Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1984)
Battalion Classified HELP WANTED REACH FOR FINANCIAL You graduate In Southwest Financial Group of Houston offers a unique op portunity to be among leaders in the financial planning in dustry as a financial counsel ing professional. We work with high income clients offer ing them a totally integrated plan of services and products including insurances, securities, real estate investments, tax shelters and retirement plans. We are looking for five goal- oriented graduating seniors with professional appearance May. Now what? and an entrepreneurial spirit for permanent positions only. We will provide a training pro gram that sets standards in the industry. Average income for our first- year Associates is S42,000. Senior Associates average $105,000. We will be on your campus Friday. March 30th. Contact your campus Placement Office for details. SFG SOUTHWEST FINANCIAL GROUP An Equal Opportunity Employer Join the Fun Crew! l Pizzaworks ^ Taking applications for the all types of fun crew posi tions FUN COOKS, FUN CLERKS, FUN ROLLERS, FUN DRIVERS. Apply Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m., 326 Jersey. Clown Costumes Optional. 12113 SYSTEMS ANALYST Responsible for analysis, de sign, and implementation of administrative data proc essing application. Substantial computer programming, pre ferably with experience and COBOL required. INTERVIEW BY AP POINTMENT Texas A&M University at Gal veston Personnel Office (409) 766-3319 An Equal Employment Oppor tunity Affirmative Action Employt yer I20t5 Long Term Care Ombudsman to work in pro gram for the elderly. Must have own car. Col lege degree and experience working with el derly in social services and/or nursing homes required. Mail resume to Area Agency on Ag ing, Brazos Valley Development Council, PO Drawer 4128, Bryan, Texas 77805-4128. Ap plication deadline is March 30, 1984. 117t6 SWENSEN’S: Now interviewing for PART- TIME COOKS, FOUNTAINEERS, DISHWASHERS AND WAIT PERSONS. Flexible hours, com petitive wages. Apply in person at Culpepper Plaza, College Station. Now hiring restaurant help at FARMER’S MARKET BAK ERY AND DELI. Full and part- time shifts available. Cashier and restaurant experi ence required. Apply in person. 2700 Texas Avenue, Bryan. THE INTERURBAN needs WAITRESSE, HOSTESES AND BARTENDERS. Must be neat in appearance, and must have experience. Apply between 2:00 and 4:00 or before 10:30. 120t4 » ADVERTISING DIRECTOR wanted for four- ‘ color magazine of Southwestern association. ' Must be highly sales-motivated and possess cre- ( ativity in building ads. College or other special- i ized training/experience in display advertising, * marketing or public relations required; knowl- : edge of or interest in horses preferred. Send re- ' sumes to Anne Lang, Editor, TEXAS THOR- l OUGHBRED Magazine, P.O. Box 14967, i Austin, Texas 78761. 122t2 WANTED TEXAS COIN EXCHANGE Now Selling loose di amonds for Aggie rings and other personal jewelry. For best prices be sure to check with us. Never a sale, just best re tail price in town. Yes, you can layaway. 8 pt $46.00 10 pt $57.50 20 pt $150.00 Setting additional $25.00 404 University Dr. 3202-A Texas Ave. (Across from El Chico, Bryan) 846-8916 » ■■■! II ■ Iff™ 20 SPECIAL NOTICE * AUMin’s best selection * books. Free lists. Alpha ; 29th. Aiisiin. 7870.-). >1 sheet i Music (it iiitMc and son**; •liter, b 1 I West I l7t«S FOR RENT RESERVE YOUR SUMMER STORAGE NOW Don’t get stuck! Call: 775-5870 RAC RAT MINI STORAGE B.B. Scasta, Inc. NEW MINI WARE HOUSES Sizes available 5x5 to 10x30 THE STORAGE CENTER 3007 Longmire College Station (near Ponderosa Motel and Brazos Valley Lumber) 764-8238 or 696-4203 696-5487 75tfn A 3 bedroom, 2 bath near TAMU, washer/dryer in cluded. $495/mo. 696-7714 or 693-0982 after 6p.m. 696-4384 75tfn —f Available April 1st 3bdrm. 4- plex 2 bath w/washer & dryer. $375.00. Near TAMU; avail able now 2bdrm. 2-plex 1 bath walk to TAMU, $275.00. Call 272-8422. n7tio Sublet 1 bdrm. studio apt. $275/mo., shuttle, 800sq. ft., 696-6839, 845-1839, 696-5<X)l. 122tl SERVICES ON THE DOUBLE All kinds of typing at reasonable rates. Dissertations, theses, term papers, resumes. Typing and copying at one stop ON THE DOUBLE 331 University Drive. 846-3755. 9itfn TYPING Reports, dissertations, term papers, re sumes. WORD PROCESSING Rea sonable rates. Executive Secretarial Services at Main entrance to A&M on Texas Avenue, 121 Walton, 696-3785. 