The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 27, 1984, Image 9
Monday, August 27, 1984AThe Battalion/Page 9 oy bikes coast to coast n effort to fight cancer ore United Press International DENVER — An Alaska boy sad- hened by the death of a classmate from cancer says he is trying to be- Jorne the youngest American to bicy- Ele from coast to coast to raise money fo combat the disease. Sean O’Keefe, 11, of Fairbanks, Ivas in the Denver suburb of Com- Inerce City during the weekend for a stopover on his 3,200-mile trip from Santa Monica, Calif., to New York City. He set out Aug. 16, accompa- jiiied by two vans carrying his parents |md his brother and sister. Sean said he was making the ross-country ride “to do something [for children.” He said he “felt so bad” when a classmate died of can cer that he decided to do something to fight the disease, and his bicycle trip provided an opportunity. Although people in areas Sean passed through have offered money and checks for cancer research, the youth said he and family members have asked that all contributions be sent to St. Jude Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. Sean said he averages 150-210 miles a day. On Friday, he endured a pelting rain to climb the steepest as cent of his transcontinental trip — 11,992-foot Loveland Pass west of Denver. Earlier, Sean rode in 1 10-degree heat in the desert areas of California and Arizona, with his brother, Brian, 3, keeping him cool by squirt ing water on his head and back. The only official sponsor of Sean’s trip is his family. “We put this all together our selves,” his mother said. “We sold a car and a motorbike and a small ivory collection to get the money to put this together.” Sean has been an avid bicyclist since he was 8. In September 1982 at age 9, he said, he bicycled 365 miles from Anchorage, Alaska, to Fairbanks in two days. After his arrival in New York City in late September, Sean plans to travel to Washington. He was invited to the capital by Alaska Sen. QUICK AS A FLASH Welcomes Back The Aggies! Remember . . . we do more, we do it faster, we do it BETTER! 1 hour prints 1 hour E-6 slides (at Post Oak Mall) Portrait Studio (at Post Oak Mall) Enlargements Passport pictures (at Manor East Mall) Black & white processing Copy negatives Prints from slides Slide Duplicates Wallet prints (from 135 mm neg) >♦♦♦♦< The Mongolian House "The Restaurant Everyone's Talking About" f ;■ , •" ALL YOU CAN EAT! Featuring Mongolian Bar-B-Q and Chinese Buffet DAILY Celebrate a new school year with these special savings: 00 off LUNCH $4.95 DINNER $6.95 Processing & Printing 1 roll of C-41 color print film 1 coupon per customer expires 9-31-84 1 - 5X7 color enlargement! . 00 I for only I i from your 110,126 or 135 mm neg.| regular price $2 50 1 coupon per customer expires 9-31-84 2 Convenient Locations 693-1736 >VXJA; 1503 S. Tx. Ave of College Station %♦♦♦< BP-520 Graphic Equalizer 7-Band frequency tone controls, 10 f w/channel into 4 DHMS. SAVE S 51 Off List TS1044 4” Door Mount 2 Way 30 watts input, water resistant cone Manor East Mall 779-0402 Post Oak Mall 764-0601 Family owned & operated We toot our own horn 845-26U sggoo o CT-40 Two Motor Tape Deck Music search, led level meters, dolby b and c. SAVE s 121 Off List 189 00 S710L-S710R Mirror Image Pioneer Speakers 3 three inch woofer, .60 watts rated, 180 watts max. frequency response 33-55.000 HZ SAVE s 126each I UZS each PLS70 P-Mount Turntable Quartz PLL direct drive, fully automatic. SAVE S-JAQOO S 71 Off List l 4 *^ JL il PLS40 P-Mount Turntable Quart PLL direct drive, semi automatic. <n S, s 94 00 TS6907 6”x9” Maxxial 100 watts max. speaker SAVE 86 Off List }pm ' Award Loudspeakers handle today's top quality recordings. 103Ud 3-Way lO" . i240d 4-Way 12 Loudspeakers Loudspeakers save $QQ95 save $"100 $40 ea. ZJ ^ ea. $40 ea. I S510L-S510R Mirror Image Pioneers Speakers 3-way 10 inch woofer, 1% inch midrange, 40 watts rated, 120 watts max. freguency response 33-55,000 HZ SAVE s ‘|29 00 s 96 each each 113 00 ■ il ■ ■■ SX50 Receiver 50 watts, quartz digital synthesis tuner, 8 AM and 8 FM station presets, video sound input, station search tuner. *ufZl, S t s 309 00 -- /-N KPA700 Supertuner III Car Stereo 5 station preset, automatic locking fast forward and rewind. replay, SAVE *141 Off List 179 00 Pioneer SX202 Receiver AB switches, hook up two speakers, or four. Award 6200 speakers-3 way, acoustic suspension woofer, separate midrange, and tweeter. Si QQ00 I <7*7 with speakers! SX40 Receiver 38 watts, quartz digital synthesis tuner, 8 AMand 8 FM station presets, video sound input. -u!Z E us, s 204 00 Team serves you in 100 different places. Stop in at the Team Center nearest you! Prices and availability may vary by location. © 1984, Team Electronics.