri
can ideals? Where do you get off saying
that it will be a victory for America if the
GSS is given their civil rights? I’m an
American and my ideals in no way rep
resent your ideals.
Homosexuality is not widely accepted
in the U.S. In some places it is tolerated,
but in other places, like Texas A&M, it is
If you don’t believe me then ask the
students themselves, not the council that
mistakenly voted for your recognition.
Many times the student government’s
decisions are not fully representative of
the student body.
Why don’t you conduct a mock elec
tion just like the one that was done for
the presidential election and let the stu
dent’s decide. After all, a service organi
zation is for the benefit of the students
and this decision should be left for
Robbins, you also stated that your or
ganization has spent much money to
find a place to conduct your immoral
get-togethers. I think the only reason
why you want your group to be recog
nized on campus is because you can con
duct your illict acts and use its facilities
for free.
You said it yourself and obviously you
don’t have enough members in your
club to support itself. I do not support
your warped values and I will not have
any of my student fees going to your or
Homosexuality is both immoral and
insane in the sense that it is unhealthy
and in no way normal.
You people have a serious mental
problem, not a physical one, which
should be solved privately under the
care of a psychiatrist, not on the campus
of Texas A&M.
Bruce Creller
Class of’86
EDITOR'S NOTE: In Thursday’s
Letters to the Editor of The Battalion,
GSS President Marco Roberts said:
Ann Robbins, who, though straight,
subjected herself to possible harassment
by publicly taking a stand on our side. ”
... It seems Roberts was correct.
Citizens doing
more to fight porno
Your editorial on the Citizens for De
cency was a study in arm chair football
coaching. You agreed that fighting por
nography was a noble cause you could
support but criticized the motives of the
group of Bryan/College Station resi
dents who were attempting to address
the pornography problem.
So what is your plan for removing
such publications as “How to have sex
with children” from distribution? (A
similar group did so recently in Austin.)
To paraphrase the Monday night
speaker — I like what Citizens for De
cency is doing better than what you are
not doing.
Norene Dupre
Education before
tradition at A&M
A reply to Arnold:
Have the Corps have the wool pulled
over your eyes, or do you have tunnel
vision? Let’s face it. Bruce Goodrich
should not have died. He died because
of “tradition,” irresponsibility and lack
of foresight.
On the first point, tradition is no ex
cuse to run someone without a justifia
ble reason. The military doesn’t run you
at 3 a.m. in the morning unless they
have an excellent reason for it.
On the second point, the three cadets
showed complete irresponsibility in run
ning the cadets “off-duty.” As to my un
derstanding, they had done nothing to
deserve the exercise. As to compound
the matter, when he collapsed, they
made him continue. I don’t believe he
would collapse unless he was truly ill.
Finally, Mr. Rollins is a leader and is
therefore responsible for his men. He
should have known what is required to
become a cadet. If he didn’t know that
physicals were not required, then I be
gin to doubt if he is doing his job. Roll
ins had no excuse. There is a saying that
may help him in the future. “Think
about what you are going to say before
you open your mouth.” Obviously, Roll
ins didn’t think.
Arnold, the above reasons are just
more opinion
common sense. The Corps got what it
deserved. Maybe, the Corps will better
from what happened.
I’ve got some more bad news for you.
The real world places little emphasis on
spirit. The world judges the quality of a
school on its education. The world is
also hard on changeless institutions who
cannot adapt. Schools that don’t adapt
to a changing society become back
wards, and out of touch.
Finally, why did you come to Texas
A&M? I hope you didn’t come here only
because of the tradition. You came here
just like everyone else to learn. Tradi
tion, sports, spirit, the Corps, and the
name are just things that make it more
enjoyable. If you’re not here to learn
(and learn about life) then you’re in the
wrong place, too.
David Burkhalter
Class of’86
Thanks for help
after accident
Sometimes it is really a shame that
you have to face adversity before you
really appreciate what you have.
I would like to take this time and just
express my thankfulness to several peo
ple and a couple of organizations at the
university, but first let me explain.
Last Saturday, October 13, 1984, to
gether with my outfit (Squadron 15), I
was cutting logs for bonfire, and it was
there that I had an accident.
I had a log fall on my foot and it tore
the ligaments in my leg and broke my
ankle in three places.
Now this is where the thanks come in.
A&M’s student volunteer medical tech
nicians are an amazing group of people.
These guys came to my injury site and
carried me through two feet of mud and
in the pouring rain and in and out of
several pickup trucks until I got to the
ambulance. I think the key word to
mention again is volunteer.
Also while I was in the hospital seve
ral Fightin’ Texas Aggie Redpots and
junior Redpots came by several times to
check up on me. They also arranged for
contact to be made with my profs,
brought me a book to read while I was
recovering and are helping me pay for
my medical expenses.
I really think that it is people like
those who make Texas A&M University
the great and special place that it is.
Thanks a lot guys and my hat is off to
Build the Hell Outta bonfire!
Scott Reagan
Class of ’86
Sports writer Cornett
another bad Ag
We are responding to Tony Cornett’s
article of 10-23-84 entitled, “It’s Miller
Time in Aggieland.” We are tired ol
reading people’s all negative opinions
about the football team.
First, Cornett, what kind of attitude is
that to have about a team who wants to
win just as bad as anyone else does.
Rather than being negative we need to
be positive. At times like these when the
team is already down, what the team
really needs is positive support. Being
negative and destructively critical will
only bring the team down further.
With four games left in the season
and some of the toughest teams in the
conference left to play, relaxing is the
last thing we need to do. What we need
is a change for the better, and positive
changes come through positive attitudes
and strong supportive effort. We would
like to think that this is what being a part
of The Fightin’Texas Aggie 12th Man is
all about.
Remember, the 12th man doesn’t
take anything sitting down. We stand up
and show our willingness to support our
team positively, through the good times
and the bad. That is what distinguishes
us from students at other schools.
A good example of positive support
was shown to us when some of our
friends made a spirit sign to hang out
side the locker room door, which said,
“To: Maroon and White. From: Twelfth
Man. We believe in you,” which was ac
companied by several hundred signa
While gathering signatures around
campus for the sign, not one student
that was approached hesitated to sign
showing their support for the team.
This is the kind of support that will help
get the team back on its feet.
Rawdon Allen, Class of ’86
Richard Solomon, Class of ’86
P.S. Go by and add your name to the list
to show your support for the Aggies.
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