107118 TYPING All kinds. Let us type your proposals, dissertations reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. BUSINESS & COMMUNICATION SERVICES 100 W. Brookside 846-5794 92158 TYPING. Your choice of styles. Fast, reliable, experienced. 693-8537, 693-6483 122t24 Quality Typing. Term papers, Theses. Fast turnaround. Call Marilyn. 693-7515. 9 - 7 p.m. 12U25 Expert typing, word processing. All work guar anteed. Error free. PERFECT PRINT. 822- 1430 120t5 Tvning. Symbols. Rubber stamps. No job too small. 82.3-7723.’ LL22 WORD PROCESSING,846-3833. WORD PROCESSING: Dissei taiions. Manuscripts. Transcriptions. Reports |);i|k i s. 779-7N6S. Typing. Reports, Research Papers, Education Units, etc. Near campus. 696-0914 118tl0 GAYLINE-current events, peer counseling, re- ferrals. 775-1797 (5PM-midnight) 119t3 PERSONAL^ ADOPTION: Childless couple sill give shite in fant loving home, security. Expenses paid. Le gal. Collect 201 -494-9261 120t6 New credit card! No one refused! Also informa tion on receiving VISA, MASTERCARD with no credit check. Free brochure. Call 602-951- 1266 extension 505. 122t2 ROOMMATE WANTED Male/Female roommate SI62.50. Big duplex own bedroom, 696-7978, 845-5095. 119t5 LOST LOST: Gold Emerald and diamond bracelet. High Sentimental value. Please call Jill, 846-0373 118t5 FOR SALE Buick LeSabre custom, 77, power brakes, power steering, air, AM/FM radio, cruise, $2100.00, 823-7883. 122t5 ‘80 Suzuki GS550L, windshield, backrest, and rack, 14,000 miles, S1595, O.B.O., 693-8308. 1 19tl0 Page 12/The BattalionAVednesday, March 28, 1984 1-40 radar trap used to make drug busts United Press International AMARILLO — A Texas Highway Patrol trooper, armed with know-how from his New Mexico counterparts, has bagged his third major drug ar rest in less than a month with a radar trap on Interstate 40. Trooper Wayne Williams, 30, an eight-year patrol veteran, ar rested a Florida couple Monday bound for California carrying 160 pounds of marijuana. Williams said Interstate 40 has become a major trade route for drugs headed from Florida to the West Coast. On March 3, Williams seized $800,000 worth of cocaine and arrested two suspects, and 1 Va weeks later Williams seized $110,000 in marijuana and ar rested a man, along with a woman and two juveniles who were later released. Williams attributes the streak, all on a radar trap two miles west of Amarillo, to a briefing by New Mexico state police advisers in December. “They were advising us on certain things to look for,” he said. “Primarily the suspects will be Colombians or Cubans, driv ing certain types of vehicles, bearing plates from certain states.” He said the technique is to stop suspect vehicles for a traf fic offense — speeding, usually — and size up the occupants. If they appear nervous, he in quires further. “We will not stop them unless there is some traffic offense,” he said. “They’ll hang me in court unless I have reason to stop them. “We only see a car for maybe 20 seconds. Speeding is mostly what we see. We find other vio lations after the initial stop.” At some point, Williams asks for consent to search the car. In Monday’s arrest, once con sent to search was given, he found 16 foil-lined cardboard boxes containing marijuana in the trunk. The suspects were in jail awaiting arraignment Monday. We buy, sell, and repair used trucks Pickups-Plus 512 W. Carson 775-6708 RL.ITT THEATRES Mon r n III 6pm 1 st 30 minutes of the 1st feature of the day Saturday A Sunday Senior Citl/ens (65 A over) Anytime Students all day Friday All Seats Tuesday POST OAK MALL CINEMAS 764-06 16 5:15-7:35-9:45 'RACING WITH THE NOON” (PO) 5:10-7:15-9:30 ■UNFAITHFULLY YOURS’ 5:00-7:30-10:00 ‘AGAINST ALL ODDS’ CINEMA 3 3 15 COLL EGE NORTH 846-6714 8:00 ON LY (NO DISC) 8 Academy Nominations Bast Supporting Actor Sam Shappard “THE RIGHT STUFF” (PG) 5:00-7:30-9:45 "TANK” (PG) 5:15-7:45-9:50 'UNCOMMON VALOR" <R) s SCHULMAN THEATRES SH OFF ADULT TICKETS | 1»t SHOW SAT .-SUN STUDENT DISC. MON.-WED. s 2 WITH I.D. SCHULMAN 6 2002 E.29th 775-2463 775-2468 7:20 9:40 REAR WINDOW 7:25 9:45 FOOTLOOSE 7:20 9:40 POLICE ACADEMY 7:15 9:35 THE PRODIGAL 7:30 9:50 BASKET CASE 7:35 9:55 CHILDREN OF THE CORN MANOR EAST III Manor East Mall 823-8300 7:15-9:35 ICE PIRATES 7:20 9:40 NEVER CRY WOLF 7:25-9:45 SPLASH FIND IT IN THE WM7 FOR SALE For Sale by owner. Clean 1975 Champion 14x64 mobile home. 2 bedroom 2 bath. Fully under pinned, deck, fully furnished, central refrigerated air, heat, and complete home laundry. Lot 71 Belaire mobile park Call collect (915) 692-2339 or local in Bryan, Texas 779-8824.izots ’79 Toyota Supra. AC, PS, PB, PW, TiH, AM/FM stereo, low miles. $6500 or best offer. Call Brad at 696-9284. 