Page 16AThe Battalion/Wednesday, May 9, 1984 m ■McDonald's MCDONALD’S DRIVE-THRU WINDOW INTRAMURAL HIGHLIGHTS 1 TW° join ^ BREAKFAST EVER! At University Drive MORNING Now at Manor East Mall TAKE A L ©Q K AT ena otes finals By ROBIN Senior Stall Itudents concernc Kart of a new regn ■dilating seniors t ms can breathe a litt Track and Field Champions of the 110 Meter Hurdles! 1st Place-Frederick Schrank, 2nd Place-Stephen Schwartz, and 3rd Place-Don Marckel Women’s All-University Soccer Championship team—The Fury! SOME OF THE 1983-84 Idle Faculty Senat to recommend tfi blcy change on fin, ons for graduating nplemented until t Hester. KMHMF WUr .■ - ■ he Rules and R liltee, responsible I Bcrete recommer enate, decided sucli epest if made effec ree plans and not seat Texas A&M. In a letter to Jol piiker of tfie Facul lijtee Chairman C lid the committee I l»ity, presently en iouid be perrnittet Berthe current po ien.Jon Bond said sibn to wait was ma ie Faculty Senate d e students ancf com ire issue. ■ow that the Seuat | formal proposal f < yithe recommendai aided University P ajidiver and from paid of Regents for on. . ...»4-44,4 ■.<, KAMMMdM * * % *> * > * Intramural Basketball Officials—Debbie Driilette and Scott Smathers The Intramural Swim Meet was a “Splashing Success!” Mm*.. Tim Willett Shooting a Free Throw for the Throw Shooting Contest 11 this recommei raved by the Regeni Be red the Universii 98i semester will h Jals during the semi raduate. Students INTRAMURAL PARTICIPANTS! was A&M starting mester would be n bal exams during ti Jn other business, lived a recommend aduate program it ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS McDonald’s® Intramural Highlights is sponsored each Mon Lent and would b day in the Battalion by your local McDonald’s® Restaurants3l" University Drive, Manor East Mall and on Texas Avenue Stories are written by members of the Intramual Staff, grapliifi are by Mike Borg, and photos are by Tom McDonnell and Mad Riesz. vision of the Colic leand Environmen INTRAMURAL SUMMER SCHEDULE!! Summer Session I Open Cloa I approved by th fjing Board, the t m will emphasize t since aspects of < ifnent with other e ysical aspects of tan ijject execution. Ifhe concept of sue ii|ly niw, and the o j graduate progr; led at the Massach ■Technology in 1981 Slow Pitch Softball June 4 June 16” Softball All-University Corec Champions—Big Softball! MACHINE WEIGHTROOM ENTHUSIASTS! Women’s Racquetball Doubles Winners Mary Bean and Kathy Langlotz LOCKROOM REMINDERS: Don’t forget!! Tuesday, June 5, 1984 is your last day to renew your lockers for the summer. June 6, 1984 all lockers not re new will be cleared and available for new rentals after that date. Don’t give up on your workout over the break! When you come back for the summer, with your help, we will have “spruced” up your machine weightroom, We are still actively searching for poster donations which depict the theme of Health and Fitness. When you start moving out of your dorm or apartment, save your poster for the weightroom. Bring your poster to the weigh troom instructor and your dona tion will be noted beneath your poster if it’s accepted for posting. Thanks again for your help and keep those workout going! Baseball Triples Volleyball Singles Tennis Singles . Handball Singles Racquetball Doubles Golf Singles Picnic-at-the-Pool June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 June 4 July 4 June!* June >tud June! June June '■ ~ecR6 Summer Session 11 Slow Pitch Softball Basketball Triples Racquetball Singles Handball Doubles Tennis Doubles Golf Doubles Volleyball Triples July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 July 12 By KARI ELI Reporte As college costs inci |re students are Eves in the positic June b a l ant 'i n g a full, It is a tough road t |e costs are now [721 a year — but u administrator in licial aid office, s ltd of Texas A&I\ avelling that route, felf of all college Itietime during th Julyl July! July 11 TUxording to the Si Inthly Labor Reviei 1 Jthe 1981 high sell \ |o were full time cc pe working at least j I | | J^kbie Cade is one JUly I k students. Cade, a j I and marketing July jjjmt eight hours a we Julyli Bns branch of the I\ hile taking 13 hours i ■ There’s no conflii I need to do is i