The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 26, 1984, Image 13

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    Wednesday, September 26, 1984/The Battalion/Page 13
>ach” in
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he state,
Winds of change cause dissension
Miami’s national ranking falls
‘7 think the image that's coming across is that we’ve got
a whole lot of problems and I really don’t feel we do,”
said Miami offensive lineman David Heffernan. “The
wheels fell off on Saturday and we’re going to get back
on track this Saturday. ”
United Press International
MIAMI — Reports of dissension
in the University of Miami football
camp have persisted since the 38-3
shellacking Saturday by Florida
State and the Hurricanes’ plummet
in the polls.
One theory is that the changeover
from Howard Schnellenberger to
Coach jimmy Johnson has been less
than smooth. One unidentified
player was quoted as complaining he
was getting told one thing by one as
sistant coach and another thing by
another member of the staff
The implication was that there are
differences of opinion between
holdovers from Schnellenberger’s
staff and the assistants Johnson
brought in.
A steely-eyed Johnson, who took
over the defending national colle
giate champions in August, coldly
disputed the theory at a tense meet
ing with reporters Tuesday.
“I really don’t see the transistion
as being a factor,” Johnson said.
Has he put into ef f ect a new hard-
nosed approach that includes more
discipline and less tolerance? No and
“I haven’t put my foot down. I’ve
adjusted my approach,” Johnson
said. “Before, I was in a situation
where it was best not to make waves
and make rules. There were a mini
mum amount of changes.
“Now we have to do what we have
to do. I have to do things I believe in
Johnson didn’t have any kind
words for the report about conflicts
within his staff.
“It doesn’t take a lot to ask, in
stead of quoting an unidentified
source,” he said. “I don’t know what
the motives of a lot of people are. I
think it would have been better to
approach the thing in a proper man
“What we do within the team and
on the staff stays among the team
and the staff.”
Quarterback Bernie Kosar wasn’t
as charitable.
“I think the internal conflict has
been magnified by what I think are
just out-and-out lies that I’ve read or
heard about,” Kosar said.
David Heffernan, the articulate
offensive lineman who has become
one of the team’s spokesmen prefers
to look ahead.
“I think the image that’s coming
across is that we’ve got a whole lot of
problems and I really don’t feel we
do,” he said. “The wheels fell off on
Saturday and we’re going to get back
on track this Saturday.”
Whether the rumors of dissension
and turmoil are correct or not, there
is another theory that makes sense
— burnout.
Johnson and Kosar both hint this
is the case. After the spectacular vic
tories over Auburn and Florida,
there was no place to go but down
“I think the big problem was after
the Florida game, the way we came
back, was we expected to come back
against Michigan and go out and do
good,” Kosar said. “And after Michi
gan, we expected to come back
against Purdue. Then even though
we beat Purdue, we didn’t do that
good, we expected to come out in
our home opener and be ready to
play. You can’t expect things to hap
pen. You have to make them hap
Johnson echoed Florida State
Coach Bobby Bowden’s comment af
ter the game. Bowden said he wasn’t
afraid of the Hurricanes at all be
cause of the rugged schedule they
had played.
“Quite a few people are looking
for causes, reasons and even scape
goats,” Johnson said. “We came off
an extremely difficult schedule and
were whipped by an outstanding
Florida State football team.”
If there are serious problems be
hind the scenes, the cure may be at
hand this week in the Rice Owls.
They’re 1-1 including a loss to the
Minnesota Gophers.
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Copyright © 1984, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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