The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 29, 1984, Image 9
ouncil upset over 3M plan; nnexation of area urged lergente i e away a ry styles i ! United Press International j: JUSTIN — City council members, upset because they were not notified of 3M Co.’s plans to build a major research center in an environmentally sensitive area of Austin, may , ; speed up limited annexation of d , b Uflsite. esera (y ounc jj members Mark Rose Tie sintdand Roger Duncan said they jdaqiirawillask the council Thursday to five r.|'strip” annex along the 150- war tjdacre site, which is only two miles ; 011R ii from Lake Travis. Euniti 'The limited annexation and Mi ing authority, but the city would not be required to extend utili ties and would collect no tax on the property. The 3M land is outside Aus tin’s city limits, but within the city’s 5-mile extraterritorial ju risdiction where it already en forces some density and water control standards. “I’m pretty upset that we didn’t have the opportunity to discuss that site with them,” Duncan said. “All the city plan ning structures are of no impor tance to the people who think they are in charge of this citVs growth — the developers, the banks, the Chamber of Com merce, the real estate brokers and now the governor’s office.” The announcement that 3M had chosen Austin for its new facility was made last week by Gov. Mark White and Lewis W. Lehr, chairman of the Minne sota-based company. “I was shocked,” council member Sally Shipman said. “They chose Austin because of the quality of life here, but if CURE urges ban on physicians’ articipation during executions Wednesday, February 29, 1984/The Battalion/Page 9 Foreman in hospital for reaction United Press International HOUSTON — Attorney Percy Foreman, known for de fending notorious people in the last 60 years, was listed as being in fair condition Tuesday in a hospital, where doctors are watching him following an insu lin reaction. Foreman, 81, was rushed by ambulance from his law office Monday to the hospital, officials said. Foreman was placed in the coronary care unit at Hermann Hospital, but a close friend said the flamboyant lawyer was “doingjust fine.” “He’s calling for cases and files and wants to work out of his hospital room,” said the friend, who asked not to be named. Foreman takes insulin to treat diabetes, a condition he has had for about 40 years. Officials estimate he could remain in the hospital for up to three weeks. Foreman, who received his law degree in 1927 from the University of Texas, rep resented James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Lu ther King Jr. He also was the at torney for Jack Ruby, suspected of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, forthree days, but he dropped the case following a squabble with Ruby’s family. Ray fired Foreman and ac cused him of railroading him ' into the guilty plea to boost sales of a book being published about the trial. In one of his most publicized cases, he successfully defended socialite Candace Mossier and her nephew, Melvin Lane Pow ers, accused in the 1964 slaying of Mossler’s millionaire hus band, Jacques Mossier, in Mi ami. Mossier and Powers went free, but haggled for years with Foreman over his fees. With an associate, Foreman defended Lilia Paulus, one of the principals in the John Hill murder case, a grisly subject Tommy Thompson wrote about in his best seller “Blood and Money.” Paulus was con victed and sentenced to 35 years. Charles Treger Andre Watts Violin-Piano Duo Tuesday, March 6 viSC < 4r OPAS ELEVEN Ticket Info: 845-1234 IS we’re going to maintain that quality of life we’re going to have to aggressively pursue ma naging our growth. “And how can we do that if there’s no effort to open the lines of intergovernmental com munication?” she added. Shipman said she would have preferred that 3M build in the so-called Interstate 35 growth corridor, noting the company’s site has no water or sewers and an inadequate road system. United Press International AUSTIN — A prison reform 1/ group Tuesday urged the y Irexas Medical Association to ' forbid physicians to participate «. in any way in executions, claim- ing the mere presence of a doc tor in the death chamber was I immoral. i^||HCurrent TMA rules allow I vl physicians to be present at exe cutions “for the sole purpose of woul^, nterptii' 1 piitpoj nostof^i jpablc 14 ' y 0UC f l! for ^ ihitf 111 o» 1 ft pronouncing legal death.” However, officials of the group Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants claimed a former Texas Depart ment of Corrections physician overstepped the rules by partic ipating in the execution by in jection of Charlie Brooks in De cember 1982. CURE lawyer Barry Odell said Dr. Ralph E. Gray acted immorally when he inspected Brooks’ veins prior to the exe cution, checked the inmate’s eyes and chest for signs of death and possibly wrote the prescrip tion for the drugs used to kill Brooks. “The obvious fact is that Dr. Gray wasn’t there solely to pro nounce legal death,” Odell said at a Capitol news conference. “...Dr. Gray examined Charlie Brooks while he was receiving the lethal injection into his body. “The purpose of having a doctor there is to ensure the success of the execution, not to declare a person legally dead.” A county medical society ruled Cray, who retired from TDC shortly after Brooks’ exe cution, acted properly and within the bounds of TMA rules. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. 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