12213 ’77 Fiat convertible 124 Spi- der, 5-spd., AM/FM cassette $2400. Sony 9 pc. remote control ste reo system 3 mo. old, $1400.00, 696-8034 12212 Honda 650, 1980, Windjammer, saddlebags, backrest, $1800, excellent condition, 696-3655 122t5 Krueger claims his lead is solid United Press International AUSTIN — Former Rep. Bob Krueger cited two inde pendent polls Tuesday that he says give him a solid lead over his rivals for the Democratic nomination for the Senate. The polls cited by Krueger were commissioned by Rep. Phil Gramm, who is running for nomination for GOP Sen. John Tower’s Senate seat, and New York pollster Arthur J. Finkelstein. The Gramm poll showed Krueger with 37 percent of the sample, Doggett with 13 per cent, and Hance with 7 percent. Finkelstein’s poll gave Krueger 45.8 percent of the sample, Doggett, 15.4 percent, and Hance, 7.7 percent. Krueger said he was aware that reporters are “wary of poli ticians who come bearing their own polls,” but that his cam paign had no connection with the Gramm and Finkelstein polls. “If these figures are even close to being correct, I think they indicate two things,” Krueger said. “Thirty-eight days out (from the May 5 pri mary), and after many months of campaigning, the other two major candidates have not at tracted broad or deep support. Second, the people of Texas do not like the negative campaigns that Lloyd Doggett and Kent Hance have run.” Krueger referred to his own poll by George Shipley & Asso ciates of Austin thatshowed two-thirds of the samp/e consid ered attacks by Doggett and Hance to be unfair and that the positive ratings of Doggett and Hance had declined while their negative ratings had increased. What’s up WEDNESDAY AUDIO ENGINEERING GROUP: Steve Hodge, be demonstrating the new Crown TEF Analyzer at J p.m. in Rudder Auditorium, (/all Bruce Thornioil 693-4579 or Erich Friend at 779-1929 for moreinfo t[ii tion. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION: A daily luncheon,, Bible study will be conducted on MWF from p.m. and on TTH from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in! of the Academic Building. Contact Mike Jack atyl 7722 for more information. BETA ALPHA PSI: A professional meeting ivith, resentatives from Arco will be held at 6:45 p in. ini Ramada Inn Penthouse. A reception will follow. CAP AND GOWN HONOR SOCIETY: There» a meeting at 7 p.m. in 607 Rudder Tower. New of will be elected. Call Lauren Specht at 260-0018lore information. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE: A workshop will be I 6:30 p.m. in 100 Heldenfels for those students i ested tn a career in biology. ENGINEERING STUDENTS GOING TO ROPE: An informational meeting will be heidato in 342 Zachry. This meeting is open to all students^ ing to participate in the trip to Europe, Mav 10-30.F| more information, call Luann Morris at 84 5*7270. FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIAN ATHLETES:j meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in 145 of the MSC.I freshments will be served. Call Matt Darwin at 260-3t for more information. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIO Dr. Barlow will discuss “Hunger in the World”ati p.m. in 201 of the MSC. For more information, conn Aldo C. Lopez at 693-8228. METHODIST STUDENT MOVEMENT: Alunchai Bible study will be conducted at noon in the We Foundation (behind Pizza Hut). Bring lunch or $!i sandwiches. Another lunch and Bible study will be I on Thursday at 12:30 p.m. For more information.c 846-4701. « PEER ADVISOR PROGRAM: Applications forjJ advisor are available in 108 YMLA, the MS(/.mall Pavilion. The deadline for applications is April IS.fil more information, call the Department of Student .J fairs at 845-5826. PHI ETA SIGMA: A new member induction tereraoi will be held at 7 p.m. in 301 Rudder Tower. Evena who has been invited and did not attend Monday’s c “Our campaign, which has emphasized partnership, not at tack, is solid,” he said. WOMEN’S MEDICAL CENTER OF NW HOUSTON Problem Pregnancy? •Early pregnancy testing •Abortion services through 18+ weeks •Private practice setting •Confidential counseling/Teen-age care ■Surgical sterilization (tubal ligation) •Birth control information •Ultrasound evaluation •Complete GYN care by a Board-Certified Gynecologist 713-440-1796 Robert P. Kaminsky, M.D. Medical Director 17115 Red Oak Drive, Suite 209 (near Houston Northwest Medical Center Hospital) ATTENTION ALL GENERAL STUDIES STUDENTS PLEASE COME BY 101 ACADEMIC BUILDING TO PICK UP YOUR PRE-REGISTRATION