The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 27, 1984, Image 6
Now, the Verbatim promise at very popular prices. Now there are hard-working, sensibly- priced flexible disks with a name you can count on: Verex™ by Verbatim. Certified to meet or exceed ANSI standards, Verex disks are warranteed by Verbatim for one full year. Special features include: protective PVC jackets, write-protect, and color-coded user label kits to make filing easier. Stop by and pick up your supply today. You'll like the price and love the product. It's a promise. Verbatim Computers 2553 Texas Avenue College Station 693-8080 Verex is a trademark of Verbatim Corporation. LORDS AIHD LADIES: Experience the 10th Annual Texas Renaissance Festival. Held from 9:00AM 'til dark on its site in the beautiful wooded area north of Houston, and west of Conroe, Texas, the Festival will transport you back to the 16th Century for a day of fun and frolic. See jousting knights, buxom wenches, the Royal Falconer, wander ing minstrels, comic and Shake spearean players, Robin Hood's Merry Men and much more.... Try your luck at one of the games: Skittles. Bocce Ball, Jacob's Ladder, Fencing, Archery and more...Gorge yourself with a Giant Turkey Leg and a tankard of beer, A Gyro Sandwich, Empanada, Fryed Cheese, Pizza fiapoli, Appyle Dumpling and more ...Examine the best wares created by fine craftsmen and artists from throughout the land...Take in the races at the Mewmarket Race Track and watch as glassblowers and blacksmiths demonstrate their skills... Celebrate the 10th Anniversary at the new Import Beer Gardensl And indulge dining and entertainment fantasies by joining in the KlMG'S FEAST. (Call (713) 356-3002 for Feast details & reservations. Tickets are $10 (adults) and $5 (children 5-12) at the gate. Children under 5 admitted free. Prices include enter tainment free parking, plus all events at Mewmarket Race Track and Arena. Discount Tickets available at all Eagle, Qerlands, and Brookshire Food Markets and participating Canon Dealers. Or just clip the coupon and order advance tickets before September 30th and save $1.00 per ticket. Advance tickets good for any one Festival date., TICIltrS AVAILABLE AT ALL From Houston: Take 1-45 north, turn left on 105, turn left on 1774 at Plantersville and drive 6 miles to Site no PETS PLEASE. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT Coke Canon Tickets available at campus box office. YE OLDE coupon Enclose check or money order and self-addressed stamped envelope. Mail to: Texas Renaissance Festival Route 2, Box 650. Plantersville, TX 77363. Or call (713) 356-2178 for more Information. Adult tickets _ Children 5-12. Feast x $9.00 = . x $4.00 = . x $40.00 = . Total enclosed $. Marne — Address. Cily . State. Zip. Offer expires 9/30/84 Battalion September 27, 1984 Writing courses offered By KIM GRIFFITHS Rc/MHtcr When was the last time vou felt von had really sailed through that tough essav exam and then discov ered vour score had been slashed bv 20 points because of misspellings, dangling modifers or sentences suf fering from “incoherent thought?" Well, help is on the way — and it's free! Beginning Oct. 3. the Texas A&M Department of English will offer Writing Outreach — mini-courses designed to assist A&M students, faculty and staff who want to im prove their writing skills — at no cost. Dr. Gwendolen Gong, director of freshman English studies and cre ator of Writing Outreach, said the sessions are espec ially aimed at peo ple who recognize they have a spe cific writing weakness hut do not have either the time or desire to en roll in a semester-long writing course. "Having just one minor writing harrier — suc h as not knowing when or where to use a comma — can cre ate a writer s block and discourage a person from ever becoming more than just a mediocre writer," Gong said. Each one-hour session, taught bv a faculty or staf f member in the En glish department, will focus on one writing topic: such as paragraphing, coherence, revision, writing essav exams, writing critically about litera ture. grammar and punct lation. More professionally-oriented ses sions will deal with developing an ef fective resume and letter of applica tion. The program relies exc lusivelv on the volunteer efforts of participating instructors, who are solelv in charge of developing their courses and am supporting materials. Gong said. “I think their enthusiastic re sponse to these sessions clearly dem onstrates our department’s commit tment to teac hing the importance of good writing in everybody's life," C long said. She said careful records will he kept this fall to measure the re sponse generated bv Writing Out reach and