Wednesday. August 22. 1964/The Battalion/Page 36 Business dollars keep growing UaJMrfPMaala WASHINGTON proTK* after taac* d 1.5 ngreem in tHe (hr ieaat tancr (hr r ■> CorporMc bed a mragrt *"r i ,2Z r v‘ r of I9S3. but KmM naliunaJ prod«Mt to expand at a 5 peixem rate, enough to keep the The I The r4?pOFt only a I the economy tanv upward rewaon m the eapamton of the already Mrong grow natamal produtt in the Aprd-Junr Quarter , to a 7.6 percent annual rate from 7.5 percent Sut apendtng on huuneM mod ermaauon was up 22 9 percent, from the fWat quarter, the fourth dhnsec- uuve quarter of double-digit m- 4n contraM consumer tpendirur. wha h acroums for about two-thiras of the GNP. roar only 7.5 percent. •uH the strongest increase to four “The combtnation of profits and the addatsonaJ capataJ suendmg m- cenovet have given us tne strongest rehound m busanrss investment in the post-World War II period.' the department s chart economist. Rob ert Ortner. saad The fart that ecoousnK growth was revised up fust 0.1 percentage point remoasd any uncertainty about the esceptional strength of the first half of the year, making it easari so draw a contrast with the second vmm roman- main . gome to an increase of Deportment percent m the second tpiartrr 21 3 percent increase m the fa wed the stow h— hern dra of just 1.7 first S h ti MS The scon omit staukta s now avail able for July show “dear signs of a slowdown m the economy in certain sectors.* such as homehutiding and car sales. Ortner said Yet Ortner said hr still expects the With high mortgage u discouraging bunders, construction is expected to subtract from overaH economic growth rather than add so M m the third quarter. the first time that has hap pened since the end of the recession After-tax profits gained 6.7 per cent in the first quarter, dropped I percent in last year s fourth quarter, and had been up 15 6 percent m the third quarter of 1965 When a number of adjustments were made to after-tax profits, mamh compensating for the depre ciation allowed by the tax laws, the increase in operating earnings was a stronger 5 percent id the second quarter, or 21.5 percent at an annual rate “These operating earnings have rebounded by 92 percent." Ortner said, “by far the strongest recovery" in any six-quarter period following the eight recessions since World War II After-tax profits would amount to $152.9 billion, up $2 5 billion for a year based on the second quarter's performance, compared to actual profits of $127.4 billion for all of 1965 The GNP increased in the second quarter by $29 9 billion m $1 640 trtMton in 1972 dollars., at an annual rate, the department mid Book explores financial futures UmssdPw NEW YORK. — Mom people spend more time planning then summer vacauons than then finan- ciai futures, but if Grace Weinstein has anything to say about it, that's gome to change ‘ Irw message I try w» convey is that taking control of your finances helps you take control of your bfe,~ she saad. "Budgeting is a four -letter word to a lot ofpeapm.* Weinstein preaches her gospel in monthly columns for Good House keeping and other magazines I he New American Library has just pub lished her latest book.. “The 1 airtime Book of Money Mange mem ’’ Her column draws a stream of mail from mostly female readers who want to know everything from how to establish credit to the best kind of mortgage One of the moM important things for women to know about money management. she said, is the Ukrii- hood they II be on their own m the “Whichever partner does it. it’s wrong The other partner is left in wane e of suc h baste element of b- ItflK 57 plant ianul Although she admits ^ financial can help a floundering family get their money matters un der control. Weinstein is a cheerleader for the do-at-vourseif approach “Brokerage houses offer seminars that are free t here are aduk educa non courses. There's plenty of mlor there." she said “Ssxtv onal money mation out percent of the * profs 9n5 m of the wid- tething l*k.c percent (has country will becon gie at some point through owhood or divorce." she sata Although federal law per mas