Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED """ MAKE UP TO $10/HOUR Chanello’s Pizza needs Drivers with own car to deliver best pizza in the best time. Apply in person at 301 N. Patricia or in Parkway Square. BUS PERSONNEL needed nights and weekends. Flexible hours. $4.50 to $5.50 per hour. Apply in per son between 8 a.m.-12 noon. E.O.E. MEN, WOMEN, STUDENTS: For present & future newspaper routes. Early morning hours. $200-$800/mo. BRAZOS NEWS SERVICE 846-2911,846-1253. 24t10 THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE needs a newspaper route carrier for a combination dorm and motor route. Route pays over $500 month, plus a full gasoline allowance. Hours approximately 3-6a.m. 7 days/week. Please call Julian McMurrey 693-2323. 2318 PIZZA HUT of College Station now accept ing applications for WAITPER- SONS. Please apply in person, 102 University. \Vantc