WORKSHEET. mony, should plan to attend! Officers will be elei Call Dinna Orina at 260-0168 for more informadoa PRE-VET SOCIETY: There will be a meeting at 7 ^ in 109 Military Sciences Building. Officer elections* be conducted. Call Bryan Turner at 260-3871 fornwij information. I $ p.m. in 601 Rudder Tower. Contact Anne Hardin! more information. SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB: Demo |U nips will beg at 6 p.m. on the polo fields. There will be a meetinij 701 Rudder Tower at 8 p.m. for anyone interested! skydiving. Call Sieve. Dan or joe ai 823-061 fi for m information. STUDENT GOVERNMENT ELECTION C0M& SION: Spring elections will continue through it* from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. in the MSC Main Lounge, the I ion, and Sbisa. For more information, call Laura ail 8344. TAMU STUDENT CHAPTER OF I.T.E.: Mi Goode, state engineer-director for the Texas Hig Department, will speak at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachry more information, call Bryan Stampley at 84 5-9881 TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: There will It meeting at 8:30 p.m. in Rudder Tower. Last week Vi; tocross winners, the “Tour de Force Rallye”, and Agjt cross XVI will be discussed. Call Donna at 846-686L Kristi at 76-4-7889 for more information. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: A candlel communion service (Lenten services) will be conduft at 10 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact Pastor Hubert Bed' more information. State will loan UT ^ confiscated gems United Press International /Tracor CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Tracor is where you’ll like your work as much as you’ll like Austin, Texas. There are a lot of things to like about Austin. The finest in per forming arts, sports, year-round outdoor activity, and a marvel ously relaxed lifestyle—it’s quality living. And, at Tracor, you’ll like your work as much as you like Austin. Tracor is involved in some of the most exciting and challenging electronic systems in the world and also offers the stability of long-term military and commercial contracts, plus salaries and benefits to compare with the best anywhere. BSEE/BSME/BSIE There are immediate opportunities in the Product Assurance Division for individuals seeking a career in Quality Engineering. These positions work closely with Design and Manufacturing Engineering. The selected individuals will be responsible for the preparation and maintenance of a Quality Assurance program at the project level to assure product quality for various military and FAA programs. Additional responsibilities include vendor selection and control, statistical analysis, problem solving, and customer interface. COMPUTER SCIENCE/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING There are immediate opportunities in the Product Assurance Division for individuals seeking a career in Software Quality Engineering. These positions work closely with Software Design and Quality Engineering. The selected individuals will be respon sible for preparing and maintaining quality software programs at the project level. Duties include review of software design, code, specification, and test procedures to verify compliance with requirements. Some programming or quality management of information systems will be required. For immediate consideration, please forward your resume to: Professional Staffing, Dept. CRI-11, Tracor Aerospace, 6500 Tracor Lane, Austin, TX 78721. We are an equal opportunity employer m/f/h/v. U.S. citizenship is required. Airstream Sift, on shuttle bus route. Great for single or couple. 775-6477. 110tl5 Tracor AUSTIN — Several thou sand dollars worth of gems and pearls, which the state confis cated in the 1960s, will be loaned to the University of Texas for use in a geology course. State Treasurer Ann Rich ards said Tuesday that UT will keep the gems and pearls until the rightful owners claim them. But Richards said it is ~ the owners of the ge®B ei JfflF 1 forge Bet K pearls will ever be cause the gems were pan 111 loot confiscated in ttaf^etb 1960s from a thief whodf , lU 1 the El Paso CountyJaik 1^° c * w i ft Pr-rxCoccrtr tvluai Pf orge UT Professor EdwaiL „ Jonas, who teaches a comB 1n gem minerals, selecte<W a)lle ! items for their uniquen®! for their value as an addif the university’s collectioy Serving | Luncheon Buffet !1 Sandwich and / Soup Bar ■ Mezzanine Floor •; Sunday through Friday 1 11 a.m. to i :30 p.m. I Delicious Food \ Beautiful View Open to the Public| “Quality First”