the types of people at tending the sessions. If the program meets expectations, plans for ex panded courses and facilities will he looked into for the spring semester, Gong said. Gong emphasizes that Writing Outreach was designed to support, not replace am writing course or lab currentlv offered at A&M and is not intended to be a one-to-one tutoring service. The Department of English offers a varietv of writing courses for those interested in strengthening their writing abilitv. For further information about Writing Outreach, contact the En glish department. Page 6/The Battalion/Thursday, September27, What’s up Thursday AGGIE DEMOCRATS: Ken Cape it on, state senator, will speak at pan. in (501 Rudder. PANAMANIAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: will meet is 140 MSC at 7 pan. SOCIETY FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW VEK TURES: Jack Ford, from Bra/.osbanc, will speak aboiii what bankers look for in entrepreneurs at 7 in 11 1 iarrington. NORTH LOUISIANA HOMETOWN CLUB: is meetingatl pan. in 1 10 Old Engineering Building to discuss upcoming events, including a party. CHI ALPHA: is meeting at 7 pan. in 410 Rudder lot worship, fellowship and Bible study. TAIWAN ASSOCIATON: a song and dance show from Tai wan will be presented at 7 pan. in Rudder Theater. MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE: the movie “Conan the Barba rian" will be shown at 8 and 10 pan. at the Grove. DELTA Y: is meeting at (5:30 pan. in (501 Rudder to discus; semester projects. STUDENT Y: will meet at 7 pan. in (501 Rudder Tower. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS: will bait a general meeting in 137 MSC. For more information call Mark Sterling at 2()0-3370. TEXAS A8cM ANTIQUE AUTO CLUB: is meeting at 7p.m in (504 Rudder. Everyone is welcome. HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER: is having Rush Ha- shana services at 10 a.m. at the Student Center. IM-REC SPORTS: 1 (5-inch softball playoffs will be postedai 3 pan. in 159 E. Kvle. FENCING CLUB: will have a business meeting at 7 2(57 E. Kvle. The meeting will be followed by a beginners club and practice. BLACK AWARENESS: is having a P R. organizational meet ing for EAMU Voices of Praise at (5 pan. in 216TMSC Anyone is welcome. AGGIE PLAYERS: are presenting “Liliom, the Legendola Romantic Hero.” at 8 p.m. in Rudder Forum. RAPE CRISIS PROGRAM: the student chapter of the American V eterinary Medical Association Auxiliar) is sponsoring a rape prevention seminar at 7:30 p.m. in701 Rudder. Friday IM-REC SPORTS: all clothing bags cleared from lockers must he picked up by this afternoon in 159 E. Kyle. RHA CASINO: applications for Casino sub-chairmeiKindcu chairmen are due bv 5 pan. today in 213 Pavilion. HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER: is having Rush Ha- shana services at 10 a.m. at the Student Center. SOCIETY OF IRANIAN STUDENTS: is meeting at 5:3(1 p.m. in 308 Rudder. Dr. Abu Zaid will speak about the “So cio-political Situation in Iratj.” Reformer rearrested United Press International AUSTIN — David Rui/., whose suit against the Texas prison system led to sweeping court-ordered re forms, was arraigned Wednesday on felony assault, firearms and habitual criminal charges. Ruiz, was being held on $20.()()() bond af ter his arrest Tuesday on two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm and one charge of being a habitual crimi nal. Ruiz, was arraigned before Munic ipal Judge J. David Phillips. He faces sentences ranging f rom 2f> to 99 years or life in prisonift victed of any one of the charges. Austin police Sgt. Darrellfcj brell said Ruiz, also had beenii Tied, but not yet charged, asoml three men armed with a handgi U/i machine gun and a rilleal robbed five people and rapedaT year-old woman in Austin eail| this month. While serving a sentence armed robbery in 1971, Ruiz suit against the Texas Depart of Corrections alleging intim treatment of prisoners. Thesuii to widespread reforms ordered U.S. District Judge William Wat] Justice of Tyler. A special two evening conference: For more Information call 846-8279 WHERE: Heldenfelds, Rm. 200 TECHNICAL SKILLS AVAILABLE. Avionics, computers, telecommunications, radar, vehicle repair, heli copters — there’s a great array of technical skills to be learned in today's Army. The Army has over 300 skills, many of them technical, many of them with civilian job appli cations. An Army skill may be what you need to launch your career. See an Army Recruiter. Call: 775-2116 U.S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION 1679 Briarcrest Drive Bryan, Texas 77801 ARMY. BEALLYOUCANBE. 845-2611 WHEN: Thurs. and Friday, Sept. 27, 28 7:30 pm