any married woman to a establish credat rmmg by adding her name to her husbands accounts, many women never take advantage of the oppor- UMMfy. Wcsnscem satd "A grew many stiM think M’s HM^Hthe husband." she " A$ a homemaker has to do u write and say ‘Put this cred« m both nsmes ’ Her husband doesn't even have to asgn the request Or the man can do m without her signing M." Both partners in a marriage should be mvofved m financial deci- aaons. even though u might be easter of them U» handle tfi for < the money by the market Use most common money man agemem sans, she said, are “not pay ing attention, frittering money away, and keeping money in non-interest bearing or low in teres* accounts.** Fruterers. she said, can cure themselves bv “just keeping track for a period of a couple monthi of just what you're % penning your cash on, so you can see if your money is work ing for you. giving you pleasure in any way." W etnstein is a great believer m the iy yourself first“ rule, which holds monthly savings investments should be made before the monthly bills are tackled "If you got a ten percent paycul you'd somehow survive." she said “Put the money in a savings account, money market fund Make it start working for you. The good old pav- deduction for Double E bonds is good for the small saver " ■amities who are in control of their money can spot opportunities for saving as i be* r**lt test vies change, she added For instance, children who go to camp each summer for years will eventually tiutgrow it. leav ing that money available for Invest mem elsewhere “Bui often, it kind of just fades into the family budget." rail "7. Homosexual sailor dismissed by court WASHINGTON — A federal ap peals court ruled late taM week that homosexuals have no consututronaf right to privacy m their sexual af fairs and therefore the U.S. Navy can dismiss them if they are discov ered The VS. Csrcust Gown of Appeals for the Dwtnct of Colombia, voting 5-6, said homosexuality which has been ir adM tonally condemned’ m A merit fn society, has no consul u (tonal protection from government was contained in a case the Navy had the nghi a serviceman a was chscuverrd that he had | acts with an The court, led by Judge Robert Burk, sasd homosexuals have no <(institutional ngbt to engage m ho mosexual conduct and that, as fudges, we Have no warrant to crease one. Ha sasd femsnaemial activity by law The appeals court said the Su preme Court has never ruled that homosexuals have a right to privacy in their sexual activities “The court has luted as iBuMrative of the right of privacy such matters as activities relating to marrtagje. procreation, contraception, family reiauonsfups. and child rearing and education ll need hardly be said that none of these covers a right to homosexuaJ conduct, the appeals court sasd. I he court rejected an appeal by James Dronenburg of hts dismissal from the U.S Navy m April 1961 when hr was accused by another sea man of engaging in homosexual ac tivity Dronenburg had served for nine years as a Korean hnguist and cryptographer with a tup secret se curity clearance fisc 27-years-old petty officer was enrolled m the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, Gail!-, at the tune of his discharge, which came about when a 19-year -old seaman testified against him Parkway Medical Clinic 2604A South Texas Avenue 693-0202 or 693-0204 Women's Medical Services fun—BtattltonrroJ f*ili** fnfectiona- f’hvvwali ALL SERVICES CONFIDENTIAL 20% Student Diacount Board Certified OfrGYN Doctor on Stiff Th* Goigry Of Done* Am 696-0639 VoMne Toytor ftLYMP Tb» Voiey Gymoastlc 779-6260 id Landry D A tl C « 5 6 TMM A ST I cl NOV OffDUNG JAZZ CLASSES FOR 6 YRQLDS THRU ADULT GYmnomcs Jou T<*» OoRet Modem Dance Omah Oonanq Nyyftwwc AeroOa - Ooton Twirling OUR STAFF £d Londry GymnouKS Mai hiSSiSLx > >m sdin Voiwne Toy*or Jozi £» Tap Lcce Modon Ano Ludmdo Gee OoNer ton Cey Oreoken OtBdrwn (0 yean), learn and Ad* Day & Cvemng rigssei Chad Com 5-6 MA August $4 ~ 1702E Roodvrosa C S I Donee Omefc Oonong PUT YOUR CAN IN OUR COOLER 2CU.FT. 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